Your Guide to Tarot and Numerology

Death Tarot Meanings Thirteen

Numerology can be a key to unlocking an even deeper level of meaning for your cards.

Explore how the mystical world of numerology could help you expand your Tarot reading practice. Add more meaning and depth to your readings and get more out of the cards than you ever thought possible.

WORDS: Cat Crawford

IMAGE: Egor Myznik


When I teach energetic Tarot I always mention the many different symbologies we can draw meaning from. Tarot and numerology are one of the first things I break down for my students. This is because it was the key that unlocked so many more meanings and understanding for me personally.

By understanding the esoteric meanings of the numbers 1-9 I managed to differentiate between cards that had previously seemed the same and found meanings in cards that I only had a surface level understanding of. 

When you think of any esoteric practices, there will be a way to link them to your Tarot readings. Whether it’s astrology, Kabbalah or alchemy, all of these different threads can be tied together. Numerology is just the beginning rabbit hole you can go down.

If you want to learn more about numerology with Tarot and how to use it, keep reading. Plus, make sure to share the infographic so more people can discover the power of numerology within the Tarot.

What is Tarot numerology?

Tarot numerology is how we find meaning in the numbers that are assigned to the cards. The major arcana are numbered 0-21 and the minor arcana run from 1 or ace to 10. Understanding the numerological meanings of these numbers can help us dig even deeper into the meanings of the cards.

The way I teach Tarot numerology is a Westernised version. If you’re more interested in Eastern ideologies, you might want to research those numerological meanings. Although there may be some similarities, there are also a lot of differences.

In numerology, we start with the first nine numbers. These are single digits and form the very foundations of all numerology. If we are working with a card that has double digits, we add the digits together until we have reduced that card’s number back down to a single digit.


In the major arcana, The Sun card is assigned the number 19 because it is the 19th card in the majors. To find its numerological meaning we have to perform the following equations.

1+9=10 > 1+0=1

The numerological value of The Sun card is therefore the number 1. We can then look at the numerological properties of that number and apply them to our interpretation of the card.

How do we use numerology in Tarot readings?

How you choose to use numerology within your Tarot readings is completely up to you. If you feel quite comfortable with the properties of the numbers 1-9 then you might want to make it a staple of your readings.

If you like to lean on other ideologies and theories in your readings then you might decide to use just a sprinkling of numerology.

The key to using numerology effectively in Tarot reading is to learn how to apply numerological meanings to your Tarot interpretations. Numerology shouldn’t eclipse all other intuitive messages you’ve received from the cards, it should elevate and deepen those meanings.


You get the Eight of Swords in your future position and you feel like this is a sign that you’re really building strong and stable narratives for yourself. Clearing limiting beliefs and allowing yourself to thrive without limitations.

In numerology, the number eight has the properties of resourcefulness and hard work to create security long-term.

The properties of the number eight shouldn’t take over from that initial meaning. Instead, it should add to it like so…

The Eight of Swords is a sign that you’re really building strong and stable narratives for yourself. Clearing limiting beliefs and allowing yourself to thrive without limitations. You’ve worked hard to clear these beliefs and rewrite your inner schemas. It’s been a hard road but you’re starting to see your work paying off in how you think and feel about yourself.

Tarot Numerology Infographic

The Number Zero

The Fool Tarot Meanings Zero

There is one number that we can easily overlook in numerology and that is the number zero. This is probably because it quite literally symbolises nothing.

Zero appears first on The Fool’s major arcana card. Here it represents infinity, a concept not yet made flesh. There is limited potential in zero but also nothing at all. It’s a paradox of a number.

Even though it’s often overlooked, it’s one of the most powerful. The circle of the zero shows us that cycles exist on all plains of being. There is power in circles, it brings people together, and it can be used for protection, attraction and summoning. Never forget the zero.

Numerology meanings in Tarot

Although I’ve talked about how we tend to reduce double digits down until they fit nicely into a single-digit meaning, there are other ways we can approach numerology in Tarot.

For example, we could see each digit as its own energy, just like we do when we’re doing a Tarot reading. We can then read each individual property of each digit exactly like we would the Tarot cards.


You pick a past and a present card to assess your day and see how you can move things forward over the next 24 hours. You get the Three of Pentacles and The Hanged Man.

You can either read the spread like this:

3+12=15 > 1+5=6this gives you a single number that represents the reading as a whole, so your reading’s number would be 6, the number of love and achievement. You can then use that information to deepen this two-card reading, thinking about how love or achievement might be able to play a role in what you choose to do in the present.

Or, you could read it like this:

3 & (1+2=3)this way is a little more complex. You would apply the properties of the number three to the Three of Pentacles. Then you would look at The Hanged Man’s number 12 and add the two digits together to get three and again apply the number three’s properties to the hanged man.

Or finally, like this:

3 & (1&2) – this way avoids any mathematics completely. Instead, you read each digit as its own entity. So you would apply the properties of the number three to the Three of Pentacles as normal. Then, for The Hanged Man, you would look at the properties of the number one and the number two and see how they work together energetically.

The number one is the number of creation and the number two is the number of harmony and balance. You could combine those meanings to give you a complete meaning of creating more harmony and balance in life in your interpretation of The Hanged Man.

To see the properties of the numbers 0-9, take a look at the infographic I’ve created below. Use this whenever you want to add numerological meanings to your readings.

