What Happens in a Tarot Reading Session?

Sep 28, 2019 | Learn Tarot




So you’ve decided you want to grab yourself a tarot session with me, or even better, become one of my soul coaching clients!

Firstly, this is amazing news and well done to you for taking the first step forward. Secondly, you may be wondering what will happen during your sessions and what outcome you can expect.

I’m here to answer all your questions!

Pre-tarot session

Before we begin, you need to book your time slot by either emailing me at info@theselfcareemporium.com or using my contact form. We can then find a date that is perfect for you and get it all booked into our diaries.

I’ll ask you to tell me a bit about yourself and the situation you are currently facing in a preliminary email. This not only helps me get a better idea of your personality, but it also helps me to understand your predicament a little bit better! For soul coaching clients, we’ll do all this over a call during our first session.

During the reading

We will conduct your reading over Skype video call so I can show you the cards and talk you through them one by one. The reading will last for about an hour, but can overrun depending on what needs to be talked about and how the cards play out!

We’ll start by chatting a little bit about the question you need answering and talk about the background of why you are looking for an answer to this current issue or concern.

I will then shuffle the cards three times and split them into three different piles, getting you to pick the pile that speaks to you the most. Once we’ve got our pile picked, I’ll spread the cards and choose the cards for your reading, laying them out in your chosen spread.

We’ll go through each card one at a time, talking about the meaning of the card in relation to you and your question, and the spread position it has appeared in.

I am not psychic so I will ask you questions around each card so we can fully understand how the card relates to you and how it influences the other cards in the reading. This not only allows you to think out loud, but it also helps me to guide you in the right direction to figuring out the root cause of your question.

Every session will end with some homework, in which I give you tips on how you can make your near and long term future cards a reality! This homework will consist of activities such as crystal meditation, rituals, journaling and thought challenging.

Reading aftercare

Once we’ve hung up and said our goodbyes, I will get to work on your report. This is a HIGHLY detailed PDF that includes images of your spread, each of the cards featured and explanations for each.

It will contain a full summary of your question and answer, as well as the homework we discussed on the call. Depending on the homework given, there may also be some worksheets to go through!

There could be certain tools I recommend such as certain crystals, incense or ritual tools like candles and herbs. If this is the case, I will send you a shopping list and links to all the places you can grab the things you need.

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Cat Crawford Energetic Tarot

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