The Energetic Tarot Blog Archive

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Exploring the Full Moon in Gemini & Lunar Eclipse

Welcome to the Full Moon in Gemini this November 2020. Not only is it a Full Moon, but it’s also a lunar eclipse. If that means absolutely nothing to you, here’s a brief description of what a lunar eclipse is and what it means for us. A lunar eclipse is when the light...

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A guide to becoming an intuitive business owner

    Building any kind of business is a land of trial and error, excitement and crippling disappointment, the highs and lows can be energetically draining but it’s all worth it. The prize at the end of the rope is an intense freedom and flexibility that only...

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A Halloween ritual for new beginnings

    It’s finally here, Halloween or Samhain if you celebrate the pagan holidays. We’ve talked a bit about what Samhain is and how we can use it to give ourselves a fresh start, but now we’re taking action and cracking on with a ritual to help us do just...

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The Chariot Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meanings

    The Chariot tarot meaning is one of trust, willpower and acceptance that we may not be able to do everything by ourselves. When we’re younger, we can’t wait to be an adult so we can take full control over our own lives, but once we reach adulthood, we...

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What is Mabon and how can we celebrate the Autumn Equinox?

I know there are those of you that don’t want to even hear me mutter the word autumn, but it’s coming my dears. It’s time to let go of summer for another year and celebrate the falling leaves with the sabbat of Mabon! Mabon is the autumn equinox, the second period in...

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