If you’re looking to create a deeper and more connected Tarot reading routine, make sure you grab a copy of my Energetic Tarot Journal. There is space to log your reading numerology so you can go back and reflect or work into meanings more intensely.

How To Celebrate World Tarot Day & My Story

How To Celebrate World Tarot Day & My Story

World Tarot Day is close at hand; if you’re unaware, I’m here to introduce it to you. Get ready to learn about what this day represents, how you can celebrate it and I’ll let you in on my Tarot journey so far.  

What is World Tarot Day? 

World Tarot Day was founded not too long ago back in 2003 by Den Elder. It celebrates the rebirth of a new world of Tarot, modernised and ready to serve us in a more personal way. 

Many emerging Tarot readers today are fighting to bring the world of Tarot to a new light. We want to show people how powerful a tool Tarot can be. Not for future telling or prediction, but for understanding the present and self more fully. 

When is World Tarot Day? 

World Tarot Day takes place every year on the 25th of May. What’s more, 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of World Tarot Day! 

It’s also a global event, not just found in the UK or Us, but it can be celebrated worldwide. 

How can you celebrate it? 

The very best way to celebrate this day is to spend time with your Tarot cards. Carve out time to cleanse them, use them or journal with them. Maybe even treat yourself to a new deck (like we really need an excuse).

If you’re really struggling to think of a way to spend World Tarot Day, then here are a few suggestions to get the ball rolling. 

  1. Use the hashtag #worldtarotday on your social media posts and share your daily reading, favourite deck or chat about why you love Tarot so much. 

  2. Gift a deck to someone else. Maybe there’s someone in your life that would love their own Tarot cards, or maybe you want to pass down your deck to someone close to you. 

  3. Reach out to other Tarot lovers. Whether it’s joining a community on Facebook or reaching out to your favourite Tarot readers online. 

  4. Learn one new thing about the cards. It might be what astrological sign is linked to them, maybe you learn more about the Fool’s Journey? Think about what areas of Tarot you could look more deeply into. 

  5. Give yourself a Tarot reading. What better day to take advantage of this global Tarot energy than to do a reading? 


Get the Tarot For Reconnection Workshop & the Energetic Tarot Journal in one easy bundle.

Why Tarot means so much to me personally

As a visual learner, I always found understanding more academic subjects difficult. That’s one of the reasons I never studied psychology after I left school. I wanted to and it was an area that interested me greatly, but I really struggled in an academic environment. 

For me, Tarot has given me a visual and emotional way to explore psychology and more importantly, my own psychology. 

As someone who is a lifelong sufferer of depression and anxiety, Tarot has offered me a way to not only manage my mental health but to understand it. It’s this understanding that has opened up so many doors for me.   

I can run myself as many baths, have holidays and have someone tell me what’s wrong until the cows come home. For me to actually be able to make actual changes to my well-being, I need to be aware of what’s going on inside my own head. For me, Tarot is that telescope and mirror that I need to see what’s happening. 

For me, Tarot is a more hands-on way to process information. It has given me the ability to take back control of parts of myself that I had so often felt was completely out of my control. 

So for me, this World Tarot Day is all about saying thank you to this tool. I want to thank the Tarot for always being there when I need it most and to continue to help me understand this crazy thing we call life!

Why is Tarot Trending Again?

Why is Tarot Trending Again? 

Why is Tarot trending again? Over the last few years, we’ve seen a Tarot renaissance. More decks than ever are being produced and we can now find decks on the shelves of mainstream shops such as Urban Outfitters and Waterstones. 

The question is, why has it popped back up? Why now and how has it changed since the early 20th century?   

Discovering Tarot Self-Care 

One of the ways Tarot has made a modern name for itself is through the increased focus on self-care. As a society, we now make our mental and spiritual well-being a priority. Tarot readings can be important tools for this kind of work. 

Alongside things like journaling, Tarot has the ability to help us better understand our own thoughts and feelings. The cards allow us to dive into why we feel a certain way and can help us create a more balanced lifestyle. 

One of the main ways I use my knowledge of the Tarot is energy balance. I know how to identify when I need more of a certain energy in my life. 

For example, over the last few months, I’ve been very focused on education and work. There’s been a big emphasis on mental energy, but that means creative energy has taken a backseat. 

I started to notice that I was becoming increasingly frustrated with my day-to-day routines. I always had this feeling of needing some sort of excitement, something different to shake things up. 

This was because I was out of balance, neglecting heart-centred energy in favour of mental energy. I was burning out because I wasn’t giving any time to the things that help me feel connected with life in general.  

Realising the Link Between Tarot and Psychology

Tarot and psychology have been linked for over 100 years. The influence of Carl Jung and his archetypes on the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot deck provides many of the card meanings we still use today. 

Understanding and using psychology within a Tarot reading can open up even more doors for introspection. It gives us a way to be our own sounding board.

Especially in the UK, access to things like counselling and therapists can be tricky. Although Tarot should never be used in place of professional help, it can bridge the gap. 

For me, I found my way to Tarot reading through a need to manage my mental health. I was travelling at the time so my access to medical services was limited. The Tarot was like a bandage that supported me and kept me in control until I could create a more stable routine. 

It’s not only our own psychology it can help us understand. Tarot can also help us better understand the behaviours of others. We can see how someone’s actions cause our own reactions. We can better understand how the world works and pivot our own goals and actions to create the best result.  

