The Energetic Tarot Blog Archive

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Tarot Lessons: The Suites & The Chakras

If you listen to my Self-Care Tarot podcast you’ll know that I often talk about elemental energies in relation to reading the minor arcana, well I wanted to expand on that a little bit more. Today, I want to show how I apply the suites and their energies to the seven...

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Where do our self-limiting beliefs come from?

When working with my clients and with myself, the one thing we always end up tackling is our self-limiting beliefs. They seem to always be lurking below the surface ready to pounce whenever we get excited about doing something new and radical. They’re quick to tell us...

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The Perfect Self-Love Ritual For Valentine’s Day

We all need to take some time for a self-love ritual every now and again, but especially around Valentine’s Day when the feeling of love is well and truly in the air. Whether you’re single or have a partner, Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be about romantic love, we...

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The Self-Care Tarot Podcast is Here

It’s finally here, The Self-Care Tarot podcast has launched and we’re in the swing of season 1. It’s been such a long time coming with most of that time being just me procrastinating from actually sitting down and recording! I wanted to create a Tarot podcast that was...

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Justice Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meanings

Justice comes to us with a pretty self-explanatory meaning, truth and justice. However, like all the major arcana we can really dig into the meaning of Justice to find avenues around the themes of honesty and truth that we may not have faced within ourselves yet. With...

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