The Elements in Tarot Reading Guide

Elemental Energies in Tarot Reading

Within the world of Alchemy, the four classical elements make up the existence of everything in our world...

Because of Tarot's long history, it has collected many features of different esoteric subjects, one of them being Alchemy. Tarot has incorporated parts of Alchemy into its meanings, including the concept of the four classical elements, earth, wind, fire and air and their role in the makeup of the universe.

WORDS: Cat Crawford

IMAGE: Joanna Kosinska


Working with the four classical elements – air, water, fire and earth – within the Tarot, allows us to create a deeper context and direct our focus into specific areas of life. For example, if there’s an abundance of air energy in a reading, we can make a fair assumption that the issues and obstacles being referred to are of a more mental or communicative nature. 

When I first came across the idea of seeing the elements in the Tarot cards, I was working with the Elemental Power Tarot Deck by Melinda Lee Holm. The guidebook from this deck is one that I use regulalry now, just to double check interpretations and gain some extra insight. 


The elemental energies can be found throughout the Tarot cards, both in the imagery, colour psychology and most importantly – and what we’ll be focusing on in this article – the four Tarot suits. 

This isn’t a new concept by any means, it’s been present in some form since the 16th century, maybe even earlier depending on who you ask. But, when it comes to learning Tarot, it can be a key to unlocking your ability to read faster than ever. It was for me. That’s why I wanted to share how you too can benefit from understanding how the four classical elements work within the Tarot cards.  


Why is it so helpful to understand the use of the four elements?

When you first learn to read Tarot, finding context can be a little tricky. You’ve spent so long learning the meanings of the cards, but threading those meanings together to create a narrative is a lot more difficult. How do you know what a card is talking about if it has similar meanings to another? How do you know what the whole theme of the reading is? 

Using frameworks like the elemental energies can help you pinpoint the theme and focus of your readings faster and with more accuracy. It also supports your intuitive interpretations, helping you feel more in the flow of a reading. 


The easiest way to start with this framework is by understanding which of the four elements is linked with which of the four Tarot suits. Once you’ve got this down it makes it so much easier to read with confidence. 

Alchemists assigned properties to each of the four elements, properties we also now attribute to the four Tarot suits. This is how we know that the Tarot swords corresponds with the element of air and the Tarot wands corresponds with the element of fire. They share their properties with those classical element properties. 


Elemental Air = The Tarot Swords

Element of Air and Tarot Swords

The element of air is often associated with our mental space. It is the element that manages our thoughts, the way we communicate, our ideas and our ability to think and speak clearly. We take those elemental correspondences and we apply them to the cards within the suit of the Tarot swords. 

This means, when we get a sword card, we instantly know that we need to be looking at our mental processes. We know that it’s this area of the self and a situation that is pulling our focus. 

Where the magic really happens is when we integrate other frameworks of reading such as numerology. If you know that the number two refers to duality, then understanding that swords refer to this mental space gives us the interpretation of a duality within the mental space. 

You can even simply add this new knowledge to the keyword meanings you’ve learned from a course or a guidebook. 

For example, if you know that the Ace of Swords marks a new cycle, then by applying the properties of air to this meaning, you get = a new cycle within the mental space. 

Another good way of remembering that swords correspond with the element of air is by remembering that swords cut through the air in order to hit their mark. Swords are often said to cut to the truth of a situation, so if you visualise someone swinging a swords, you can see it cutting through the air between the blade and its target. 

You could even try thinking a bit more literally, such as remembering that when we are struggling to think clearly, it can help to take deep breaths (air) so that we start to calm down and allow our brains space to work things out. 


Elemental Fire = The Tarot Wands

The element of fire corresponds with our Tarot wands. Alchemically, fire holds the properties of creation, destruction, power and creativity. These are all things we can easily identify in the energy of the wands. Just think about what wands are used for. In fiction they are used to create things from thin air, change the structure of something or make something disappear completely. In reality, Pagans and Witches will use wands to direct energy and focus such as when casting circles. 

There is a power that comes with wielding fire. If someone is careless with it, it can be a huge source of destruction. If it is properly managed it can help us to create amazing things. Think about how glass is made, precious jewellery or even something as simple as keys to your home. All of these things require the element of fire to be brought into existence. 

Even metaphorically, humans are brought into this world through passion (a fiery feeling) they are literally created through the channeling of this energy. 

The wands are also known as the ‘action’ suit. They encourage taking action through their powerful creative push, through their passionate motivation and desire to get s**t done. Nobody wields a wand and does nothing with it. The act of creation is an act, which is why when we get  a wand card it is either asking us to take action, think about taking action or consider the action we’ve already taken. It’s an indication that there is power to be had, whether that power is ours to take or if this power is lording over us is determined by the number of that wand card. 

Just like the element of fire, wands can be impulsive and unpredictable, which is why too many wands in a reading can spell disaster if left to get out of control. 


Elemental Fire and Tarot Wands

Elemental Water = The Tarot Cups

Elemental Water Tarot Cups

To me, the relationship between Tarot cups and the element of water is one of the easiest to remember, so here’s how I do it. First of all, what do you put into cups? Liquids, doesn’t have to be water but I best it will have a base of water even if it’s an ice cold beer. Secondly, I like to imagine being in water and how it feels, drawing parallels with the meanings of the cups, which are based in emotion and intuition. 

Just like being in water, you can feel calm, cleansed, supported and fulfilled by your emotions. However like all elements there is a darker side. Again, just like being in water, your emotions can feel overwhelming, overpowering and leave you gasping for air. Grief is an emotion that sometimes comes up in the cups cards, such as the Five of Cups. Grief is like being in a raging storm in a vast ocean. Sometimes you’ll get moments of levity, but then a wave will come crashing down threatening to pull you under. 

On the lighter side of things (let’s not get too heavy, it’s just a blog post after all!) when your emotions are balanced and you feel happy and calm, you can feel like your cup is filled. You may have even heard of the phrase ‘fill your cup’ in the well-being community. This essentially means ‘take care of yourself, show yourself some love and recharge your batteries’. 

Similarly to the element of air and subsequently the Tarot swords, the cups and their element of water are very passive energies. It’s hard to grab hold of air and water, to control it and bend it to your will. Just like it’s hard to fully grapple with difficult emotions or thoughts or make them disappear when you want them to.  

It can help to think about cups and their element of water in a literal sense. Image the cups being filled and thinking about whether a cup might be emptied by the card it is in. Again the Five of Cups in the Rider-Waite deck is the perfect visual example of this, with three cups visibly empty behind the figure and the other two full and upright behind the figure.   

Elemental Earth = The Tarot Pentacles

Finally we have the element of earth and the last of our Tarot suits, the Pentacles. With this, I like to think of the Pentacles as seeds. We plant them and nurture them to build our physical world, just like how a farmer would plant seeds to grow crops to sell, which then provides financial support and security. 

The element of earth refers to our physical world, it is everything that make up the building blocks of our lives. This can include our physical bodies, our careers, finances, homes and even our relationships with family and friends. All of these things have to be worked on, they have to be planted and taken care of so they can thrive. Just like a seed planted in the earth. 

We tend to see a lot of imagery of plants and fields on the Rider Waite Tarot Pentacles, which directly refers to this connection with elemental earth. 

Like the wands, the pentacles are more of an active energy. They require us to work, to put effort in. When you think about your career for example, you have to work on it over time in order to reap the rewards. It’s not an impulsive or passionate energy like that of the wands though, earth doesn’t burn bright and hot like elemental fire, it takes its time to work. 

Thinking about the four elements in a real world context can also give us a much better idea of the speed of the energies being portrayed in the Tarot. Like I said above, earth is a very slow energy. It takes time to form and grow stronger. Fire on the other hand burns fast, it can destroy in a blink of an eye and needs constant fuel to keep it going for long periods of time. This is just another way understanding elemental energies in Tarot can add depth and meaning to our readings! 


Elemental Earth Tarot Pentacles

Master using elements in your own Tarot readings

Elemental Energies in Tarot

Elemental Energies in Tarot Workbook and Guide

If you feel like you’d like to know a little more about using the elemental energies in Tarot, then don’t miss out on the elemental energies workbook and guide. 

This workbook gives you all the information you need to put this theory into practice, plus learn other ways you can identify the four elements in the Tarot cards. 


How learning Tarot puts you in touch with your authentic self

Being able to be your authentic self is something that many people work their entire life to try and achieve. Having that connection with who we are authentically can help us feel fulfilled, aligned with our soul purpose and just generally happier and healthier.

Creating that connection with your authentic self though is not always an easy one. We have something called an adaptive self that often stands in the way. This adaptive self does what is needed in order to fit in and find a place in society. Although this ‘fitting in’ can bring its own wealth of positive emotions, it stops us from aligning who we are with the actions we take. Long term this can lead to feeling stuck, lost or unable to enjoy life to the fullest.

