The Energetic Tarot Blog Archive
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What oracle cards should I buy?
Jun 11, 2021 | Learn Tarot
I love that feeling of getting a brand new oracle deck and leafing through all the cards to find my favourite illustrations and affirmations. Picking a new oracle deck can be a bit overwhelming though, there’s so many to choose from and all of them have different...
5 Things to think about when booking an online tarot reading
Jun 3, 2021 | Learn Tarot, Soul Purpose
It’s important to note if you want to start booking regular online tarot readings, that not all tarot readers are built the same. When it comes down to it, we are interpreters of the cards, we look at what’s in front of us and use our intuition to divine meaning and...
The Wheel of Fortune Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meanings
May 27, 2021 | Learn Tarot
10 - Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune is essentially the wheel of life. No matter what happens, the wheel will keep turning, keep throwing life lessons our way and constantly keep us on our toes. We can never truly know what is coming next and when the Wheel of...
8 Perfect Crystals To Bring More Positivity to Your Bathroom
May 20, 2021 | Blog
Having a few crystals in your bathroom can really add to not only the decor but also to the overall energy of the room. I have a few dotted about on shelves and around the bath and not only do they look great, but they also allow me to create a space that...
The benefits of living intuitively
May 13, 2021 | Soul Purpose
Living intuitively is something that can enrich anybody’s life, no matter where you are in the world, what your circumstances are or how much money you have in the bank. It’s completely free and can be a huge support when it comes to your happiness and wellbeing. I...
The Hermit Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meanings
May 6, 2021 | Learn Tarot
When it comes to some of the wisest and most philosophical people in history, they all share a common thread and that is that they prioritised time where they could just sit and think. It’s something we very rarely do these days, just carve out some time to think...
6 tips for becoming a modern witch
Apr 26, 2021 | Soul Purpose
There’s a rising in women aligning with the way of the Witch, just look up #witchtok on TikTok to see what I mean. Although I think a large portion of this comes from the resurgence of esoteric ideas and spirituality, I think a big part of it lies within the world of...
5 perfect crystals for positive energy
Apr 16, 2021 | Soul Purpose
I think I speak for everyone when I say we could all use a bit more positivity right now and there are so many crystals for positive energy that I want to share with you. I can only focus on a handful in this blog though, so I’ve chosen my absolute favourites out of...
Finding more depth in your tarot meanings
Apr 12, 2021 | Learn Tarot
For all of you lovely people currently working your way through my Tarot For Beginners course, you’ll know that there is a hell of a lot of information to wrap your head around as a beginner tarot reader. All the hard work is worth it though and by the end of the...
Witchness Volume 2: Time to grow
Apr 1, 2021 | Soul Purpose
It’s finally here, Volume 2 of Witchness digital magazine and this time we’re focusing on growth and expanding our knowledge, understanding and perspective. With spring comes a chance to start to focus on personal growth and watch as we blossom alongside the world...
Using tarot to pinpoint your soulful selling points
Mar 22, 2021 | Learn Tarot, Soul Purpose
There are lots of ways you can use your trusty tarot deck to make better business decisions, or even figure out the finer details of your business as you start off on your entrepreneurial journey. Today, we’re going to be looking at how we can use our tarot cards to...
Business Planning for the Spring Equinox: Find the next level
Mar 15, 2021 | Limiting Beliefs, Soul Purpose
On the 20th of March, we welcome Ostara or the Spring Equinox if you don’t celebrate the pagan sabbats. I based Volume 2 of Witchness Magazine around this divine time of year and I thought I’d write a little blog around the same theme of growth, but focusing on...