Two of Swords Tarot Meanings

The Two of Swords is the first time we start acting on that gift of air (intellect, communication, strategy, logic) that the Ace of Swords offered up to us. Now, we have to decide what we do with that gift, how do we use it, which direction do we take it in? The possibilities of the Ace of Swords are still very much present, but now it’s decision time. How will we take it and run with it? What opportunity will we snap up?

Two of Swords energy is one of the most common energies that we experience day to day. Making choices is a huge part of our daily lives and some are easier than others. If the Two of Swords comes up, it is most likely because we are struggling to find clarity around what our next step should be.

Two of Swords Tarot Meanings Decision
Two of Swords Tarot Meanings
Two of Swords Tarot Meanings Planning

Two of Swords Upright Meanings

In the upright position, Two of Swords is about indecision or crunch time, where we are being asked to sort through our chaotic thoughts to come up with an answer or a solution. There are so many directions we can choose from that we’ve become unable to pick the right one. Some of the Two of Sword upright meanings are:

  • Mental block

  • Decisions

  • Crossroads

  • Balance

  • Trust

The Two of Swords showcases how making a decision should not just be the job of the mind, there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration. These things include our emotions, our intuition, and instinct. We need to see all aspects of a situation in order to find the best solution or answer.

Two of Swords Reversed Meanings

In the reversed position, Two of Swords can show a conscious struggle. It may suggest that we’ve overthought ourselves into a corner and we’re unable to find a way out. A lot of times, we need an external source to give us a gentle push in the right direction and that may be the case with the Two of Swords reversed. Some other reversed meanings are:

  • Denial

  • Confusion

  • Uncertainty

  • Imbalance

  • Narcissism

Because swords are not just about our conscious mind, they’re also about communication and logic, the Two of Swords can also show an inability to take in the thoughts, ideas, or points that other people are making. There is an element of narcissism attached to the Two of Swords that suggests we are so caught up in thinking we are correct, that we’re not open to the opinions or wisdom of others.

Reading Two of Swords in a Tarot Spread

When it comes to reading the Two of Swords in a tarot spread, there are a few approaches we can take. Like all the tarot cards, we need to focus on how the card is trying to help us and with the Two of Swords, a lot of that is showing us why we are currently incapable of finding answers by ourselves.

Let’s have a look at how we can frame the Two of Swords when we’re reading it within the context of our tarot spreads.

Two of Swords as An Invitation

Two of Swords is an invitation to step outside yourself for a second, in order to see what could be causing us confusion or creating a mental block. We are invited to see the bigger picture and really use all of our senses to plot a course for the future.

For Two of Swords, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation to step outside of your head to gain a better understanding of the things at play

  • An invitation to assess how we feel about our options and listen to our intuition to find clarity

  • An invitation to assess where our mental focus lies and whether it is balanced or obsessive

  • An invitation to sit in the choices in front of you and allow them to settle so you can make a more grounded and less panic-driven decision

Two of Swords as Sage Advice

As advice, Two of Swords offers up wisdom around making the right choices. It reminds us how complex making decisions can be and allows us to see the reality of a situation, rather than the perception we’ve created in our own mind’s eye.

Some advice Two of Swords may offer is:

  • Weigh up the consequences of both options and assess which one feels the most aligned.

  • Even when you think you’re right, be open to information offered from others in order to keep growing and gaining more wisdom.

  • Both opportunities are neither right nor wrong, one may be more difficult than the other, but both will lead you down a path that will help you reach your goals

Two of Swords as a Lesson

The Two of Swords offers up lessons on self-esteem and self-trust. A lot of the time, when we feel stuck making a decision or choosing a new path, we second guess ourselves because we don’t trust that we can make our own choices. All the answers we need are within us, we just need to have faith that we are capable of doing what is right for ourselves.

Some lessons that Two of Swords may offer you are:

  • Trust in yourself and know that you can and will make the best decision

  • You are allowed to take your time when choosing a new direction

  • Mental balance is essential to being able to overcome confusion and finding clarity, always take some time to assess this balance and inspired action to create balance when you’re out of whack

Two of Swords as a Redirection

Two of Swords as redirection is tricky because the whole card is about choosing a direction in the first place! What it can do though, is direct you outside of your own head, especially if you’ve been going round in circles for a while. Think about taking a rest from running, taking a deep breath and just being still, this is what the Two of Swords is directing us towards.

As a redirection, Two of Swords could symbolise a need to:

  • Stop thinking and start feeling

  • Seek out the consultation of others

  • Be influenced by other energies other than intellectual energy

  • Stop second-guessing yourself and trust your abilities

Ace of Swords Tarot Meanings Swords


The Swords refer to our realms of communication, intellect and beliefs. When we get a Sword card in our readings we know instinctively to turn our attention to these areas of our life. 

With the Two of Swords, we are facing a choice, or duality within those areas. For example we may have a tough decision to make or we may be encouraged to choose a form of communication that goes against what we would normally choose. 


Ace of Swords Tarot Meanings Air


The Swords correspond with the element of Air and that’s how we know that the Swords look at our airy areas of self. These areas are our communication, ideas and beliefs. 

With the Two of Swords, the element of air acts as a gentle breeze, helping to push is in one direction or the other. It can also offer breathing space when we have to think something over and get more clarity before moving forward. 


Tarot Meanings Numerology


The number two in numerology refers to balance, decisions and duality. It is a number that opens up a new avenue to explore, usually one that we have not come across before and is unfamiliar to us. 

In the Two of Swords, we are dealing with duality in the realm of air – communication, intellect, ideas, beliefs etc. It can be a tricky time, asking us to really think things through before settling on a final commitment. 


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