How can you start to connect with your authentic self?

When we’ve been adapting for so long, it’s hard to have the courage and confidence to open up that connection with the authentic self. We have to break down a lot of the protective walls we’ve built up in order to finally allow ourselves to be who we truly are.

To do that work, we need the right tools for the job. This is where Tarot comes in. I’ve tried a lot of different tools to help me do this deep inner work and the best by far is the combination of Tarot readings and journaling.

How does the Tarot put you in touch with your authentic self?

The Tarot is a divination tool that reflects back to you key information about who you are, what you do, what you think and what you feel. Think of a Tarot reading as a large mirror reflecting back to you all the different aspects of yourself, so you can finally see what’s going on under the surface.

Knowing how to use Tarot cards has a way of helping us to step outside of our own patterns and behaviours so we can readjust, realign and find solutions we couldn’t see before. It can allow us to see what it is we want the most, what our authentic self wants and needs.

It’s a bit like your authentic self uses the Tarot cards to talk to you. A bit like how spiritualists will use a Ouija board to speak to spirits or guardians, we can use the Tarot to talk to our most honest versions of ourselves.

Knowing how to use the Tarot is the greatest gift to yourself

I may be biased because I’m obsessed with learning about Tarot, but investing in a course to learn all 78-cards was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Since learning to read the Tarot cards I’ve:

  • Built an online business that I can’t wait to work on every morning

  • Helped and connected with like-minded women who want to make the absolute most of the life they’ve been gifted

  • Massively improved my self-care routines and deepened the care I offer myself

  • Learned more about myself than I ever thought possible and can now easily connect with my authentic self

  • Made informed, intentional and confident decisions in all aspects of my life that have led to endless successes

There’s lots of ways you can give this gift to yourself. You could try and do it alone with a Tarot guidebook and regular practice. You could start listening to Tarot podcasts and practicing along with your own deck. Or, if you want to feel supported and gain insights and guidance from a Tarot professional, then take part in an online Tarot course for beginners.

The most important thing is to think about how you learn new skills best. If you’re an auditory learner than listening to podcasts or audiobooks will be best. If you’re a visual learner then seek out courses that include video lessons or online video tutorials. For those that learn best by getting hands on, buy yourself a deck and get stuck in with practical Tarot readings and learning tasks.

In my Tarot For Beginners course I try and cater to all learning types, with video lessons and presentations for audio and visual learners and plenty of practice tasks and quizzes for those that like to take a more practical approach.

Take a look at the course and see if you feel called to gift yourself the knowledge of Tarot.

Guide: How To Discover Your Soul Purpose in Life

You’ve been brought to this guide because you are ready to find your soul purpose in life. You want to do things that fill you with joy and make you feel like completely aligned with your highest self.

Some people are born with their soul purpose built in. They know from an early age that they want to be XYZ. The rest of us though have to figure it out ourselves. We have to test out different hats throughout our life to see what feels the best. A lot of us struggle to do it alone though.

Discovering your soul purpose in life is not easy. It can take time, inner work and a lot of overcoming long-standing beliefs. It’s like mining for precious metals, you have to chip away at a lot of solid rock to be able to find the value nestled deep within it.

In this guide, I’ll take you through all the questions you need to discover how to find your soul purpose. There will be practical tasks and a downloadable workbook so you can continue this work in your own time.

Make time to work through this guide. Really commit to doing the work to find your soul purpose in life and I promise you’ll leave feeling certain about how to move forward.

Download the FREE 31-page workbook to follow along with me ⬇️

What brings you joy?

Your soul purpose will be something that lights you up. That ignites a passion and fire within you like nothing else. That’s why the first step is to figure out what things bring you joy. This can help you see what you’re already intuitively drawn to. Your soul purpose in life will be burrowed into those things.

Journal prompts to understand what brings you joy

  • Write down five times when you’ve felt truly happy. The type of happiness where you’ve lost track of time and are completely in the moment. Where you’re not thinking about the past, present or future, you’re just going with the flow and allowing the moment to carry you with it.

  • Looking at those five things, break them down and highlight what activities you were doing. Are there any patterns between all five? Were you doing the same activity every time? Is there a theme you can spot between them?

With these journal prompts, you’re mining your best memories to see if there’s any clue as to what your soul purpose could be. Here’s an example of how that final prompt could work:

  1. Kayaking with friends in the Lake District

  2. Hiking up in the Pennines

  3. Sitting in the garden reading in the sunshine

  4. Going to a festival for 4 whole days

  5. Going on a Yoga retreat in the countryside

From those five happy memories I can glean the following themes:

  • Nature and being immersed in nature

  • Socialising with friends and new people

  • Moving the body in different ways

  • Travel maybe even specifically adventure travel

  • Mindfulness and moving meditation

You can see that from those five simple happy memories I’ve already managed to start building a list of potential threads to follow. Maybe I could start looking into holistic therapies that work with nature. Things like forest bathing or nature retreats. Maybe I could get my yoga teacher certification so I could start running my own yoga retreats at home or even abroad.

This brings us to our next task. Idea mapping. You can do this in the form of a list, or if you like to be more creative, try an idea tree like the one illustrated below.

I’ve used the example list from earlier but you can fill these with your own (there’s a blank template in the free download). At this stage, we’re just getting all our ideas and thoughts down on paper. You can let yourself be guided by those themes towards job titles or general activities that come to mind when you think of those things.

It’s like a big brain dump, getting all our ideas out in the open so we can start to sift through them and narrow things down later on.

What sparks interest?

In that last task, we assessed the things we already have experience in, but what if our soul purpose in life is tied to something we haven’t yet tried? How do you know what you don’t know? Where do we look if we don’t know what direction we’re supposed to be looking in?

The next step is to look at your interests. Before we were working from your heart chakra, connecting with our emotional responses. Now, we’re looking at our intellectual realm.

Write a list of all the things you know you’re already interested in. Think about the books you read, what you find yourself Googling, what makes you sit up and listen when someone mentions it or if there’s a program to do with it on TV. Make sure to write down why you’re interested in those things as well, this can tell us a lot about our inner workings.

For me, this list would look a little something like this:

  • Witchcraft & the history of witchcraft – because I practice witchcraft and I’m fascinated by the history of witch trials, especially in the UK

  • British history – because we have thousands of years of it, from the Jurrasic period to the Tudors, civil wars to the pagans, there’s so much to dive into

  • Tarot (obviously!)because I am a Tarot reader and there are so many different layers and perspectives to take on it

  • Historical fiction – because I find it gives you a more focused look at life during historical periods and I have a passion for history so this ticks all my boxes

  • Psychology & Philosophy – because I want to know how the brain works, why we do what we do, think the way we do, how experiences affect our reality, asking questions about the bigger things in life

  • Metaphysics – because it’s a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality and encompasses things like divination, energy and all things spiritual, all things that I work with on a day-to-day basis

Now you have a list of what sparks your interest and you know why it sparks interest. You can use this information to once again do that brainstorming exercise. This time use that list of interest in place of the themes used previously. What jobs come to mind, and what hobbies and activities spring up? Write it all down, either in list form or using the idea tree template.

Something that I notice when I do this is that my brain will bring up things I know I wouldn’t like. For example, when I think of Psychology I think of a Psychology professor. I know I wouldn’t like that because I wouldn’t like to be in an academic environment. However, write it down anyway. There could be something in that thought. There might be another way of looking at it that feels more aligned. Remember that right now it’s more about getting all these ideas and thoughts down on paper.

What are your core values?

The key to discovering your soul purpose is values. Your core values will be directly linked to your soul purpose, making up a considerable portion of the ‘why’ behind what you’re trying to uncover.

When we talk about core values we are talking about what you stand for. What are your beliefs, how do you live your life?

Here are a few examples of core values to give you a better idea of the kinds of things we’re looking at:

  • Honesty

  • Diversity

  • Fairness

  • Innovation

  • Transparency

  • Consistency

  • Reliability

Your core values are the cement that holds your soul purpose together. It brings the intention to the table so you know why you want to do what you’re doing. They also help to give your purpose structure.

This next task is inspired by the Tarot, specifically the four suits and their elemental energies. You’re going to split your core values into four different categories. You’ll have:

  • Emotional Realm – Cups/Water

  • Material World – Pentacles/Earth

  • Behaviours – Wands/Fire

  • Ethics – Swords/Air

Below I show you an example of how this will look and I’ll give you some value examples for each, but I want you to fill these sections with your own ideas. Again, there is room to do this work in the free workbook. You don’t have to come up with hundreds, just three for each section will be enough.

Tip: It can sometimes help to finish the sentence ‘I am…’ to get a better idea of your values.


