The Energetic Tarot Blog Archive

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Beginners Guide to a Full Moon Ritual

    What is the significance of a full moon?As we all know, the moon has many different phases and each one holds its own magic and meaning. The two that are most celebrated are the new moon and full moon.The full moon shines brighter than any other phase,...

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5 Alternative Self-Care Tips

What does ‘self-care’ mean to you? What activities come to mind? I think the fact that we are paying self-care a little more attention than we used to is great, but it’s important that we understand what self-care truly means. Many self-care tips that I’ve seen...

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How Samhain Became Halloween

How Samhain Became Halloween

    We are finally back in October, arguably the most beautiful time of year, but it is also the month of one of the most popular holidays worldwide, Halloween! Or for those that follow a more Pagan way of life, Samhain. How do you pronounce Samhain? S-Ow-En...

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Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

    Everybody loves their comfort zone, it’s like being wrapped up in a big fluffy duvet in the safety of your bed. Nothing can touch you, you are secure and warm and all that good stuff.If we actually did stay in bed though, wrapped up in those comfy...

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What Happens in a Tarot Reading Session?

    So you’ve decided you want to grab yourself a tarot session with me, or even better, become one of my soul coaching clients!Firstly, this is amazing news and well done to you for taking the first step forward. Secondly, you may be wondering...

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Understanding Self Limiting Belief

When it comes to limiting beliefs, it is most often rooted in deeply rooted traumas and experiences. Somewhere along the way, we’ve logged an experience and how it made us feel at the time, as a cold hard fact. It might be that an early rejection as a child has...

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Are Tarot Cards Unlucky?

Are Tarot Cards Unlucky? There are a lot of myths, legends and misunderstandings when it comes to tarot cards and tarot readings. Whether tarot cards are unlucky is just one of the many questions I get when people enquire about readings.Tarot cards have been around...

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Can Tarot Cards Predict The Future?

    There are a lot of ‘psychics’ out there that claim to be able to tell you exactly what is going to happen, just by using tarot or oracle cards. Although there are plenty of psychics offering genuine services, tarot is always the target of novelty fortune...

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