Finding moderation as an entrepreneur

We’ve all been brought up on films and TV shows with characters who fit into either the ‘love for life’ category or the ‘workaholic’ category. We never see a character that loves their job, works super hard but also makes sure to take time off and relax. They’re...

7 ways to better track your achievements

Be honest with me, how much do you track your achievements? I bet you do the bare minimum right? Occasionally look at your bank statement or tax document to see how much you’ve made that year and then move on your merry way? But what if you went deeper? What if you...

Is your business your life’s purpose?

Yes, I will be the first to admit that this post is very much inspired by the new Disney movie Soul (2020), which seems to follow a new Pixar trend in causing an existential crisis in adults and children alike. However, the themes of Soul was already on my radar and...

What does it mean to have courage as a business owner?

It’s all well and good me telling you to ‘have courage in your business’ but what does that actually mean? What do you have to do, think and believe in order for you to be able to finally label yourself as courageous? As spiritual entrepreneurs, we have to be more...

A guide to becoming an intuitive business owner

    Building any kind of business is a land of trial and error, excitement and crippling disappointment, the highs and lows can be energetically draining but it’s all worth it. The prize at the end of the rope is an intense freedom and flexibility that only...