Online Tarot Reading (Email)


Looking for guidance, support and clarity?

I offer online Tarot readings for three key topics and these are organised into my three Tarot reading packages:

  • Soul Craft: Creative Entrepreneurship | Designed for those who are looking to manifest their dream soul-led or creative business
  • Inner Alchemy: Personal Transformation | Designed for those who want to do deep inner work, focusing on your emotional and spiritual growth
  • Inspired Becoming: Purpose & Potential | Designed for those who want to find their purpose and align their inner and outer worlds more effectively

You can find out more about what each of my packages entails down below in the detailed product description. 

All Tarot reading packages consist of the following: 

  • One eight card Tarot reading done remotely
  • A custom PDF document outlining your reading and breaking down the meanings and messages of each card
  • Workbook exercises within your PDF document to help you journal and work into your reading in even more detail
  • One check-in email 1-week after your reading has been delivered




When you book your online Tarot reading, here’s what you can expect:

  1. I’ll email you a link to a Google form to fill out based on your chosen Tarot reading package – this needs to be completed before I can do your reading
  2. Once I’ve got your completed form, I’ll get to work pulling your cards and doing your reading.
  3. All your reading information is then put into a PDF along with images of your full Tarot spread and individual cards. Each card is broken down for you to help you understand its meanings and messages. I’ll also provide a summary to bring everything together.
  4. Within this same PDF, there will be custom journal prompts and exercises that you can work through in order to get even more from your reading. These will appear following my card breakdowns and also at the back of your PDF.
  5. I’ll pop over a check-in email about 1-week after I’ve emailed you your reading PDF to see how you’ve got on with your exercises and if anything has come up for you in the time since reading your reading.

The online Tarot readings I offer are not just about providing information from the cards, they are also interactive, despite the reading being conducted and delivered remotely over email. My aim as a Tarot reader is to get you to engage as much as possible with the information the cards offer you. That’s how you get the most from your readings!

Please allow 1-2 working days after you have completed your pre-reading form to receive your reading from me.


Disclaimer and T&C’s

  • I am not a fortune teller, I am a guidance Tarot reader. This means I use the cards to help you better understand the energies that are currently at play and the impact they are having. I do not offer fortunes or future readings.
  • As this is a digital product I do not offer refunds. However, the aftercare I offer ensures that I can offer further clarity and guidance should you need it, helping you to be 100% happy with the reading you receive.
  • Your online Tarot reading can only take place once the full pre-reading form has been filled out. The more detail you offer the clearer and more beneficial your Tarot reading will be.
  • If I don’t receive your completed form within 72 hours post-payment, a full refund will be given and your booking terminated. 
  • I withhold the right to refuse a reading if I do not feel I can fully help with your question – these usually revolve around matters of the heart, or if you ask about the feelings of another. If I don’t feel I can help, I will offer to help you rephrase your question or a full refund.


Explore the different Tarot reading packages available

Soul Craft: Creative Entrepreneurship

This reading is designed for those who are looking to manifest their dream soul-led or creative business. Using the cards, we will explore a number of different areas that are impacting your ability to bring your passion projects to life, to move them forward or take the leap of faith needed to commit to your dream fully.

In your reading I’ll pull a eight card Tarot spread that looks at the following energies currently at play:

  • How aligned your passion is with your current professional path – taking a look at your energy and that of the actions you have been taking so far, to identify any misalignments and how these could be brought together to encourage greater success.
  • How aligned your creative/dream vision is with your authentic self – reviewing the energy you are currently embodying, your needs, wants, actions and perspectives on your business and how aligned the person you are now is with the image you have of your dream business.
  • What entrepreneurial blocks are currently getting in the way of success – we’ll identify the blocks that are stopping you from being the business owner and badass entrepreneur you need to be, in order to manifest this dream business.

