5 Amazing Self-Help Podcasts You Need In Your Life

Sep 29, 2019 | Soul Purpose




It took me a while to get on board with the podcast game, I’ve never much enjoyed listening to voices just chatting away. My attention span is very short, so I always found that my mind would drift to thinking about everything else in the world.

It’s only in the past 2-3 years that I’ve really found some amazing podcasts, that really help me to open my mind and really think about life in a different way. If you’ve never given self-help podcasts a go before, I reckon these are a great place to start!


Happy Place by Fearne Cotton

One of my firm favourites at the moment. Fearne Cotton is a popular UK presenter and radio DJ who has, in the past few years, turned her attention firmly on mental health and self-care. She’s written a few amazing books and her podcast launched in 2018. Since then she’s had amazing guests on, some of my favourites being Elizabeth Gilbert, Rebecca Dennis and Stephen Fry.

Every episode, Fearne sits down with a guest and chats about all things self-care and finding balance in life. It’s so interesting to hear how, no matter what a persons job is, we all have the same issues. Even the celebrities go through the same doubts and negative life events that everybody goes through.

Listen to Happy Place on Spotify

Put Yourself First by Kat Horrocks

I’ll admit, I’m a little bit biased with this one because Kat is a friend, but I do genuinely love her podcast. Kat sits down to chat with amazing badass women who are killing it in their professional lives and talks with them about how they find balance and what they have been through to get to where they are now.

It’s a really easy listen and it feels like you’re just sitting down for a conversation with friends. There’s not pretentious nonsense, just a great chat that you will definitely take something away from.

Listen to Put Yourself First on Spotify

The Hierophant Sessions by Melinda Lee Holm

I don’t even know how I found Melinda’s podcast but I’m very glad I did! It combines two of my favourite things, tarot reading and self-help. Melinda sits down with an array of guests who have a problem, gives them a reading live on the podcast and talks them through some of the solutions they may be able to take.

You don’t have to be a huge fan of tarot to love this podcast as Melinda offers some really amazing advice that you can easily apply to your own life. Plus, it’s a lot of fun to hear how people slowly unravel their own problems and come to amazing realisations as the show goes on.

Listen to The Hierophant Sessions on Melinda’s website

Under the Skin by Russell Brand

Of course our man Russell is in this list, nobody makes you think more (or feel like you’re not thinking enough) than Russell Brand. There are so many amazing people that pop up on Under the Skin, some of my favourite episodes are his interview with Brene Brown, Karamo Brown (my absolute fave!) and Fearne Cotton.

In true Russell Brand style, he talks about amazing spiritual stuff, life and really makes you expand your mind and what you believe.

Listen to Under the Skin on Spotify

How to Fail by Elizabeth Day

This one is a pretty new one for me, but I’ve been loving the simple and clear conversations. There’s no chaos, it’s super easy to listen to and talks about all failures we face in life and how we can handle them. She has a great mix of guests on the show, from Love Island contestants, to highly esteemed self-help gurus.

Listen to How to Fail on Spotify

Not sure how to listen to podcasts?

If you have yourself an iPhone, the Apple podcast should already be installed on your phone. Podcasts are completely free, so even if you have another device such as an Android or Google phone, you should be able to find a podcast app in your app store.

You can also find podcasts hosted on Spotify!

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