Tarot Influencers Boosting Tarot Card Popularity

The use of social media and things like podcasting has played a huge role in the boom of Tarot. With influencers, designers and authors gaining much more exposure than they would have just 30 years ago. 

Some of the top Tarot names currently are: 

Melinda Lee Holm 

Grace Duong 

Nyasha Williams 

Jessica Dore

Raven Lani

Biddy Tarot

Hay House books have also played their role. This publishing company are one of the biggest publishers of Tarot and spiritual books worldwide. 

There are now more ways than ever to get stuck into Tarot. Online courses and tutorials, books and more can help anyone with the passion to learn to find their own way of reading. 

Something that’s really nice about the online Tarot community is you get a better idea of the different ways of reading Tarot. 

Before, you wouldn’t be blamed for thinking there was only one set way to read Tarot. With all these different readers offering tips and information, people now have a much better understanding of what they can use the cards for. 

An Emerging Need for Spirituality

If I had to condense down the answer to ‘Why is Tarot trending again?’ I would say this. Tarot is trending again because we need it now more than ever. 

We are overloaded with information about the world. The news reports on nothing but death and disaster and it’s no longer just news of your local area, now it’s global. We now get asked to pay attention to every single negativity happening 24/7. 

It’s fantastic that more and more people are looking for ways to help and support others. However, spending all your time fighting for others or even fighting other people’s battles, disconnects you from your own. This allows them to build strength and that’s where problems can arise. 

The beauty of Tarot reading is that it is deeply personal. Even sitting down to give yourself a quick reading is making time to press pause and just check in with how things are going. It allows you more energy and understanding to ensure you’re in tip-top condition and never pouring from an empty cup. 

Tarot is trending because the world needs a tool that reconnects and grounds in the present.

Repeating Cards In Your Readings, What Does It Mean?

Repeating Cards In Your Readings, What Does It Mean?

repeating cards in your readings

If you read Tarot regularly for yourself, you may have noticed repeating cards popping up. Repeating cards in your readings is very common, but they can be hard to decipher for yourself. 

I always imagine that repeating Tarot cards are shouting at me. Like when you write something in all caps to make a point. But, it really depends on the context of the reading. 

Below, I’ve pulled together some common FAQs to help you decipher what repeating Tarot cards means for you.  

What do repeating Tarot cards signify? 

If you’re thinking ‘Why do I keep getting the same Tarot cards?’ then there may be something that you are avoiding or that is still to be processed. 

When we think of Tarot as energy, it becomes easier to understand why certain cards are hanging around. A card holds a certain kind of energy and if it keeps showing up time and time again, it means that the energy is still there. 

If you interpret the card as something negative, then it could mean you’re yet to process or overcome this energy. 

If you interpret the Tarot card as something positive, it may need a bit longer to come to fruition or it may need to hang around for a bit longer for your benefit. 

When you get repeating cards in your readings, make a note of them. Make sure to really dive into them through journaling, to better understand what messages are trying to be delivered. 

What does it mean if I get repeating numbers in a Tarot reading? 

Numerology is one of the key theories we use to interpret the Tarot cards. Messages trying to be delivered through numerology will often appear as repeating numbers. Think about angel numbers like 1111 and what that signifies. 

In the Tarot it means something very similar. All twos for example may be interpreted as big decisions needing to be made or even a better balance to be struck. 


Getting a Two of Wands, a Two of Swords and Two of Pentacles could suggest a need to better balance mind, body and mental well-being.  

Treat your repeating numbers in a Tarot reading in the same way as angel numbers. It can help you to interpret them more clearly. 

Another example would be if you got all Aces in your reading all at the same time. Aces equal one in the Minor Arcana, meaning that they represent 1111. You can apply the angel number’s properties to your reading and see what you discover. 



What does it mean if I get repeated Major Arcana cards in each reading? 

The Major Arcana cards represent the major archetypes we encounter on our journey through life. If a specific archetype keeps appearing for you, it is a powerful presence in your life right now. 

The archetypes usually show up when something needs to shift. It might be something within ourselves or something within our material world. We’re never the same after encountering an archetype. 

I like to visualise the archetype on the card standing in my way. It will block me from moving past, which gives me the opportunity to ask why. I can spend some time with just that card and journal with it, finding the answers as to why this archetype is refusing to move. 

What does it mean if I get repeating Minor Arcana suits in my readings?   

There are a few different ways that the Minor Arcana can repeatedly show up. It may be in the form of suits, numbers or a single specific card. 

The most common is the suit. Getting the same suit time and time again in your readings shows you where your energy is sitting. 

  • If you have an abundance of cups, your energy is sitting in your heart space 

  • If you keep getting swords, then your energy is in your head space 

  • If you are getting more wands, then your energy is in your sacral and solar plexus space 

  • Finally, if you continuously get pentacles, then your energy is firmly in your root chakra space

You may get the same Minor Arcana card time and time again. This means that there is some sort of challenge or lingering energy that needs to be dealt with. 

Think about all the reasons why something may hover over us. It may be waiting, it might not be able to pass us by for some reason or it may be watching over us to keep us safe. 

Whenever you get a repeating Minor Arcana card ask yourself ‘Why might this be hanging around right now?’.

Think of repeating cards as house guests. If this card was a person who knocked on your door, what might they want? 