  • Compassionate

  • Empathetic

  • Kind


  • Loyal

  • Honest

  • Balanced


  • Adventurous

  • Fearless

  • Independent


  • Charitable

  • Open-minded

  • Tolerant

Now you’ve got your lists of values, start to prioritise them. Which value do you focus on upholding the most in everything you do? You should have no more than 12, so start numbering them 1-12 with 1 being the value you hold highest and 12 being the value you have but don’t actively implement.

What are your strengths?

Now you know what your most important values are, you know what brings you joy and sparks interest. Now it’s time to think practically. What are your strengths?

When we talk about strengths we are looking both at the inner and external world. I bet there are strengths you have that you didn’t even recognise. Often we downplay our strengths so we don’t seem egotistical or big-headed. We don’t want to admit to ourselves that we’re really good at something because it opens us up to criticism, so it becomes safer to keep them under wraps.

We’re going to play them all out now though because they deserve to be seen. You deserve to be proud of them and shout about them to the world. Focusing on your strengths can help you to see where you already have a leg up.

We’re going to be looking at the following areas of our lives:

  • Self-development

  • Physical health

  • Social

  • Relationships

  • Hobbies

  • Spirituality

  • Work

  • Finances

This time though, we’re going to use something called a Wheel of Life template. Usually, this is used to see which areas of your life need focus, but I’ve adapted it to help you see which areas of your life house your biggest strengths.

You’ll think about how confident you feel within these 8 sections and fill in the wheel sections. Choose how confident you feel by filling in sections 1-10 with 1 being ‘not at all confident and 10 being ‘extremely confident.

Click the image below to print out and fill it in, or refer to your free workbook where you’ll find the template for you to use. It helps to use different colours for each of the 8 sections, so you can see the difference more clearly.

Take a look at which of these 8 sections has the most sections filled in. I’ve done it for myself below so you can see how it should look.

My results look like this:

  • Self-development – 9 – I do it as a job and I work on it pretty much every single day

  • Physical health – 6 – the pandemic made me very inactive but I still have some semblance of physical fitness

  • Social – 5 – I rarely leave the house and socialise rarely

  • Relationships – 7 – even though I’m not social, I have strong core relationships

  • Hobbies – 8– I have a lot of them and I’m averagely talented at most creative things, but very much so with photography and painting

  • Spirituality – 8 – I used to be a lot more spiritual but I feel like this could be stronger

  • Work – 7 – I work a lot, but maybe too much, I’ve very work focused

  • Finances – 6 – I have a lot of limiting beliefs around money so it’s not my strongest area

Looking at my wheel of life, I can determine that my main strengths lie in:

  1. Self-development

  2. Hobbies

  3. Spirituality

Once you’ve got your top three you can start to break this down further. Look into what exactly it is within those sectors that you feel most confident with. So for example, I would pick out things like limiting belief clearing in self-development because I’ve done A LOT of it and help others do it.

For hobbies, I can pick out creativity as a strength, as well as camera skills, painting skills and idea generation.

Make your top three headings and underneath each, write down where specifically your strengths are found in those areas.

What are your weaknesses?

We can use that same wheel of life to also pick out our weaknesses. We already know which areas of our life house the most strengths, but which house our weaknesses?

Again looking at my wheel of life, I can see that my top three areas of weakness are:

  1. Social

  2. Physical health

  3. Finances

Again, when you have these three areas nailed down, list under each where your weaknesses specifically lie. I would say that having the motivation to attend social gatherings was a weakness of mine for social. Or my cardio fitness would be a weakness within my physical health because I prefer to work on strength training.

Knowing where your weaknesses are not only helps you see things you aren’t as drawn to (you won’t catch me being a spinning instructor anytime soon) but it can also show you where you might need external help or support, should you be faced with these things on your journey towards your soul purpose.

If we refer back to those idea maps we did at the very beginning of this guide, we can review what we wrote down, look at our strengths and weaknesses and start to get a better feel of how we could practically take action on those ideas.


I said that landscape photography could be a way to be in nature more. Applying this to my interests I could evolve this idea into a historical landscape photographer, someone who travels around the UK taking photographs for English Heritage or even blogging about the country’s most fascinating historical landscapes and ruins.

Then I look at my strengths and weaknesses. Well, I have great creative skills so the photography part will be easy. I could tie this in with my strengths around spirituality by niching this down even further by focusing on historical landscapes and places that have a spiritual connection. Places like stone circles, old churches and cathedrals etc.

Looking at my weaknesses I might have to get a loan to help with buying camera equipment good enough to travel with. If these places are in remote locations I might have to work on my physical fitness in order to be able to reach them.

We’ll work on bringing everything together in a second, but this is just an example of how we can start to weave the thread between all the work we’ve already done.

What are your biggest obstacles when it comes to doing what you love?

We’ve already started to reveal the practical obstacles we might face by looking at our weaknesses, but there may be mental barriers as well. These limiting beliefs can make or break our ability to not only discover that soul’s purpose but also act on it.

We need to know what limiting beliefs we currently hold, the walls that separate us from what we need in order to feel fully aligned. Here is some journal prompts to help you do just that:

Journal prompts to uncover limiting beliefs

  • Visualise yourself living one of those ideas that you uncovered in the previous tasks. What fears come up for you? What thoughts come in to stop you and make you think? What is that inner voice saying?

  • Reflecting on past experiences, how have you self-sabotaged? What habits do you have that have caused conflict between you and your goals?

  • When you think about completely flipping your life upside down, what thoughts and feelings come up? Do any thoughts start with the phrase ‘I can’t do that because…’? and if so, finish those thoughts and write them down.

Tackling limiting beliefs is extremely important because when you’ve discovered your soul purpose, you don’t want anything standing in your way. Especially not yourself!

Take a look at all the limiting beliefs those journal prompts brought up for you. Write them all down into a list so they are clearly laid out. If it helps, fill in the sentence ‘I can’t do X because…’

Once you have that list, start to counter those sentences with more affirming ones. Write down a positive response to them.

So, if you had a sentence such as:

  • I can’t be a historic landscape photographer because I don’t have time to build a portfolio in order to get paid work

Your counter sentence would be something like this:

  • I can be a historic landscape photographer because I can schedule time into my calendar to go on days out to historic landmarks to take photographs. I can start building a portfolio quickly and easily right from my phone, uploading my images to Instagram and tagging potential clients.

Your limiting belief created a problem. Your counter sentence solved that problem and now your limiting belief has nothing to support it. If another limiting belief arises off the back of your counter sentence, just repeat the exercise. Do it as many times as you need. Think of it as a debate with yourself. One where you refuse to let the negative opposition win the argument.

How to bring all your findings together to outline your soul purpose

We’ve done a lot of work there. There’s a lot of stuff out on the table that we now need to pick through and sort into something more tangible. It’s like doing a big bedroom deep clean. You have to make a huge mess so you can see what to keep and what to get rid of.

To make things easier, here are steps to take to bring all your findings together.

Step 1: Link what brings you joy and your interests

Spend some time looking at everything you wrote down in the first two exercises. What connections could you make between the two groups of answers? Referring back to the example idea trees, I could link my joy of yoga to my interest in reiki. Or, connect my idea of being a shop owner and my interest in antiques.

Start to build a list of these connections so you can dive into them more in the next few steps.

Step 2: Which of your ideas aligns with your values?

Start assigning your values to those ideas you’ve come up with. Using those previous examples, I might assign my values of compassion, balance and fearlessness to my idea of combining yoga and reiki. Or for my second idea of joining my idea of shop ownership and antiques I might apply my values of honesty, charity and independence.

These ideas then become even more fleshed out, supported by our core values, leading them to look like this:

  • Idea 1 – Becoming a yoga instructor that combines yoga and reiki healing, to help people feel more balanced, connect with their deepest selves and clear out negativity. Values applied: Balance, spirituality and self-development

  • Idea 2 – Opening up an independent antique shop that buys antiques from people in the community and uses a portion of the profits to support a local charity. Values applied: Charitable, honest and independent

See how adding those values to your ideas gives them more heart? You can start to feel more connected with them, try them on and see which feels like the best fit. Having ideas supported by your values makes them so much stronger than just the ideas on their own.

Step 3: How do your strengths and weaknesses come into play?

Review those strengths and weaknesses lists and start to identify them in your ideas.

For example:

  • Idea 1 – My strengths would come into play around self-development, helping people to leave a session feeling like they have evolved in some way. To feel more connected, to offer people a more creative way to connect with themselves. My weaknesses might come in because I might not yet have the stamina to run a whole session of yoga, or I might not be able to price the sessions correctly because of my limiting beliefs around money.

