The Best Crystals For Anxiety




Today we’re looking at the best crystals for anxiety, as anxiety amongst all age groups is now at an all time high. Why is that though? Well, one theory is that technology and the information we consume has evolved so quickly, that our poor squishy brains haven’t adapted to the amount of noise they create and it leaves us feeling overwhelmed.

The world is noisier today then it has ever been, and it is difficult to separate the crap from the information we really need to know. We find it hard to focus, we become subjected to the opinions of others whether we agree or not. We are being bullied and trolled by anonymous users behind the safety of keyboards, we are fed meaningless drivel by click bait news and media outlets, everything is just very chaotic right now.

Enter the anxiety soothing crystals that are here to support and comfort us in our time of need. These powerful little tools can be used in a myriad of ways, to help calm and sedate your fight or flight brain. Use them by holding them tight in your palm during meditation, in potent charm bags, as home based energy fields or even just to carry around when anxiety gets a bit too much.

Tiger’s Eye

To help instil confidence and courage within


Tiger’s Eye is a powerful tool for filling you with confidence, courage and strength. It’s one of my favourite crystals to wear in my crystal cage necklace, to give me a supportive confident energy and help me find the strength to tackle any thoughts or feelings of anxiety.

A lot of anxiety comes from a feeling of insecurity or fear. Social anxiety for example, often comes from the fear that we aren’t worthy to be in a group of people, or like we have nothing to contribute to a social gathering. With Tiger’s Eye, you’ll feel a little more worthy, a little more sure of yourself and confident in your value, helping to dissolve any feelings of anxiety.


To build self-esteem and boost intuition


Sodalite is a great crystal for not only speaking your truth and living authentically, but it is also amazing for boosting and trusting your intuition. There is little room to doubt yourself, your capabilities or your worth, when you’ve got a lovely bit of Sodalite on your side.

Sodalite creates a feeling of harmony, which makes it very easy to feel at peace with yourself. When you feel truly comfortable in your own skin, anxiety has very little room to wiggle around and make you feel insecure.

Snowflake Obsidian

Helping you see positivity in the dark times


Snowflake Obsidian is a great crystal if your anxiety also comes hand in hand with a nice dollop of depression (I know mine does). This crystal combines the grounding energy of Obsidian with hints of optimism and positivity. A shining light in the darkness, helping to guide you towards a better time.

If you’ve been struggling particularly badly recently, then Snowflake Obsidian may be a great stone to carry around with you in a charm pouch or inside a crystal cage necklace. Keep it with you and use it as a tool of support until the darkness starts to lift.


Protecting you from being blinded by anxiety and fear


Labradorite is a strong stone of protection. Its properties mirror its beautiful physicality’s, with its dull grey/green colour transforming into a rainbow of iridescent colours as you twist and turn it towards the light. Labradorite helps you see the truth in everything, it helps you to tap into your intuition and do what is right by your gut.

This stone protects you from the negative vibrations of anxiety and supports you with healing, positive and transformative energy, to turn any bad thought or feeling on its head.


Healing, peaceful energy to help you tackle and overcome anxiety


Amethyst is one of the best crystals for psychic protection and taking care of your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. With its stabilising and balancing properties, Amethyst is great at banishing irrational thoughts caused by anxiety. It can help you sort through chaotic emotions, to find a calmness that helps banish anxiety.

Amethyst is also great for cleansing negativity, so any anxiety that is threatening your high vibes will be tackled by tapping into the energy of Amethyst.

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable




Everybody loves their comfort zone, it’s like being wrapped up in a big fluffy duvet in the safety of your bed. Nothing can touch you, you are secure and warm and all that good stuff.

If we actually did stay in bed though, wrapped up in those comfy blankets, nothing would get done. We would never achieve anything and the same goes for your comfort zone.

Practising being uncomfortable

I always warn my clients that they need to be prepared to be uncomfortable. When reading tarot, you will never hear what you WANT to hear, only what you NEED to hear.