Are they welcome or unwelcome? Why is that? Start to dig into your relationship with that card’s energy in order to find the answers. 

The very best way to understand repeating cards in your readings is…

Tarot journaling. Keep a written record of all the readings you do and make sure to check back in with old readings to see if anything is reoccurring. 

You will never remember everything you experience in your readings. Memory is fickle, but the written word is concrete. It can more accurately portray information as it was at that exact moment. It also means you can look back on readings and find new meanings behind them. 

To help with this, make sure to take a look at my digital Tarot journal. My Tarot journal has been designed with weekly readings in mind and incorporates monthly check-ins too. It’s the perfect way to start and create a continuous Tarot reading practice.

The Swords Tarot Cheat Sheet

The Swords Tarot Cheat Sheet

A Minor Arcana Cheat Sheet: The Swords

One of the things I love most about the Tarot is how much there is to learn. However, it can be overwhelming. That’s why I thought I’d put together some cheat sheets for the Tarot cards. Today we start with the Swords Tarot cheat sheet. 

Below you’ll find a full-sized infographic that offers you all the information on the swords you need. 

What are the Swords in Tarot? 

The swords are one of the four minor arcana Tarot suits found in a traditional deck of Tarot cards. Within the swords Tarot suit, you will find a total of 14 cards. These range from pip cards (numbered cards) to court cards (page, knight, queen and king). 

The swords rule over our mental space. They can be linked with the top three chakras covering the crown, third eye and throat chakra. Knowing this helps us to visualise whereabouts in the body this energy sits. Giving us a better idea of what types of situations and actions the cards are referring to.  

The swords are also the element of air within the Tarot cards. This means that they can perfectly represent our intellect, mental processes and communication. Something that the first three chakras also have power over. 

What do the Tarot swords mean?

Below is a very brief overview of what each of the 14 Sword cards means within the Tarot. To find out more detailed meanings, you can find all of these cards and more in my full Tarot directory.

  • Ace of Swords: Offers a fresh dose of mental energy. This could be a new idea, a new mindset or a form of communication.

  • Two of Swords: The duality of the mind. It aligns with decision-making and needing to listen to the inner voice for guidance.

  • Three of Swords: Building mental resilience and strong lines of communication. It is an energy of growth and learning.

  • Four of Swords: Reflection and introspection. The stability of the four offers a stable footing for deep self-exploration and discovery.

  • Five of Swords: The humanity of intellect. It helps remind us of the complexities of being a sentient being with access to reams of information.

  • Six of Swords: The achievement of air. Having a mental breakthrough, a eureka moment. A card of success and realisations.

  • Seven of Swords: The spiritual connection with the physical mind. Understanding and being open to divine guidance in spite of the rational mind.

  • Eight of Swords: Long-term stability within the intellectual world. Forming healthy communication, thought process and mindfulness.

  • Nine of Swords: The abundance of intellect. Often linked with anxiety and overthinking. Allowing too much air energy to have control.

  • Ten of Swords: A need for a reset. Often linked with burnout and mental distress. A need to replenish the self or find a new challenge.

  • Page of Swords: Being open and ready to absorb new ideas and ways of thinking, communicating and planning. The novice of air.

  • Knight of Swords: Passionate communication or trains of thought. Not thinking things through and acting on un-fleshed-out ideas. 

  • Queen of Swords: The nurturer of intellect. Focusing on ideas, plans, and strategies and allowing them the room and sustenance to grow.

  • King of Swords: The intellect of the mind. Pure information, ideas and communication. Often without substance.

Sword tarot cards often get a bad rep as they can often be read negatively. However, there’s a lot you can glean about the self from the sword cards. Swords represent our very essence. The thoughts we have day to day, the inner dialogue we listen to. 

Never underestimate the power of a Swords Tarot card.

The Swords Tarot Cheat Sheet: View It Here

How To do a Tarot Reading On Yourself

How To Do a Tarot Reading on Yourself

How To do a Tarot Reading On Yourself

One of the hardest things about Tarot reading is knowing how to do a Tarot reading on yourself. You would think it would be easier, but oh no. The more you have invested in the outcome, the harder it is to see the truth. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t do readings on yourself, it just means a different approach is needed. It means that you may have to put some pre-reading work in, to get the clearest and most objective reading possible. 

To help you out, here are a few of my top tips for reading for yourself. 

Tip 1: Check in with your current energy

Tarot effectively reflects your energy back to you visually. Whatever you’re thinking and feeling – whether it be subconsciously or consciously – are illustrated in the cards you pull. 

If you sit down to do a reading and you feel frazzled or burnt out, you’ll find it really hard to read. This is because there’s so much energy buzzing away without direction, even the cards can’t make sense of it. 


Tarot effectively reflects your energy back to you visually.


Similarly, if you feel emotionally delicate then doing a reading could send you spiralling even deeper if you interpret the cards negatively. It’s best to make sure that you are in as neutral a place as possible. This allows you to avoid any bias and see the truth of things without those rose-tinted or doom-tinted glasses.  

Tip 2: Decide what you want to get out of the reading

Sitting down to do a Tarot reading on yourself without a goal in mind, is like trying to read a book with no plot. You have to know where your end point is, and where you want to get to. Only then can the Tarot cards create a journey for you.  


Sitting down to do a Tarot reading on yourself without a goal in mind, is like trying to read a book with no plot.