  • Idea 2 – My strengths would come into play regarding creativity, being creative with window displays, and the layout of the shop. Connect with the people who bring the antiques and the meaning behind the pieces, so I can market them effectively. My weaknesses may pop up around finances, renting shop space and managing inventory and customer service/ dealing with the public.

It will be up to you to decide whether your strengths outweigh your weaknesses. Looking at the two ideas above, I can already see that my weaknesses wouldn’t be as big of an obstacle in idea 1 as those outlined in idea 2. Just reading those paragraphs I already feel pulled more towards idea 1 than 2.

This is the point where you start to narrow down those ideas further. You start to feel which ones are on the right track and which ones aren’t. Which ones feel easy and which ones already feel like a hassle.

Step 4: Tackling the limiting beliefs around your ideas

Once you’ve got that condensed list of fleshed-out ideas of what you want to pursue in life, it’s time to tackle the limiting beliefs that come up around those things.

Work on each idea at a time and write down all the limiting beliefs that come up when you think about bringing them to life. What evidence is your mind giving you around why you have those limiting beliefs? What evidence can you find to counteract those beliefs?

Use the techniques we learned before to start breaking down these limiting beliefs.

Once you’ve completed all these four steps, you’ll have an amazing list of potential soul purposes that you can start to follow up on. Like I said at the very beginning of this guide, our soul purpose in life is not something we can figure out overnight. Come back to all the ideas you’ve come up with at another time and see how they feel. Which ones do you still feel excited about and which ones have lost their spark?

Remember that if you set out on one path and it starts to feel wrong, it’s never too late to choose another path. You haven’t failed, you’ve experimented and your findings were that it wasn’t the right fit for you at that time. Now you know and what you’ve learned from this experience can inform your decisions in the future, to help give you a better outcome.

If you’ve worked through this guide with me, well done you on reaching the end! If you feel like you didn’t quite hit the nail on the head, why not explore my Soul Tarot Coaching? A one-off coaching session that combines the wisdom of the Tarot and Spiritual/Soul Purpose coaching techniques to help you find ultimate clarity.

10 Things Fuelling your Limiting Beliefs Around Money

Money makes the world go round. That’s a fact and there’s not much we can do about it. Limiting beliefs around money can cause stress, stop you from taking risks or leaping towards your biggest and most exciting goals.

There might be something you would absolutely love to experience in your life, but money stops you in your tracks. Even those with bank accounts filled to the brim will not have enough to do something. For the rest of us though these limiting beliefs can be the thing that stands in the way of us creating that awesome dream business, stops us from taking that once in a lifetime trip or even being able to take time off work to rest.

If you find your money limiting beliefs are making you miserable, like mine were this time last month, then here are 10 things that might be fuelling those beliefs and how you can start to overcome them to live a happier and healthier life.

1) I’m not someone who is meant to have money

Says who? A lot of the time people who have this belief come from backgrounds where their parents struggled with money. Or their family members have a history with debt that has been carried through generations.

When it comes to this belief, ask yourself:

  • Why you feel you aren’t supposed to have money

  • What was your parents and grand parents relationship with money? Did they have some and lose it? Were they always in debt?

  • Have you adopted a belief that you’re not meant to have money because you’ve grown up with a lack your whole life? Think about the comments you heard around money growing up.

2) I’m not deserving of more money

Everyone is deserving of money, but we can often feel guilty about wanting more and more of it. You might tell yourself that you only want what you need to live, but is living hand to mouth really the way you want to live your whole life? Probably not.

When it comes to breaking this belief down, ask yourself:

  • What makes me underserving of money? What proof do I have that this is true?

  • Have you ever been in a position where you had an abundance of money but lost it or didn’t manage it wisely?

  • How could that have influenced this belief? Are you still using this as evidence as to why you don’t deserve money?

3) I don’t know how to handle a lot of money so it’s best to stay small

This is something I used to tell myself all the time and I had no evidence to back it up. It didn’t stop the belief from taking hold though. This is something else that can be passed down from generation to generation. We usually learn how to manage money based on our parents example. Or in some cases the example of our older siblings.

When you find yourself thinking that you don’t know how to manage money, ask yourself:

  • When I have I managed money well? How did I do it and how did it feel?

  • Am I making someone else’s experiences with money my own? Are these beliefs the beliefs of those around me rather than my own?

  • What are the pros and cons of stopping yourself from being able to make larger sums of money? Do the cons really outweigh the pros?

4) People won’t pay X amount for my services/products

This is one for the business owners and aspiring soulpreneurs. When you’re trying to build your dream business or side hustle this is one of the biggest limiting beliefs around money. It can stop you from pricing your services and products correctly and downplay your worth.

If you’re an entrepreneur, then ask yourself these questions to figure out how to overcome this major business block:

  • Taking away money, what value does my product or service offer my dream clients/customers?

  • Who is doing what I want to be doing? How many people follow them? How successful do they appear to be?

  • How much are other people charging for what I am offering? Am I under, over or matching those prices?

5) Money is bad and leads to greed and selfishness

There are many stories we’re exposed to that have money as the enemy, the route of all evil. We associate money with greed more than anything else, it’s a trope that we see in media and stories everywhere. Think about the story of King Midas and his golden touch, or all the villains in movies that have done terrible things for fortunes. This stays with us, a subliminal message telling us that if we’re rich, we must have done bad things to get there. Not true.

When you feel guilty about having more money than you need or you’re afraid to ask for more money at work, or accept loans or winnings, then ask yourself these questions:

  • How has money benefited me or brought positivity to my life or the lives of those around me?

  • What are all the ways money is used in a good way? Think charity, life experiences, gifting.

  • Thinking about all the things I would do if I had more money, what positives would those things bring me? What is my core reasoning behind wanting to attract more money into my life?

6) Money is limited so I should save as much as possible

There’s such a thing as being too careful with money. It’s called frugality. We hold on so tightly to what we have already that we block any more money flowing to us in the future. This is not to say we shouldn’t save for emergencies or a rainy day, but saving more than you really need to can leave you with nothing for the present.

You’re not a dragon hoarding gold, you are a human being that has to move through a life. Don’t make it unbearable for yourself if you have the option to live a life filled with adventure and joy.

When you start to tell yourself that money is limited and you need to hold on tighter to what you have, ask yourself these questions:

  • When is my next pay check coming in and when does the next one after that and the one after that? Visualise that money flowing in and out of your account like waves on a shoreline.

  • How much do I need to budget to live and pay bills and how much will be left over? Is that amount worth saving or could I find a way to treat myself right now?

  • What examples can I find where my money has been replenished when it was at its lowest?

7) I can’t be trusted with money because I shop too much

Poor money management is definitely something that many struggle with and those with a shopping addiction can face some serious consequences. However, it’s treatable. If you do shop too much, then you can look at your reasoning – does it give you a dopamine hit? Take your mind off real life? – and work to readjust that habit.

If this is a limiting belief around money that plagues you, ask yourself these questions:

  • When have I had an abundance of money and not bought anything?

  • How do I budget each month? Could I budget better? Create more structure in my finances? Could I learn more about money management to help me?

  • When have I shown that I can be responsible with money?

8) I can’t do what I love and be able to make a living

Where are my creative business owners because this one is for you. If you’re a Millenial or Gen X then you will probably have the belief that work is supposed to be hard. If you’re not doing whatever it takes to earn money then you’re not working hard enough. If you do something that you love and is tied to your passion, it’s a hobby not a job.

When I first started working for myself and working from home, I often had comments along the lines of ‘taking a break are we?’ whenever I went to get a coffee. Or, heaven forbid I finished work before 5pm because then I was ‘slacking’. This idea that work has to fit into a certain mould to be valid is a very outdated belief. One that Gen Z are very good at shattering.

So, whenever you’re thinking of that dream life and dream business, but are struck by this limiting belief ask yourself:

  • Who are my idols? The people already doing my dream job successfully.

  • How many people can I find that do what I want to do as a job? (Maybe you could even reach out to them and ask them about their own experiences)

  • How could I start to create a structure in my life that would help me support this dream career? Could I go part-time while I build the business? Could I start carving out intentional time to spend on my business throughout the week?

9) Money doesn’t buy happiness so why would I work harder to gain more of it?

This one is closely tied to that limiting belief around money somehow being bad. The phrase ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ is one we’ve heard thousands of times and now it’s seeped into our deepest subconscious. Originally this phrase was ‘money buys everything, except morality and citizens’ which is a lot more true than this very generalised phrase.

Money can’t make you happy on its own that’s for sure. When you don’t use it, money is just lumps of metal and paper or numbers floating about in the stratosphere. It’s what money offers you, what you can trade it for that can bring joy.

When thinking about how money can’t buy happiness, ask yourself:

  • If I take the material aspect out of it, what could money actually offer me?

