Four of Swords Tarot Meanings

After the heaviness of the Three of Swords, the Four of Swords is a welcome period of relaxation and contemplation. We’ve overcome the disappointment and heartache of the Three and now we have the space to sit in the aftermath and just allow it to wash over us.

The Four of Swords is a card of great mental stability, a state of being able to just allow thoughts to flow without interruption and finally gain some clarity on all that surrounds us. It offers stability and a moment to process.

Four of Swords Tarot Meanings Contemplate
Four of Swords Tarot Meanings
Four of Swords Tarot Meanings Reflect

Four of Swords Upright Meanings

In the upright position, Four of Swords offers us the chance to reflect on our own thoughts, contemplate our situation, circumstances, and everything that has gone before. It’s a perfect card to symbolise meditation. The core meanings of the Four of Swords are:

  • Rest

  • Contemplation

  • Healing

  • Self-Care

  • Reflection

Within the Four of Swords, we get a bit of peace within the mind. If we’ve had a lot to think about recently or we’ve been struggling with specific thoughts, ideas, or even to communicate properly, then this card is a welcome state of calm.

Four of Swords Reversed Meanings

With the Four of Swords in reverse, we get a card that hints at our own inability to accept that gift of space and relaxation. We flip the meanings of the upright Four of Swords on its head and point them inwards, a bit like holding up a mirror to our shadow self. Some of the reversed meanings of the Four of Swords are:

  • Avoidance

  • Repression

  • Forgiveness

  • Inner Fears

  • Dwelling

As you can see, a lot of the reversed meanings revolve around this core idea of repression or trying to avoid what we need to face. We close our eyes and pretend if we can’t see it, then it doesn’t exist. As adults, we all know that is never the case and the best way forward is always to face even the most difficult of things head-on.

Reading Four of Swords in a Tarot Spread

Whenever I get the Four of Swords in a spread it feels like I’ve just taken the biggest breath I’ve ever taken. It’s like sighing out all of that stress, panic and anxiety. If you’re an overthinker like I am, it feels like the universe is giving you permission to take a break from your own mind. Of course, like all tarot cards, we can really unpick the meaning of the Four of Swords and start to get some very enlightening revelations coming through, so let’s have a look at different ways we can frame this card in our readings.

Four of Swords as An Invitation

With the Four of Swords, we are invited to step outside of our own minds and gain a whole new perspective on our situation. It allows us to see where we have been causing our own obstacles and assess the areas where we may need a mindset change. The Four of Swords gives us permission to really put our thoughts to one side and give ourselves the space to breathe.

For Four of Swords, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation to take a break and focus on intellectual self-care

  • An invitation to spend some time in deep meditation and contemplation

  • An invitation to look at our own thoughts, dreams, communication and intellect and review where changes could be made and areas that are actually very beneficial to you

  • An invitation to spend some time mulling things over without haste or panic

Four of Swords as Sage Advice

I always imagine the Four of Swords as a yoga or meditation teacher, someone that has a very level head and can keep calm in either the most stressful of situations. With that in mind, it becomes a lot easier to imagine the type of advice the Four of Swords might offer you in your time of need.

Some advice Four of Swords may offer is:

  • To let go of the mindsets that only hold you back

  • Worrying about something only wastes your own time, allow it to pass you by and focus on what is in your control

  • Now is the time for focusing inwards and spending some time ‘cleaning house’

  • Avoiding that which causes you pain or inconvenience only delays it, it doesn’t get rid of it

Four of Swords as a Lesson

There is a lot we can learn from the Four of Swords, especially if you are a very anxious or stressy person. If you find that you struggle to keep your mind cool, calm and collected, then here are a few lessons the Four of Swords may show up to teach you.

Some lessons that Four of Swords may offer you are:

  • There is always time for relaxation and ‘me time’

  • In order to move forwards, you need to be able to see the past with clarity and acceptance

  • Rumination and contemplation can be very powerful allies along your journey

  • Stopping and facing things head-on allows us the opportunity to process and work through things, running only means those things chase us wherever we go

Four of Swords as a Redirection

The Four of Swords encourages us to take a moment to breathe, it can become a card that allows you to discover your own redirection. Instead of grabbing you by the arms and spinning you the right way, it gives you the space to uncover your new direction based on your own skills of contemplation and reflection.

As a redirection, Four of Swords could symbolise a need to:

  • Be more compassionate to yourself and give yourself more time to think things through

  • Allow yourself some time to recuperate before moving onto the next thing

  • Address the things you’ve been repressing or reluctant to face

  • Forgive and let go

Ace of Swords Tarot Meanings Swords


The Swords cut to the truth, they give us immense clarity and understanding which is why they help us look at our forms of communication, ideas and beliefs. There’s a reason we see the ‘Sword of Truth’ featured on the Justice card, it’s because we need it to be able to separate bias from fact. 

When it comes to the Four of Swords, the Swords hang above us, with one nestled beneath. We are asked to rest on the thoughts we have so we can processes them fully and ensure they are fact and not an unconscious bias. 


Ace of Swords Tarot Meanings Air


The element of air corresponds with all the Swords, which is why we know that the Swords relate to areas of our lives such as communication and intellect. 

In the Four of Swords, the element of air becomes a gentle breeze. It starts to calm us, offering us more oxygen to take deeper breaths. It allows us to quieten the mind enough to make sense of chaos and confusion. It offers us a place to rest that feels safe, supported, open and honest. 


The Emperor Tarot Meanings Four


In numerology, the number four represents stability. It is a number that offers complete harmony and a place to stop and take stock before we need to move forward once again. 

In the Four of Swords, we get a chance to take a breath. Probably the deepest breath we’ve taken in a while. Coming right out of that Three of Swords, we need this time to really contemplate over everything that has happened and process all the information we’ve taken in over this period. 


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