This is why asking questions of the Tarot cards is so popular. You’re giving the reading a structure, which helps to create a narrative. Without it, all the messages seem jumbled and hard to decipher.  

Tip 3: Think metaphorically instead of literally 

This one took me a very long time to absorb. It doesn’t just apply to readings for the self, it also refers to reading for others. 

The cards are manifestations and sometimes personifications of the energy we find in the universe. When we take them literally, this becomes more prediction than interpretation.


The cards are manifestations and sometimes personifications of the energy we find in the universe.


Thinking of the characters and scenarios pictured on your Tarot cards as metaphorical can be a game changer. Suddenly you start to better understand the guidance and stop looking for the dictation. 

We interpret Tarot cards. We are the ones that take the information they offer us and create something the conscious mind understands. Not the other way around.  

Tarot For The Self | Bundle Offer

Reconnect with yourself with this exclusive bundle offer. Work through the Tarot For Reconnection Workshop and create a consistent Tarot Journaling routine with my Energetic Tarot Journal.

Tip 4: Pay attention to energetic balances

Our conscious minds are very good manipulators. However, it can’t change the facts of the four elements, which is why it’s so helpful to keep them in mind when reading. 


The elements provide facts that the conscious mind can’t easily dispute.


Integrating the correspondences of the element to the cards can help you better see balance and imbalances. For example, you may think you’re approaching a situation from a very air-based, strategic position. However, the cards say otherwise. The cards show more wand cards, which means you’re actually approaching things from a purely impulsive POV. 

The elements provide facts that the conscious mind can’t easily dispute. I’ve found focusing on these energy balances really helps me to step out of my own biased way of thinking.   

Tip 5: Choose a simple spread and focus on deep dives

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is thinking that the more cards, the better the reading. Choosing a spread that focuses on 2-3 cards in detail is much better than focusing on the surface-level meanings of 10+ cards. 


Choosing a spread that focuses on 2-3 cards in detail is much better than focusing on the surface-level meanings of 10+ cards. 


When we use smaller spreads we give ourselves more room to breathe. We allow for space for each card to have its moment, rather than jumping from one card to the next as quickly as possible, losing meaning in the process. 

Tip 6: Journal your Tarot readings

Off the back of that previous point, make sure to journal alongside your readings. If you struggle to journal when reading Tarot, why not try using my Tarot Journal which you can find in the shop? 


Journaling alongside your Tarot readings allows you time to dive deeper into their meanings.


Journaling alongside your Tarot readings allows you time to dive deeper into their meanings. You can really jot down all the thoughts, feelings, ideas and inspirations the cards offer you. Plus, it gives you a clear record of previous readings to refer back to. 

Tip 7: Take action on the guidance given to you

Finally, the bit everyone misses. Take action on your readings. 

Use the information and guidance the cards have helped you gather. There’s no point doing a reading if you’re only going to ignore everything it offers up to you. 


There’s no point doing a reading if you’re only going to ignore everything it offers up to you. 


This is where the Tarot journal comes in handy. In your journal, you can jot down bullet points of things you want to do or take action on, off the back of the reading. It’s a great way to work on goal setting and achievements. Especially if you have a passion project you’re working on or a soul-led business. 

Knowing how to do a Tarot Reading on Yourself is a Game Changer

Many people will learn to read Tarot for other people and that’s fantastic. But, knowing how to do a Tarot reading on yourself is something that can transform you. It gives you back a sense of personal power that we often struggle to reclaim. 

It can take some getting used to and you might have to find a new groove with your readings. It is possible though and I couldn’t recommend it more.

What Are the Minor Arcana Cards in a Tarot Deck?

What Are the Minor Arcana Cards in a Tarot Deck?

What are the minor arcana cards in a Tarot Deck? Well, they are the cards that make up the other 56 cards in a standard 78-card Tarot deck. These minor arcana cards are split into four groups or suits. Each suit has its own properties and by reading the suit we can get a better idea of what the card means. 

To help you better understand what the minor arcana really is and how to use it, here are some ‘need to know’ tips. 

The Elements and the Minor Arcana

With the four suits of the minor arcana come the four divine elemental energies. These are as follows: 

  • Water = Cups

  • Air = Swords

  • Fire = Wands

  • Earth = Pentacles/Coins

By understanding which element is paired with which suit, we get a better idea of its energy. We can start to better understand the context of the card and its impact on our situation. 


Knowing the elements of the minor arcana cards allows us greater insight into their area of expertise.


For example, say you are currently at a crossroads and need to know which avenue to take.

  • A sword card may suggest that the decision needs more thought or strategy behind it. Swords are the elemental energy of air, which means they rule our mentality, intellect and communication. 

  • A wands card may ask us to take a leap of faith and do what feels right, just do something. This is because wands are the element of fire and rule our personal power, actions and creativity. 

  • A cups card may ask us to follow our intuition and do what feels right in the moment. This is because cups are the element of water and therefore rule our emotional and intuitive selves.  

  • Finally, a pentacles or coin card may ask us to stop overthinking things and choose the safest option. This is because pentacles are the element of earth and rule our stability, material world and safety needs. 

Knowing the elements of the minor arcana cards allows us greater insight into their area of expertise. It is what separates their energies from each other. 

Want to find out how to use Tarot cards in a variety of different ways? Click here to find our more.

