Six of Wands Tarot Meanings

The Six of Wands Tarot card is our victory lap, our time to really feel that warm buzz we get when everything is going according to plan and our achievements are being realised.

It can be a very welcome card when we feel like we’ve been battling ahead for a while, as it shows our perseverance is starting to pay off and our determination is being recognised by the universe.

There’s a lot of forward movement in the Six of Wands, showing how although it’s a great time for celebrating achievements, we can’t hang around and we have to keep pushing on in order to get closer to our big goals.

Six of Wands Tarot Meanings Victory
Six of Wands Tarot Meanings
Six of Wands Tarot Meanings Self Confidence

Six of Wands Upright Meanings

In the upright position, the Six of Wands represents the goals we are working towards and how successful we have been thus far on our journey. Some of the key meanings of the Six of Wands are:

  • Goals

  • Success

  • Perseverance

  • Determination

  • Ambition

The Six of Wands is a sign of successful ambition, that you’ve really taken control of the situation and you are using your power to get what you really want.

Six of Wands Reversed Meanings

In the reversed position, the Six of Wands can represent the energy we embody when things aren’t going to plan and when we succumb to a lack of energy or motivation. Some of the main reversed meanings of the Six of Wands are:

  • Failure

  • Quitting

  • Blocked instinct

  • Lack of ambition

  • Egotistical

In the reversed position, the Six of Wands can perfectly represent what feeling we feel when we give up on our goal, or when we run out of steam before we can get to the finish line.

It may be a case that you’ve sprinted too early in the race and now you have nothing left to give.

Reading Six of Wands in a Tarot Spread

In a spread, the Six of Wands is more often than not a positive sign. It can give us the validation we need to keep our motivation burning and move us forward in the right direction.

It’s important to not see this as a moment of rest or pause, although it does encourage us to think about and celebrate what we’ve achieved so far, there’s no hanging around.

We have places to be and things to do. Allow yourself time to think about all the positives of your journey in order to encourage you to keep going, but don’t stop the momentum.

Six of Wands as An Invitation

As an invitation, the Six of Wands invites us to recognise our achievements and even share them with those around us. It wants us to be proud of how far we’ve come, so we need to remember to show gratitude for what we’ve manifested so far.

For Six of Wands, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation to celebrate all your achievements so far

  • An invitation to think about your success but don’t interrupt the momentum you have currently

  • An invitation to explore what could be blocking your instinct and stopping you from acting more pro-actively

  • An invitation to check your ego at the door, be proud of yourself but don’t be arrogant

Six of Wands as Sage Advice

The advice that the Six of Wands has to offer us revolves around self-appreciation and motivation. It asks us to analyse the things that create a fire in us and how we use that to push ourselves forwards on our journey.

Some advice Six of Wands may offer is:

  • Keep your eye on your goal and don’t allow yourself to give up when things get tough

  • Find the things that set a fire under you, what sparks your passions and desires and follow them

  • Don’t give up, you’re making progress at the perfect rate and it’s important to keep going

  • Failure is never the end, it’s just the closing of one door so that another can open

Six of Wands as a Lesson

Some lessons the Six of Wands may offer you lie in the realm of self-belief and perseverance. Trusting ourselves is something that the Six of Wands takes very seriously and we can see that in the lessons it contains.

Some lessons that Six of Wands may offer you are:

  • A lesson in perseverance and always pushing past things that threaten to derail us

  • A lesson in goal setting and making sure you’re being realistic about time frames

  • A lesson in the power of self-acknowledgement and being able to celebrate your own achievements

  • A lesson in what it means to you to be successful

Six of Wands as a Redirection

As a redirection, the Six of Wands may appear to help us re-find the path. Often when we’re on a long and tiring journey we can lose our way, but the Six of Wands helps us to get back on the right track and move forwards again.

As a redirection, Six of Wands could symbolise a need to:

  • Realign with your initial goal

  • Spend some time re-discovering what your passions are

  • Remember why you started this journey in the first place

  • Re-adjust your mindset and beliefs around what it means to fail or to quit. This can also include altering your definition of success

Wands Tarot Meanings Wands


The wands are the suit of our passions, impulses, creativity and sense of power. They can often refer to the things we believe gives us power either over ourselves or over others.

The wands can refer to self-confidence and how powerful we feel in our own bodies and as a result of our own skills and capabilities. Wielding the wands gives us the ability to manifest that which we desire most. Another reason why we associate the wands with the idea of immense power.  


Wands Tarot Meanings Fire


The elemental energy we apply to the wands suit is the element of fire. With the element of fire we have the power to destroy but also create. It is a delicate element that we need to be careful with, but one that offers us abilities beyond any we could imagine on our own. 

Playing with fire can be dangerous, so it’s important that when we are dealing with the wands, that we tread lightly. Although it offers us immense power, it can backfire on us easily if we’re not careful. 


Sixes Tarot Meanings Numerology


When we come across the number six in numerology we are directed towards meanings such as success, victory and achievement. With the wands suit, we combine these meanings with that fiery wands energy to get the properties of the Six of Wands. 

The Six of Wands isn’t so much about giving us power, it’s about celebrating what we’ve managed to achieve with that power up to this point. We’re still pushing on, but we have the space to sit back and admire our creations.


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