Growth can not come from feeding our own limiting beliefs, it comes from challenging them, getting vulnerable with yourself and accepting things you can’t change and battling with the things you can.

People often come to me with very personal or sensitive issues. After all, they are coming to me because they have a deep fear, doubt or concern that is bothering them. Admitting when we are afraid or doubtful is a hard thing to do! Especially to a complete stranger.

My tarot sessions are a safe and secure space for you to air out the things that are holding you back. There’s no judgement, simply someone to bounce ideas and thoughts off, all whilst working to resolve or overcome them.

You won’t feel comfortable, you may feel embarrassed or even ashamed, but remember, I’m here to help you move forward and progress to that next level, not criticise or scold you.

You need to do the work

During our sessions you will probably feel motivated, energised and ready to take on the world, but this optimism can be hard to hold onto once we part ways.

Remember, you need to do the work in order to see the results, nobody can do it for you. If you get homework after your reading, do the work. If you find other techniques that could help you to progress such as journalling, then do the work.

The only person that can make actionable change in your life is YOU. I can guide, advise and support, but I can’t wave a magic wand and make you do it without any effort on your part.

It’s always helpful to remind yourself why you wanted to get stuck in in the first place, what motivated you initially to seek answers or seek support? Write it down and stick it somewhere you can look at it everyday.

Understanding Self Limiting Belief

When it comes to limiting beliefs, it is most often rooted in deeply rooted traumas and experiences. Somewhere along the way, we’ve logged an experience and how it made us feel at the time, as a cold hard fact.

It might be that an early rejection as a child has created a belief that you’re unlovable. It might even be abuse from a parent that has resulted in low self-esteem or even more intense issues.

This is where tarot cards come in handy because they help to uncover the things we’ve been burying deep down or the things we’ve been struggling to understand about ourselves.

I can sit in front of you and tell you what you need to do or how you need to think until I’m blue in the face, but if you don’t come to the same realisations yourself, it will never stick.

Helping you to help yourself

Life would be so much more pleasant if we had someone telling us which way to turn at every hurdle wouldn’t it?

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that.

Throughout our lives, we have been affected in some way by everything we have seen, heard or felt. Something as simple as being called ‘ugly‘ by a boy in your class at age 6 can have an impact on you as an adult.

Tarot is here to help you understand these beliefs you have about yourself and guide you on this journey to dig deeper into your subconscious

Your brain is a HUGE archive of all the moments in your life and it goes searching for the memories and beliefs that relate to the situation you are currently in. This helps it to know how to react and what to tell your body to do.

Think of the Pixar film Inside Out (2015) because it does an amazing job of visually representing this complex process of retrieving memories and how we process them.

Limiting beliefs

A common subject in therapy is learned & limiting beliefs. These can be beliefs about yourself, others or situations.

Most anxiety disorders stem from this concept. For example, if you feel anxious in social situations, you will have a learned belief, either about yourself and socialising, or about being in a room full of people.

These beliefs could be something like:

  • I don’t want to join in the conversation because nobody will want to hear my opinion

  • People don’t want to hang around with me

  • Everyone is so much more successful and better than I am!

None of these thoughts are based on actual fact, they are based on your beliefs that your brain has created through different experiences in your life.

Even events that have no relationship with a situation can have an impact. For example, if a teacher told you you were not good enough when you were a teenager, your brain can turn that into ‘I’m not good enough‘ and apply it to EVERYTHING in your life well into adulthood.

Dealing with the root issue in order to make lasting change

I teach people how to use Tarot or Oracle cards to help them find their own solutions. It puts the power back in their own hands and it is the ideal way to fight against limiting beliefs.

One thing I’ve found Tarot cards to be especially good at is identifying root causes. The cards reflect the subconscious back to us and that is where these beliefs like to hide.

To get you started on this journey towards understanding and overcoming limiting beliefs, why not download my free workbook to help you get started with Tarot and limiting belief busting?