The Court Cards and Numbered Cards

Within any of the four Tarot suites, you’ll find the cards run from Ace to 10 and Page to King. This is reminiscent of the Tarot cards days as a simple card game. Knowing what the minor arcana cards in a Tarot deck are, means also understanding their history. 

In the very early days, the Tarot had ‘trump’ cards which are now the major arcana running from 0 to 21. The minor arcana had similarities to a standard deck of playing cards however. This means that each of the classic suits – hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades – were transformed into: 

  • The Cups = Hearts

  • The Swords = Spades

  • The Wands = Clubs

  • The Pentacles/Coins = Diamonds

Along with the suits, the Tarot also adopted the courts. These became the pages, knights, queens and kings. Just lie the numbered or ‘pip’ cards, the court cards also adopt the elemental energies of their respective suits. 

However, these court cards also contain a second energy. They are dual energy cards. This means their dominant energy is that of their suit, but there’s also the court energy which influences the direction of the suits energy. 

  • Kings = Air 

  • Queens = Water

  • Knights = Fire

  • Pages = Earth

When we read the court cards of the minor arcana, we have to acknowledge their duality. So, for example, a Queen of Wands will be the emotional aspect of our personal power and creativity. She may suggest a need for creative expression or to reclaim personal power that’s been lost. 

Another example would be the Page of Pentacles. This is still a dual energy card, but teaming earth with earth. 

This simply means that he is an extremely grounded card. His energy is heavy and he suggests a need to get right back to basics. To explore your very foundations and do a full survey of where there may be cracks. 

Minor Arcana Means Minor Lessons

One of the main things to understand with these cards is that they are the smaller baby steps. They require smaller adjustments and shifts to make a difference. Compared to the major arcana which are all about big life altering energies. 

The minor arcana are what we face day to day. It is the smaller lessons we learn in life. This is why we have more of them in a Tarot deck than we do of the major arcana. We face these things every day, whether it be consciously or subconsciously. 

Allow the major cards to set the tone or the theme of your readings. Use the minor arcana to build the meat, the action and plans that lead off the reading. 

Want to learn more about the individual minor arcana cards? Make sure to take a look at my free Tarot directory
If you’re looking to really get stuck in with the world of Tarot, why not check out my other freebies, courses and workshops?

How to Use Tarot For Self-Reflection

How to Use Tarot For Self-Reflection

Knowing how to use Tarot for self-reflection can blow personal development wide open. We are so disconnected from the self in these modern times, Tarot allows us to come back home to who we are at our core. It illustrates the soul. It shows you what you can’t see. It allows you access to the deepest parts of your psyche. 

But, how do you go about interpreting the cards? What do you need to be aware of and what are the practicalities of it? Do you need a daily draw? 

Use the Major Arcana to Understand Your Reactions 

The first 22 cards of a Tarot deck are the major arcana. These cards are the archetypal energies we come across as we move through life. These archetypes can make us face aspects of ourselves, ask questions and help us see the reality of a situation. 

You can use the major arcana for self-reflection by stepping toe to toe with its energy. Challenge it. Think about what you would do if this energy was a physical being in front of you. How would you confront it? What conversations would you have? Would your opinions differ or align? 

When we use the major arcana in this way, we can start to see how we would react. For example, you have just been offered two different jobs, both of which will take you down two different paths in your career. For guidance, you pull The Hermit major arcana card. 

The Hermit in this instance could be asking you whether you are thinking about what will benefit more than just your bank account. It may help you realise that there is actually a very clear and obvious answer to this tough decision. You go with the option that not only makes you feel like you’ll have a purpose but also the one that supports you in all areas of life. 

Maybe one of these options offers you more flexibility with your time, allowing you the freedom to pursue more personal interests. Maybe the same option is in a sector that interests you more. 

The self-reflection that comes with the major arcana is the reflection of our options. We can easily become blinded by tunnel vision. Something often created by fear, doubt and limiting beliefs. The archetypes in the majors, therefore, come up to us to help us confront those things and move past them. 

Use the Minor Arcana to Plan and Execute Your Actions 

When using Tarot for self-reflection, we can use the minor arcana to pull a plan together. After the major arcana has shown us the truth of our reactions, the minors can help us see what actions we’re willing to take. And, more importantly, which ones we aren’t. 

Too often people use self-reflection as a tool for procrastination. Endless introspection does nothing to move us forward or allow us to grow. It’s the actions we take after these moments of reflection that really get the work done. 

The minor arcana helps us reflect on our plans, strategy and actions. It helps us understand what to do and in some cases, why we’ve already done what we’ve done. 

The four key elements, air, fire, water and earth, are the tools of creation. So there’s no wonder they are present within the minor arcana in the Tarot. Laying out these four tools for us, we can get a better idea of what tools we’re most drawn to. 

If we use the example from above about the job decision, we can now apply the minors to it. Doing so, we are offered a number of different tools we can use to get the job done and get that job accepted and underway. Which tool you decide to use can say a lot about you as a person. For example (and these are just my feelings, yours may be different):

  • If you feel more drawn to the fiery energy of the wands, you are a person of action. You don’t like to wait around or dilly-dally, you want to get shiz done. 

  • If you feel more drawn to the gentle energy of the watery cups cards, then you will probably lead from the heart. Making decisions based on how they make you feel and what your intuition is telling you to do. 