The eight-card spread I’ll use will consist of the following positions, to help us uncover those areas mentioned above:

  1. The essence of your passion and its unique value
  2. Your current professional path and its challenges
  3. Your creative vision and its potential impact
  4. Your authentic self and core strengths
  5. Alignment with your target audience
  6. The main obstacle hindering your dream business
  7. The next steps for manifesting your vision
  8. Long-term sustainability and growth potential

Inner Alchemy: Personal Transformation Readings

This reading is designed for those who want to do deep inner work, focusing on your emotional and spiritual growth. In an Inner Alchemy reading we look at what work needs to be done to help you improve self-worth, increase self-love and reconnect with your instincts and authenticity. This reading type is all about helping you become the best version of yourself from the inside out.

In your reading I’ll pull an eight-card Tarot spread that looks at the following energies currently at play:

  • Your five key areas of well-being – Based on the classical elements of air, fire, water and earth and the fifth element of spirit, we’ll assess any imbalances within your 5 key areas of wellness and see what needs more attention or balance.
  • Your limiting beliefs and unconscious blockages – Doing inner work is always tricky because your mind will constantly put up blockages to help keep itself safe. however, this can mean that things that are actually causing problems on the surface are hidden in the depths of the psyche. We’ll use the cards to try and pick out those things that are keeping you stuck or repeating old negative patterns.
  • Mapping out your path to transformation – By assessing the areas that need work, what’s keeping you stuck or on repeat and bringing areas of the self to your attention that you would never have had access to on your own, we’ll be able to map out a clear map of transformation, taking you from the person you are right now into a next-level you.

The eight-card spread I’ll use will consist of the following positions, to help us uncover those areas mentioned above:

  1. The core self: Current self-perception and beliefs
  2. Emotional landscape: Present emotional state and patterns
  3. Inner Fire: Passions and creative energy
  4. Shadow Aspect: Hidden or unconscious fears and blocks
  5. Body Awareness: Focus on well-being and health
  6. Spiritual Connection: Current spiritual state and challenges
  7. Mental Patterns: Dominant thought processes and limiting beliefs
  8. Transformation Path: Key to unlocking self-worth and personal growth

Inspired Becoming: Purpose & Potential Readings

This reading is designed for those who want to find their purpose and align their inner and outer worlds more effectively. This reading type aims to help you get clear about your aspirations and goals, and feel passionate and excited about what’s on the horizon whether it be personal or professional achievements. Together, we will work to identify your potential and plot a pathway to actualise these in your daily life.

In your reading I’ll pull a eight card Tarot spread that looks at the following energies currently at play:

  • What is currently blocking you from self-actualisation – Self-actualisation is all about creating a process that helps you realise your full potential and take action to make that a reality. We’ll use the Tarot reading to look at what is currently blocking you from being able to recognise and act on your potential and how we can get you through these blocks.
  • What your authentic life purpose might look like – We’ll explore what your authentic purpose might look like at this point in your life and assess the path you’re on with the path you need to be on, in order to make that purpose a reality.
  • How we can better empower you to become a more confident, powerful and motivated version of yourself – Using the reading, we’ll create an action plan to help you see what areas of your life need attention, to help support you in becoming the very best version of yourself. We’ll also highlight any areas that are holding you back and blocking you from seeing what you are truly capable of.

The eight-card spread I’ll use will consist of the following positions, to help us uncover those areas mentioned above:

  1. Physical Foundation: Current self-care routines and areas for improvement
  2. Stability & Security: Your environment and its impact on your growth
  3. Connection & Belonging: Relationships and social support systems
  4. Self-Esteem & Recognition: Achievements and sources of pride
  5. Self-Awareness: Understanding your authentic self and values
  6. Limiting Beliefs: Subconscious fears and blocks to authenticity
  7. Purpose & Meaning: Core energy of your potential life purpose
  8. Actualisation Path: Key steps to fully embrace your potential

Additional information



Reading Package

Soul Craft: Creative Entrepreneurship Guidance, Inner Alchemy: Personal Transformation Readings, Inspired Becoming: Purpose & Potential Readings


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