  • What does money represent to me? What values can it help me to uphold?

  • What things give me joy and would I still have access to them without money?

10) I don’t have any control over how much money I make

Of course there will be people who do not have the privilege of having options when it comes to work, but I’m assuming that you are not one of these people. If you are then that’s another challenge for another time.

Whether you’re working a 9-5, freelance or have your own business you will have some control over how much you make. If you have a salary then why not ask for a promotion or pay rise? Prove your worth with data and stats if you have to but have the courage to put yourself out there and ask.

If you’re freelance or own your own business, look at ways you could make adjustments to cut costs or increase prices.

If this is a limiting belief that is stopping you from reaching the financial potential you want to achieve, then ask yourself these questions:

  • Are the money obstacles I’m currently facing created by external energies or internal ones?

  • Do I believe I am worth more money than I am currently attracting? If not why? If yes, why?

  • How much power do I really have over how much money I make? What are all of my options?

Limiting beliefs around money can be something that keeps you completely stuck and never evolving or moving forwards. To help you overcome them, why not explore my Soul Tarot Coaching sessions? Let’s work together to overcome these beliefs so you can finally start achieving your biggest goals.

Need a bit of help smashing those limiting beliefs?

Take a look at my online workshop Tarot for Limiting Beliefs and use the cards to start identifying the root cause of your beliefs are and create a plan to overcome them in no time at all.

9 Tarot Courses To Help You Level Up Your Tarot

There are many ways you can learn Tarot, but for me, Tarot courses were the saving grace. It was only through a Tarot course that I managed to really master and hone my craft.

After completing a beginners course, it wasn’t long before I was doing my advanced Tarot Diploma course. Both of these were the only way I was able to make all the information stick. If you’re the same as me, then I have a few amazing Tarot courses for you to try out.

Advanced Tarot Diploma Course – Centre Of Excellence

This is the advanced course I did once I’d really built up the foundations of my Tarot practice. It’s a great way to take yourself from beginner to intermediate and advanced.

There is so much more to the Tarot than just memorising the meanings of all 78 Tarot cards. There are ancient philosophies, esoteric practices, religion, symbolism, numerology and so much more.

This advanced Tarot course was a great way to blow the door to the world of Tarot wide open. It opened my eyes to all the ways I could deepen my Tarot reading even further. Something I would never have been able to figure out for myself.

Soul Tarot For Beginners

My love for Lindsey Mack and the Wild Soul Tarot runs deep. I’ve learned a lot from Lindsey and her courses are truly unique.

‘Soul Tarot For Beginners’ isn’t so much about teaching you how to read Tarot, it’s teaching you how to use Tarot. To put your knowledge to practical use.

This is a great course if you want to start using your Tarot knowledge to benefit your overall well-being. To start building a very personal and internal Tarot practice that will help you with self-care and healing.

Tarot Advanced Course – London School of Astrology

The London School of Astrology has its own advanced Tarot course that you can complete. It’s a little pricey but the teachers at LSA are the best of the best.

This course will help you to start creating those readings that flow seamlessly, and teach you how to deal with the ethics of clients. Plus you’ll have access to exclusive Q&As with Tarot teacher Mario Trevino.

You can download a PDF of all the course info by visiting the course homepage here.

Tarot’s Forgotten Iconography, Symbolism and Storytelling Power – The College of Psychic Studies

I really wanted to make sure I was showcasing a wide variety of Tarot courses and so I couldn’t not include this course. Tarot’s Forgotten Iconography, Symbolism and Storytelling Power isn’t about learning to memorise the cards, it’s about understanding their structure.

Letitia Barbier takes the help of this course and over five two hour sessions she takes you on a journey through the complex history of the Tarot. In this you’ll be able to build on your Tarot education and make sure you have a solid understanding of the Tarot.

The Alternative Tarot Course – Little Red Tarot

Little Red Tarot is one of my favourite online Tarot shops, I can always get the rarer Tarot decks I’m coveting from them. They also offer a great Tarot course.

This course takes you on an 8-week journey to help you develop a much more personal relationship with tarot. This course is perfect if you can remember the meanings of the cards but struggle to pull all the guidance together to create a coherent meaning.

This course isn’t about learning the cards, it’s about learning to read, to interpret and trust your intuition to guide you to the right answers.

Blueprint To attracting Clients – Biddy Tarot

The OG for beginner Tarot courses. Biddy Tarot is an essential resource for any Tarot reader. She’s best known for her beginner Tarot courses, but more recently she has released some amazing courses for professional or aspiring professional readers.

This one in particular is great. It teaches you how to find your first Tarot clients and build your Tarot business. I highly recommend checking out Biddy Tarot’s courses if you want to launch your own online Tarot business.

The Art of Intuitive Tarot – DailyOm

Designed for those looking to really dive into intuitive Tarot reading. This course from DailyOm helps readers who struggle to really tap into or trust their intuitive guidance.

The course looks at intuitive Tarot reading specifically. Something we all do to a degree, but this is a complete focus on the relationship between Tarot and intuition.

I’d recommend this course especially if you’re looking to work with clients face to face, reading their energy directly.

And that’s it. I hope you’ve found a new Tarot course that takes your fancy and if you’d like to find out any more about my own courses and workshops, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

The Ultimate Guide to Learning Tarot Reading

Welcome to the ultimate guide to learning Tarot. Here I’ll be talking you through everything you need to know in order to start learning Tarot. And, giving yourself the very best chance at learning Tarot reading easily.

Below, you’ll find handy navigation to quickly move through this guide.

1. Where to Start

2. Choosing a Beginners Tarot Deck

3. Understanding What Tarot Cards Are

4. Knowing How and Why to Use Tarot Readings

5. Getting Familiar With the Structure of a Tarot Deck

6. The Best Way to Learn the Meanings of the Tarot Cards

7. Choosing the Best Resources, Teachers and Mentors

8. Getting to Know Your Learning Style

9. Understanding the Many Different Aspects Flowing Into the Tarot

1. Where to Start

Where do you start when you’ve decided you want to learn how to read Tarot cards? Well, this guide is as good a place as any. Clicking on this article has already set the wheels in motion and opened your energy up to learning more about this tool.

The very first step, before you even consider buying a deck, is to decide why you want to learn Tarot. There’s no wrong answers here, but those with a more concrete intention tend to learn quicker than others. If you know why you want to start learning to give yourself or others Tarot readings, that’s the very best place to start on this journey.

Tarot cards are a spiritual tool. Even though they have been used traditionally as fortune telling devices, these days they’re more of a self-help tool. Tarot has the ability to open your mind to aspects of yourself and the world around you, that you have never considered before.

Saying that, it’s not an easy task to under take. Essentially you’re learning to read a whole new language. I always describe the Tarot cards akin to illustrative languages like hieroglyphics. It’s also a never ending journey of education. Yes you can learn the meanings of all 78 Tarot cards, but fully understanding them and being able to connect with them on a deeper level takes time.

Remember that the Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum – its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.
— Jack Parsons

We’ll go into more detail of how to find the best resources further in this guide, but a great place for that initial step into the world of Tarot is my online resource section. It’s completely free to access, all you have to do is sign up. In there you’ll find a full directory of the 78-cards. Each card gets its own detailed breakdown where I take you through what the card means traditionally and how you can interpret it.

As well as the directory, there are Tarot spread templates you can trial and links to all of my Tarot podcast episodes.

2. Choosing a beginners Tarot deck

Choosing your very first Tarot deck can be daunting. There are hundreds of different decks out there, not to mention Oracle cards being thrown into the mix. You’ll see these two types of divination decks mixed in with each other in online shops. However, they are not the same thing.

Tarot decks are divination card decks that contain 78 cards. These cards are also split into two factions, the major and minor arcana. Oracle cards have very few rules. They don’t have to conform to a set number of cards or follow traditional meanings. Oracle decks can contain any number of cards, from 10 to 100+. However, they can be a great alternative to use for those that just don’t vibe with Tarot cards.

The most important thing about choosing your first deck is to choose the one you love. Make sure the imagery inspires and motivates you to learn. Pick a deck you absolutely can’t wait to use.

I wrote a more in-depth blog post recently about choosing the very best Tarot deck for beginners, so if you’re struggling to make that all-important decision, then go and check that out.

3. Understanding What Tarot Cards & Tarot Reading Are

We all like to know what we’re getting ourselves into and Tarot isn’t for everybody. Tarot reading falls under the umbrella of divination – divining information using a spiritual or esoteric tool or channel – and there are many more tucked away under that same umbrella.