  • If you feel more drawn to the gusty air cards of the swords, then you are a planner and strategist. You’ll never take action without having a roadmap first to go off.

  • If you feel more drawn to the very stable and comfortable earth energy of the pentacles, then you’re not a risk taker. You like to use the skills you’ve already mastered and stay in your lane. 

Not only do your feelings towards the minors allow you to self-reflect on what type of person you are, but they can also identify imbalances. For example, if you are more drawn to the air energy of the swords, but in the past, this approach hasn’t worked that well for you, there may be a need to rebalance and use more grounding earth energy this time.  

Use the Court Cards to Step Into a Different Perspective 

As well as the major and minor arcana cards, you can also use the Tarot court cards for self-reflection. The way that I read the courts is as dual energies. This is based on Tarot reader Melinda Lee Holm’s teachings. 

When we’re sitting down to use the Tarot for self-reflection, we are coming to the reading already embodying one of the court cards. Should we get a court card in our Tarot reading, then we have to then ask the question “Is this me now? Or is this who I should be?”. 

Really immerse yourself in the energy of the card and see how it fits. A bit like trying on a new coat. Does it feel comfortable and familiar? Then it might just be a perspective and approach you are used to embodying. 

If it doesn’t fit quite right, it may be something you haven’t yet explored. Sometimes allowing ourselves to experience these new perspectives can help us see new ways to approach something. Sometimes it just confirms our original ideas and strategy. 

How to use the Tarot for Self-Reflection: A Tarot Spread

Tarot spreads are a great way of offering context and structure to your reading. So, to help you better understand how the Tarot can be used for self-reflection, here’s a ready-made spread for you. 

You will need to cut the deck and split out the majors, minors and court cards.

  • Your first card will be the major arcana card. This will tell you what archetypal energy you are dealing with or moving through right now.

  • The middle card will be your minor arcana card. This reflects your actions back to you so you can better understand them.

  • The last card on the right is the court card. This shows you the perspective that you are taking and can help you understand how to see things differently in order to find solutions.

How to use Tarot for Self Reflection Tarot Spread

How To Use Tarot Cards

How To Use Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are a tool. They can be used to better understand our own psyche, explore our subconscious and be mindful of the conscious. When you pick up a deck of cards – like any tool – you need to know what you plan to use it for and what your ideal outcome will be.

Imagine picking up a hammer. You probably won’t get much use out of that hammer if you don’t have a project in which to use it. You may even end up thinking the hammer is useless and giving up on it. We need a project to use a tool and the same applies to Tarot.

When it comes to using Tarot, we are the project. It’s ourselves that needs work and using this tool will help us with this work. As a Tarot reader, I become a sort of contractor for the self when I work with clients. I come in to assess what needs to be done, and then I grab my tools and get to work.

How do you make tarot cards work?

The more receptive you are to hearing guidance and suggestions from the cards, the better they work. All the guidance the cards offer comes from divine guidance and subconscious understanding. If we are too close-minded to believe in divine guidance, we’ll struggle to read the Tarot.

Similarly, if we can’t be vulnerable and allow our subconscious to speak, then making the Tarot cards work will be tricky.

When people ask me how to read Tarot cards, being an open book is the number one suggestion. Sometimes being honest and vulnerable with yourself is harder than being vulnerable with others, so this is where many people get stuck.

Can you read your own Tarot cards?

Yes, you absolutely can read your own Tarot cards. In fact, that’s one of the primary ways I use my Tarot cards.

Reading for yourself is tricky though. Sometimes it’s easier for someone else to read your cards for you because they can tell you what you need to hear. When you do a reading on yourself, your brain will often try and spin things so they sound more like what you want to hear.

This is why you have to build the skill of stepping outside of yourself. To become an impartial and objective judge of your inner world.

All you need in order to do a Tarot reading on yourself is a spot to relax and meditate, a journal and of course your cards. The key to self-readings is to make sure you and your subconscious mind are as relaxed as possible.

The more relaxed your subconscious mind is, the easier it will be to give it a voice through the cards. Then, you’ll be able to communicate seamlessly with all the different parts of your psyche.

How to use Tarot cards for the first time

Whether you want to break in a new Tarot deck, or you are picking up a deck for the first time there are plenty of ways you can prep.

One thing that I love to do – and this is down to personal preference – is to sleep with the deck under my pillow before I use it. If you’ve got thin pillows then this may be less than ideal. In this case, you can just pop it by the side of your bed.

This helps you to connect the energy of your deck with your own energy. Sort of like creating a new bond, you’ll be able to swap energy and become more closely connected with it.

I always advise cleansing your Tarot deck before you use it as well. A deck can pass through many hands before it gets to you, so cleansing it just helps to give you a blank slate to draw from. Once your energy is shared and cleansed, you can get going with your reading.

For a new deck, you’ll want to give the Tarot cards a really good shuffle. The deck will come in chronological order so we want to mix things up as much as possible to ensure we get a good selection of cards. Once you’ve shuffled to your heart’s content, spread out your cards and get going with your reading.

When not to read Tarot cards

There isn’t really a good and bad time to read Tarot cards specifically. However, there are times that can offer you clearer or more organised readings.

Making sure your mental state is calm and ready to receive information is always best. As I mentioned before, putting yourself into meditation and allowing that subconscious to come forward always offers the best readings.

