The Self-Care Tarot Podcast is Here

It’s finally here, The Self-Care Tarot podcast has launched and we’re in the swing of season 1. It’s been such a long time coming with most of that time being just me procrastinating from actually sitting down and recording! I wanted to create a Tarot podcast that was...

8 Perfect Crystals To Bring More Positivity to Your Bathroom

Having a few crystals in your bathroom can really add to not only the decor but also to the overall energy of the room. I have a few dotted about on shelves and around the bath and not only do they look great, but they also allow me to create a space that...

Never be afraid to fail

If there’s one thing an entrepreneur knows well it’s failure. To be honest it’s an inevitability that comes with choosing to build a unique, soul-purposed business. You’re charting new territory and a lot of the time, making it up as you go along. For the first two...

A guide to becoming an intuitive business owner

    Building any kind of business is a land of trial and error, excitement and crippling disappointment, the highs and lows can be energetically draining but it’s all worth it. The prize at the end of the rope is an intense freedom and flexibility that only...

What is Mabon and how can we celebrate the Autumn Equinox?

I know there are those of you that don’t want to even hear me mutter the word autumn, but it’s coming my dears. It’s time to let go of summer for another year and celebrate the falling leaves with the sabbat of Mabon! Mabon is the autumn equinox, the second period in...