Some of the most widely used forms of divination today are:

  • Palmistry

  • Scrying

  • Tarot readings

  • Oracle readings

  • Runes

  • Crystal gazing

  • Astrology

  • Feng Shui

  • Dream reading

Divination is the quest to understand more about the past, present, and future. In other words, Tarot readings are an attempt to understand ourselves better and discover how we might live better in the future.
— Theresa Francis-Cheung, Teen Tarot: What the Cards Reveal About You and Your Future

These days, Tarot is more about understanding the self, rather than uncovering the future. We channel our intuition and energetic selves through the cards, in order to better understand why we think the way we do, feel the way we do and do what we do.

If the subconscious is a lock, then Tarot is the key. It can open your eyes to new ways of looking at yourself and the world around you. It can help you process or accept some of the hardest to swallow parts of life. It can help you find direction when you’re being blinded by your own fears and worries.

Tarot is the self-coaching tool we all need. The support and guidance I’ve got over the last few years of being a professional Tarot reader are priceless. I’ve been able to cut through those loud self-limiting voices to push through and do things I never thought possible.

Without always having the Tarot cards to turn to, I doubt that I would have been able to uncover some of the mind-blowing self-realisations I’ve had.

A Tarot reading should never dictate to you what you should do or how you should think. It should never chastise you for behaving or acting in a certain way. The cards should simply guide you to the truth so that you can make the best decisions possible, with a clear mind, boosted confidence and empowerment.

Learning Tarot reading is an investment into your highest self. It’s a step toward putting your overall wellbeing at the top of your priority list. Take a look at the BTS video of my Tarot For Beginners course below to see if it’s time for you to start putting yourself first.

4. Knowing How and Why to Use Tarot Readings

We’ve already touched on why you might want to start learning Tarot reading but practically, what does that look like? You may be most familiar with 3-4 Tarot cards lined up in a row, each one being turned over to uncover a mysterious imagery.

Laying the cards out like this is called a Tarot spread. These spreads offer context for the cards themselves. Within a spread, we have different positions. It might be the past position, the present position or the future position. The position that card is in tells us what the card is referring to, helping us better understand what guidance the cards are giving us.

But, like I said before, Tarot these days is more about self-coaching and guidance than prediction. Which has blown open the many ways we can use the cards practically.

Divination is not seeing the future; it’s looking at the present from a different perspective and seeing connections that were otherwise invisible.
— Charbel Tadros

One of the main ways I use Tarot reading in my routines, courses, podcasts and workshops is through Tarot journaling. This combines traditional journaling and Tarot readings. You can do an all-out 10-card extravaganza or a simple one-card pull.

When Tarot journaling, you write down all the guidance the cards are offering and start to chip into it. You dig deeper and deeper until you hit the very root cause of your passions, fears, worries, desires or frustrations. It’s a way to take the spiritual guidance channelled through the cards tangible. When it’s written down it’s easier for your brain to process, making the guidance easier to understand and quicker to act on.

If you need a bit of help to better understand how to practically use Tarot in your daily wellbeing routine, then why not sign-up for my monthly mailing list? Where I offer monthly ‘Tarot Downloads’, guidance for the month ahead based on 1-2 Tarot cards. This can be a great way to start teaching yourself and making Tarot a regular part of your life.

5. Getting Familiar With the Structure of a Tarot Deck

Understanding the structure of a Tarot deck can be a great way to better understand the very core of Tarot reading. A deck is split into two main sections, the Major and Minor Arcana. These represent the major lessons we all move through throughout our lifetimes and the minor, daily challenges we have to face.

People focus a lot on the meanings of the cards themselves, but the framework of a Tarot deck can give you context for your readings. It can help you create clear narratives and timelines. This is why there are lessons within the Tarot For Beginners course that really help you hone in on this structure.

The Pagan Otherworld Tarot Deck by UUSI – The Hierophant & Eight of Swords

6. The Best Way to Learn the Meanings of the Tarot Cards

When most people decide to start learning Tarot reading, they begin by trying to memorise the meanings of the cards. This is where a lot of people fall down. They try and cram as much information into their brains as possible, usually in a very short time.

The harsh truth is you can not learn Tarot reading overnight. Plus, why would you want to? Learning to read Tarot cards should be an enjoyable and eye-opening experience. This is why I highly recommend taking things as slow as possible.

Not only will you be much more likely to succeed when you consume bite-sized pieces of information, but you’ll also be able to give the cards your full attention.

Which method of learning is best depends on the person. Some people will find that they learn best through visual tutorials or lessons. Some may find that they learn best from reading books. My advice is to think about how you enjoy learning and seek out a Tarot teacher or mentor that offers lessons in that way.

7. Choosing the Best Resources, Teachers and Mentors

There are lots of different ways you can read the Tarot cards and many unique reasons why someone might want to. Every reader is different; they all have their own reasons as to why they started to reading Tarot and it’s often very personal to them.

When hunting for the best Tarot teacher or mentor, look for someone that has the same or similar reasons as you, as to why they read Tarot. What experiences do you have in common? What values and beliefs do you share?

Tarot doesn’t predict the future. Tarot facilitates it.
— Philippe St Genoux

One of the best ways to find a new Tarot teacher or mentor is by using social media. Search for Tarot readers on Instagram and browse around. See who’s instagram page speaks to you. Follow them for a while and see if you get value from their posts.

Podcasts are another great way to find the perfect Tarot teacher, because you get a great feel for the values those readers promote. Listen to a few episodes and see if the points made mirror your own.

Although it is possible to learn Tarot on your own, seeking out other readers with more experience or different experiences to you can help widen your perspective on the cards. Consume as much information from as many sources as possible and then make your decision who to follow based on intuition.

*Learn how to cleanse your Tarot cards for the best readings possible!

8. Getting to Know Your Learning Style

I mentioned it before but it’s worth repeating. Get clear about which style of learning clicks with you the best. If you’re not sure then there’s a great quiz from Arden University which can help. The quiz tells you what kind of learner you are based on a few simple and quick questions.

Knowing this can help you choose a method of learning Tarot that is guaranteed to help you become a Tarot reader in no time at all.

For example, I’m a visual learner, meaning I learn best from practical tasks, experimentation and video tutorials. But originally I tried to learn to read Tarot via a book. I ended up getting gradually more and more frustrated that the information wasn’t sticking in my brain.

It was only when I opted for an online course that contained slides, videos and practical tasks that things started to click.

If you are a:

  • Visual Learner – Look for courses that include videos, presentations, diagrams etc

  • Auditory Learner – Research Tarot podcasts and start listening to as many as possible

  • Reading/Writing Learner – Take a look at those two books mentioned earlier on and work through them in order to start absorbing the information

  • Kinaesthetic Learner – Take a more hands-on approach by using your guidebook and giving yourself as many readings as possible as often as possible. Utilise your physical senses, maybe allocate certain smells with each card, create playlists that remind you of the cards and allow music to help you learn.

9. Understanding the Many Different Aspects Flowing Into the Tarot

When you first start out learning Tarot reading, you may think that the Tarot is a single entity, but it’s not. When the Tarot cards were created, they were created by people fascinated by esotericism. They were people that would study astrology, psychic energy, religion, numerology, symbology and so on.

This means, all of these different subjects bleed into the world of the Tarot. They can help you understand the Tarot card meanings from multiple different perspectives. Learning them alongside learning the Tarot cards, can help you become a much more advanced reader over time.

Once upon a time, tarot reading was about discovering what your future held. These days tarot helps you craft exactly the future you desire.
— Sasha Graham

The two best places to start would be numerology and astrology. These are the most prominent in the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot deck – the deck that most modern Tarot decks use as a template for their meanings.

Numerology plays heavily on the numbers on each of the cards and can give you more context of their meanings.

Astrology can be seen in symbols throughout, from the symbol of Venus on the Empress card, or the ram’s heads symbolising the astrological sign Aries on the Emperor card.

The number one thing to remember when learning Tarot reading is that it takes commitment. You need to be committed to travelling along this path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. You have to be open to new ideas and methods of being that is completely alien to you.

You will not be the same person after learning Tarot as you were before. It’s not just a hobby, it’s a transformation and it’s one that gives as much as it gets, so give it your all.

What is The Best Tarot Deck For Beginners?

As a teacher of beginner Tarot readers, the question of ‘what’s the best Tarot deck for beginners’ is one I come against a lot. With so many different designs of deck, it can feel overwhelming to know which deck to choose as your beginner Tarot deck.

Something I tell all my students, whether it’s in my Tarot For Beginners course or in my Tarot workshops, is that it really comes down to which deck you feel drawn to. I can offer you suggestions of decks to browse, but only you can decide which deck speaks to you. A bit like in Harry Potter when the wand chooses the wizard, the deck chooses the reader.

First, less dispel THOSE Tarot deck myths

I want to make it clear that I don’t subscribe to the belief that you can only use a deck that has been gifted to you. It’s a very gatekeep-ery myth that excludes those that don’t have the option of being gifted a deck.