If you already feel frazzled, or like you can’t focus on anything in particular, it may be best to avoid reading. This is because you can end up just making yourself more frustrated and confused. I always find that my readings are pointless when I’m all over the place. A better use of time is taking care of yourself. You don’t need more information from the cards, you just need to destress and regroup.

If you’re as in love with Tarot as I am and want to know different ways to use Tarot cards, then you can take a look at my annual Introduction to Energetic Tarot course. Or, if you miss the deadline, why not take a look at some of my Tarot workshops and free masterclasses?

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23 Tips for Getting Started with Tarot

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How to Cleanse Tarot Cards

How to Cleanse Your Tarot Cards

How to cleanse your Tarot cards. What's the trick? Are there good ways and bad ways?

Cleansing your cards is essential before use as your cards can hold stagnant energy that might mess up your readings. To get the best out of your cards, give them a little cleanse using the methods below.

WORDS: Cat Crawford

IMAGE: Karly Jones, Studio Kealaula

Knowing how to cleanse Tarot cards isn’t something that is often taught to Tarot beginners. Most of the time, you have to feel out for yourself. This is because how you cleanse your own Tarot cards is based on personal preference. It’s based on what feels the most cleansing to you.

The good news is that are plenty of ways you can cleanse your cards.

The main thing to keep in mind is how the energy of the Tarot cards feels to you and how you feel in yourself. It’s no good using a technique that doesn’t make you feel like something has shifted.

To help you find out how you should cleanse your Tarot cards, here are some things I’d like you to try.

Cleanse Your Tarot Cards With Smoke

One of the easiest ways to cleanse your Tarot cards. Using smoke from herb bundles or smudge sticks that include things like sage or rosemary will do the trick.

All you need is to burn your herbs, whether it be a bundle, Palo Santo, or via loose incense. Then grab your Tarot deck and slowly run the deck through the smoke plume. Make sure to allow the smoke to fully wrap itself around the cards.

This is also very therapeutic to watch. Really pay attention to how the smoke moves around the Tarot cards. Where does it meet with the cards, and where does it appear to be repelled?

When I cleanse Tarot cards I like to hold them in the smoke for 1-2 minutes depending on how I feel. I like to try and tap into the energy of the cards and intuitively decide when the deck has been fully cleansed.

Cleanse Your Tarot Cards With Crystals

how to cleanse Tarot cards with crystals

If working with smoke doesn’t appeal to you then cleansing your Tarot deck with crystals could be the ticket.

There are a few ways to do this. My favourite is getting a piece of clear quartz or selenite and popping it on top of the deck before use. You can leave it for an hour or overnight depending on how deep of a cleanse it needs.

Some other crystals that are good for cleansing Tarot cards are Black Tourmaline and Citrine. Black Tourmaline is a great sponge for negative energy, so it can suck up all that badness before you pick up your deck again. Citrine is another great energy cleanser because it replaces negative energy with positive, joyful energy.

Another way you could cleanse your Tarot deck with crystals is by using crystal grids. This is a good way to also add in more specific types of energy whilst you’re cleansing. For example, create a grid using rose quartz to instil loving energy in your deck.

Cleansing it in this way can also help you set intentions for your reading, if you’re doing a reading about career, you may choose the money attracting Pyrite, or if you’re looking to get over a break up, a heart healing emerald could be ideal. 

Cleanse Your Tarot Cards By Tapping

When it came to figuring out how I cleanse Tarot cards, tapping was the first technique that really felt right. I do this before I use my deck without fail. It’s quick, efficient and great for daily cleansing.

My go-to tapping technique for cleansing my Tarot cards is to use the heel of my hand. I simply give the deck three knocks and I’m good to go.

What this does is knock the stagnant energy from the deck. You’re using kinetic energy to replace the energy that is being held in the cards. The reason we want to do this is that the leftover energy can confuse our readings. We want to be able to have a good, clean slate before we dive back into a new reading.

Cleanse Your Tarot Cards Using The Moon

We’ve all heard of cleansing our crystals with the moon, but how do we cleanse Tarot cards with the moon? Well, the same exact way.

Which moon you use for cleansing is up to you. I prefer new moons because they represent new beginnings. A completely new cycle from which to start afresh.

Some people prefer a full moon to cleanse. It all depends on which phase of the moon you feel is the most cleansing for you. For me, I much prefer using the full moon to recharge my Tarot deck.

I wouldn’t advise putting your deck outside like you would crystals. Weather and dirt could end up damaging your cards and we don’t want that.

*Tip: If you’re looking to work with your cards and the moon phases more closely, make sure to check out my annual Tarot Diary. I include how to work with the moon through Tarot and Oracle card readings in there, so you can build your own lunar card readings. 

Tarot Diary 2024 - Moon Phases

Cleanse Tarot Cards Using Visualisation

The final way to cleanse Tarot cards is visualisation. This is another of my favourites. All you have to do is visualise a soft white light entering your deck and cleansing it of all the energy it is holding.

It is best, however, to make sure you are in a deeply relaxed state before you start the visualisation. This is just so you aren’t transferring any negative energy to your deck.

If the soft white light isn’t working for you, think about something that feels cleansing to you. Maybe one of the elemental energies that we often find in the Tarot cards themselves. Maybe it’s a trickling stream or a gust of wind. Imagine it moving through the Tarot deck and carrying away all the stagnant energy.