This belief is based primarily on superstition. That the cards themselves held some mystic power that could be passed from person to person. This is also why people generally avoided even touching a deck that belonged to someone else. We know better now.

These days, we understand that it’s the reader that has the power, the cards are just a vessel through which to channel their energy. Which vessel you choose will depend on which cards you feel are a natural extension of yourself.

Best Tarot deck for beginners

Now to the recommendations. It may not come as a surprise that I own a lot of Tarot decks and I have a few in mind that I think are perfect for any beginner Tarot reader.

1) Rider Waite-Smith Deck

This is the most popular deck readers use. It is the perfect beginner deck because a lot of courses and Tarot books use the imagery of this deck to teach. Myself included.

The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot deck was first published by the Rider Company way back in 1909, so it’s got an extensive and trusted history. It was one of the first Tarot decks to feature an individually designed image for each of the 78 Tarot cards. Before this deck, you would often find that only the Major Arcana cards were illustrated (The Fool to The World) and the pip cards (Wands, Pentacles, Swords and Cups) would simply have the symbol of the suit replicated to correspond with the card’s number.

I wanted to lead with this deck, because like I said, this deck is by far the most popular deck ever used. All modern decks, including all the decks that follow this in this blog, are based on the same meanings and often symbology we see on the Rider Waite-Smith deck. They are effectively decks that redesign the imagery of the cards, not always the meanings of the cards.

2) The Pagan Otherworlds Deck

The Pagan Otherworlds deck is by far my favourite to use for my personal readings. I am a big fan of renaissance style oil paintings and the imagery of this deck is based on that classic and gothic oil painting style.

The reason I think this is a great beginner Tarot deck is that the meanings of the cards are pretty much identical to the Rider Waite-Smith deck. This means that if you buy any Tarot books or online courses, you’ll be able to use this deck no problem. The only thing that is different, and it’s a fairly major difference, is that the pip cards are not individually illustrated to the same detail as the Rider deck. there are some key symbols illustrating the pip decks, but the focus is more on the suit symbols and numerology.

3) The Light Seer’s Deck

If you find that you don’t really vibe with a more gothic, religious or classic style of imagery, then the Light Seer’s Tarot deck is the one for you. This is a modern version of the Rider Waite-Smith deck, with imagery that more closely reflects the spiritual practices of the 21st century.

I highly recommend this deck to those Tarot readers that want to offer or practice a much more contemporary style of Tarot reading. Again the meanings of the cards are similar if not the same to that of the Rider Waite-Smith deck.

4) The Mystic Monday’s Deck

Another deck that is ideal for those contemporary readers. This one is slightly more abstract than the others suggested, so if you rely heavily on detailed imagery to help you remember the meanings of the cards, this may not be the one for you.

Something I did when I was a beginner Tarot reader was to use this in conjunction with the Rider Waite-Smith deck. This was so I could learn to use both decks at the same time and learn how to not rely too much on imagery to give me the full story.

Which beginner Tarot deck should you buy?

If you want to be able to easily use most Tarot guidebooks then grabbing yourself the Rider Waite-Smith deck to begin with is your best bet. There are a few different versions of this deck, but the most common are The Original Rider Waite deck or the Universal Waite Deck.

If you really want to choose a deck that you feel connected with, then take a look at the imagery of the above decks. See which one draws you in the most, which one do you get excited about using? This is the right beginner deck for you.

If you’ve chosen which deck you can’t wait to use, you may be wondering how to use it. I teach beginner Tarot in a simple and easy way, allowing you to work through lessons in your own time with a self-led format. To take a look at the full Tarot For Beginners course head to the landing page.

Tarot Podcasts That Are Guaranteed to Deepen Your Tarot Knowledge

Tarot Podcasts For Learning

Tarot podcasts are a great tool for supporting your Tarot learning journey. But, they can be very tricky to pin down.

Below, you'll find a whole host of amazing podcasts that you can listen to on the go. Each one offers different perspectives on the meanings of the cards and how to read them. Give them a try and see which reader you vibe best with, to help support your own Tarot education going forward.

WORDS: Cat Crawford

IMAGE: Juja Han via Unsplash


There seems to be a growing number of Tarot podcasts, which is fantastic because the more readers’ voices are added to the mix, the more sources we have to tap into.

You may think that as a Tarot podcast host myself, I would encourage you to listen to my own podcast and not that of my ‘competitors’. If I hadn’t heard a number of different podcasts at the beginning of my journey, I would never have developed my own style. I encourage you to listen to as many Tarot podcasts and Tarot podcast episodes as often as possible.

To help you get started here are some of my personal favourites.

Tarot For The Wild Soul by Lindsey Mack

One of my all-time favourite Tarot readers, Lindsey Mack’s amazing Tarot podcast is something I encourage everyone to listen to. Lindsey reads the cards from a trauma-centred POV, using the guidance of the cards to heal and explore the parts of ourselves we may be avoiding or are too raw to face.

It was Tarot For The Wild Soul that made me want to create a podcast of my own, so I have a lot to thank Lindsey for.

If you like to use Tarot in a very practical and self-healing way, then this podcast will be a huge eye opener for you. It also caters to any and all skill levels, so you won’t get too confused when Lindsey is talking about their perspectives on the cards.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Understanding context in terms of card meanings and guidance 
  • Trauma and healing work with the cards
  • Those looking to work in a more holistic way with the Tarot
  • Perfect as an accompanying soundtrack for inner work and journaling. 




Tarot For The Wild Soul Podcast

The Biddy Tarot Podcast

Biddy Tarot Podcast

Many people starting off on their Tarot journey will have come across Biddy Tarot by Brigit Esselmont. Biddy Tarot is like the OG for beginner Tarot courses and resources.

The podcast took a short break but it’s now back with a bang. Ideal for focused learning time or even just listening in the car on the way to work to get that subconscious learning in.

Biddy Tarot is the master of beginner Tarot learning, so if you’re looking for straightforward learning experience, this is the podcast for you.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Absolute beginners
  • Learning the basic meanings of the cards and building strong foundations 
  • Those looking to eventually build a Tarot business for themselves 
  • Interviews with other Tarot influencers 




Energetic Tarot Podcast

Obviously, I had to put my own podcast in the mix, what kind of business owner would I be if I didn’t? The Energetic Tarot podcast was created based on my own Tarot Journaling process. In each episode, we tackle a self-development, self-discovery or personal development subject and use the guidance of a chosen Tarot card to help us investigate further.

It’s great for any level of Tarot reader and a lot of my Foundational Tarot students have said they love to listen to it to expand on what they’re learning in the course.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • All skill levels
  • Those looking for a self-development and self-help spin on reading the Tarot 
  • Learning how to read the cards in context of specific questions



Energetic Tarot Podcast

The Hierophant Sessions by Melinda Lee Holm

The Hierophant Sessions Melinda Lee Holm

I’ve said more than a million times how much I admire Melinda Lee Holm and the way she interprets the cards. She’s been a huge inspiration for me and really helped me to see how Tarot can be used holistically and for mental health.

Another podcast that has taken an (indefinite?) hiatus, but one that again I recommend. Melinda sits down with friends and colleagues to offer them Tarot readings around their most pressing issues. It helps to give a glimpse into how a professional Tarot reader performs a reading and it can be helpful to see how Melinda moves through the Celtic Cross spread.

I learned a hell of a lot from Melinda Lee Holm!

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Learning how to read for clients 
  • Learning to build story and narrative in your readings 
  • Hearing real-life Tarot readings take place 
  • Experiencing what a real Tarot reading should flow like




Tarot Bytes by Theresa Reed

Tarot Bytes is great for those of us that are completely in love with the Tarot and every tiny detail of the cards. Theresa Reed sits down to talk with other Tarot readers and energy healers to discuss everything Tarot. From alchemy in Tarot, misconceptions about Tarot readers, sceptics and so much more.

It’s a great podcast for those that are looking to advance their foundational knowledge. There are plenty of episodes dedicated to Tarot but also many that stretch out into wider esoteric subjects. This means I recommend this podcast for those with a few more years of experience under their belt.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Intermediate to advanced Tarot enthusiasts
  • Those looking to expand their interpretations by brining in wider esoteric subjects into their readings 
  • Those looking to practice Tarot in both a personal and professional capacity 



Tarot Bytes Theresa Reed

The Tarot Diagnosis by Shannon Knight

The Tarot Diagnosis

The Tarot Diagnosis is hosted by licensed psychotherapist, Shannon Knight. This is a podcast that focuses on using Tarot as a support and tool for mental health.

Shannon really knows her stuff, not just about how to use Tarot effectively, but how it can massively aid with mental health recovery, introspection and personal development.

This podcast is similar to my own, in that it’s not so much about learning Tarot, but more about putting it into practical use. It’s a really easy listen, but the subjects can be quite intense so there’s something for whatever mood and energy levels you’re dealing with that day.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Learning how Tarot can aid and support your mental health 
  • Intermediate to advanced readers that want to expand the way they read for themselves and for others 
  • Those that want to use the Tarot as a holistic tool for better well-being




Root Lock Radio: A Tarot Podcast

This is a must-listen podcast for anyone starting out in Tarot because it really dives into the symbology and philosophy of the Tarot cards. It’s a great place to head to once you’ve completed a beginner Tarot course or you’ve learned the basic meanings of the cards and want to take that next step.

Again it seems to have gone on a hiatus, but it’s a great resource that you can tap into time and time again.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Beginners looking to dive into the deeper meanings of the cards
  • Reframing cards that you think you already know back to front 
  • Expanding on the very basic and foundational meanings 



Root and Lock Radio Podcast

Awakened Tarot by Jaclyn Kitzman

Awakened Tarot by Jaclyn Kitzman

This is specifically an educational podcast, so if you’re trying to teach yourself how to read Tarot, then this is fantastic. Jaclyn really breaks down each of the cards and talks through real-world examples that can help all the information feel more accessible.

I’d recommend using this one as an episodic lesson podcast, so make time to sit down and really listen instead of trying to get your chores done at the same time.

This Tarot podcast is best for: 

  • Those looking for a podcast that dives specifically into the foundational meanings of the cards 
  • Learning to read Tarot from the ground up
  • A perfect community feel podcast for absolute beginners 




Exploring Tarot For Beginners: The online Tarot course for complete beginners

Tarot For Beginners was my very first baby when I started The Self-Care Emporium. I had just completed an advanced Tarot course and I wanted to offer a way for people to learn Tarot in the easiest way possible.

I was a little limited with functionality on the website, but I worked my arse off and launched it back in the summer of 2020. Besides, there wasn’t much else to do that year anyway!

Cut to the summer of 2022 and once again I’ve been showing Tarot For Beginners some love. With new technology and functionality on offer, I could finally make the course exactly what I had always dreamed of.

Starting your journey with the Tarot

Tarot is one of those things where you might have a curiosity about it, dabble with it a little bit and then leave it untouched for a few years until you feel drawn to it again. Even now, as a professional Tarot reader, I have periods where I don’t pick up a deck for my own use for months.

The Tarot is there for me when I need it and I don’t force that relationship. That’s how it is for me now after years of working with the Tarot, but in the beginning, it was a different story.

In the beginning, I was obsessed. I would make sure to practice readings and memorising the cards every single day. I would give myself and friends readings as often as possible and always make time to squeeze in a Tarot lesson or two.

Learning to read Tarot cards isn’t an easy task. I’m not going to pretend to you that it is. You are essentially learning a completely new language that is predominantly visual, like hieroglyphics. You’re learning about symbolism, numerology, astrology, religion and more all at the same time.

However, don’t let that put you off because, with so many different layers, it is hands down one of the most impactful and fascinating journeys I have ever chosen to take.

To get started, all you need is a deck, patience, openness and a really good mentor.

Top 10 tips for learning to read Tarot cards

Before I finally managed to learn Tarot reading, I had dabbled with Tarot cards on and off for years. I had failed to teach myself every single time. It was a combination of lack of consistency and the wrong kind of learning method. I am a visual learner, I like to see things being done, experience demonstrations and practice for myself.

In the past, I’d tried learning from books and ‘how-to’ guides but the information never stuck. It was only by taking a visual video course that everything started to click into place. So, with my years of both success and failure, here are my top 10 tips for learning to read the Tarot.

  1. Learn no more than four cards at any one time

  2. Practice small three-card readings as often as you can

  3. Listen & watch other Tarot readers read and mimic their style for a while to see what feels right

  4. Leave frustration at the door, it doesn’t help anyone and can stop you from retaining information

  5. Practice and learn with different decks with different imagery, I used Mystic Mondays Tarot and the Rider Waite-Smith deck interchangeably

  6. Find an online or in-person course so you have support and guidance from a professional

  7. Keep a Tarot journal where you store everything you’ve learned and your practice readings

  8. Do three card readings on your friends and family as often as possible

  9. Forget about being wrong and focus on interpretation rather than getting meanings correct

  10. Open up to new perspectives outside of your own biased view of the world

Exploring the Tarot for Beginners course

My online course takes you through 12 different modules, with 10 of those teaching you all the meanings of every one of the 78 Tarot cards. We explore no more than four cards in each lesson to help make all the information much more digestible.

We also look at important elements of Tarot reading that don’t revolve around card meanings. These are things like the history of the Tarot and the structure of a Tarot deck. Both subjects that can massively inform your understanding of the cards.

We also look at Tarot spreads, what they are, why we use them and how we can create our own custom spreads for an even deeper Tarot reading.

Finally, for those that are interested, we look at building a Tarot business and everything we need to plan and put in place when launching a Tarot reading business.

All of these modules not only teach you to read the Tarot cards, but they also help you to understand them. The course helps you build a foundational knowledge that will allow you to read intuitively for yourself and others, plus give you the groundwork to go off and explore even more advanced Tarot concepts, should you feel called to.

There’s a private Facebook for all my Tarot students where they can ask questions about the course, get advice and tips from myself and other students and feel supported in their Tarot journey. All students have lifetime access to the course, so they don’t have to rush the learning process.

Learning to read Tarot can be a hugely personal journey and it was very important to me to give people a safe space to really dive in. To be vulnerable and be able to connect to their fullest ability.

If this sounds like a space you’d love to share with us, then click the button below to find out more about the course and how to enrol.

Holistic Tarot: What is it and why is it so important right now?

The most well-known form of Tarot is fortune-telling. We see it in movies on TV. We see it in artwork and read it in books, it’s all we have known for centuries.

These days, Tarot readers like myself are changing the landscape of Tarot. We’re giving it a more holistic Tarot identity that aims to help people deal with the present, more than look to the future.

What is holistic Tarot?

The word holistic can be defined in two different contexts. One is philosophical and the other is in medical.

In philosophy, holistic is,

characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
— Oxford Dictionary

In laments terms, you can only truly understand something if you see the entire picture and not just the connections between the pieces that make up the picture.

In medicine, holistic is,

characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.
— Oxford Dictionary

Meaning our overall well-being has to take into account everything our bodies and minds are exposed to in order to understand what is wrong or right with it.

It’s an amalgamation of these two contexts that we work with in holistic Tarot reading. We are trying to put all the pieces together to see the bigger picture, so we can then take care of our well-being in the most in-depth way possible.

Why is holistic Tarot so important right now?

We are very much in the middle of a mental health crisis right now. More people than ever are suffering from anxiety, depression, ADHD and more. Our modern world was built for convenience, but not for well-being.

There’s been a resurgence in spirituality, astrology and witchcraft as people scramble to find a way to feel more connected to the earth. To feel more present and calm. Connecting with nature and the universe has been a way for people to find meaning, support and guidance for tens of thousands of years. Even if how it looks has changed, the premise has always stayed the same.

Holistic Tarot is a tool we can use to find this feeling of connection and oneness with the world. It can give us the information we need in order to make sense of the insensible, to find hope in the darkness and find comfort in those low times.

Using holistic Tarot reading has not only helped me manage my anxiety and depression, but it’s also helped me to help others. The Tarot offers us guidance about those smaller pieces that make up the big picture. It can help us to understand the different energies at play, the imbalances that are causing issues and reveal parts of ourselves we didn’t even know about.

The reason holistic Tarot is so important right now is because we need a vessel to show us the way back to ourselves. We’ve lost touch with who we are as human beings and using Tarot, we can make our way back to who we really are.

How can you get started in the world of holistic Tarot?

The best way to start on your journey with holistic Tarot is by grabbing yourself a deck of Tarot or Oracle cards and being open to the guidance it offers.

allow yourself to become vulnerable during your readings, to allow the Tarot a look into the deepest, darkest parts of yourself.

If you have never picked up a deck before then I highly recommend my Tarot For Beginners course, which will help you to learn the meanings of the cards and give you all the information you need to build a consistent and supportive Tarot practice.

If you’ve already dabbled in the world of Tarot, then why not join me in one of my online Tarot For Reconnection workshops? We come together to learn how to use the Tarot and Oracle cards to dive deeper into our subconscious, gain new perspectives and build a consistent holistic Tarot practice which benefits our well-being.

Ultimately, you want to shift the way you view the Tarot. From a supernatural means of telling the future, to a holistic way to be more present. See the cards as a way to uncover the hidden layers of yourself, access your deepest subconscious and open yourself up to the power of intuition.