Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

The Seven of Pentacles is a place of pause, a chance for us to gather our senses, review what has come before, review all the work we’ve put in previously and make level-headed decisions about how to proceed. We’re finally starting to see results from what we’ve put in already, but now we have to decide whether we maintain or start something new.

The sevens in the tarot tend to refer to having to overcome doubt in the realm of the suit it sits in, so for the Seven of Pentacles, we may be doubting our efforts based on the results we’re seeing.

Often this doubt stems from impatience rather than cold hard facts, we become impatient with things that take time to develop and so we give up before they have the chance to really reach their full potential.

The Seven of Pentacles appears to remind us that good things come to those who wait and we need to trust the process.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings Barren
Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings
Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings Hard Work

Seven of Pentacles Upright Meanings

In the upright position, the Seven of Pentacles is all about assessment, evaluating what we have achieved already and deciding what our next step should be. Some of the key meanings of the Seven of Pentacles are:

  • Preparation

  • Assessment

  • Evaluation

  • Reflection

  • New paths

We can never really understand and embrace how far we’ve come without an assessment of what we’ve been through. When working towards our goals we tend to power ahead with our heads bowed and always looking forwards. Although this is great for getting us to where we want to be, we can miss out on all the lessons and teachings that were on offer to us along the way. We need to be able to look at everything that came before to gain a realistic perspective on the present.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meanings

In the reversed position, the Seven of Pentacles can indicate impatience and the frustration that comes with things not progressing at the speed we want it to. Some of the main reversed meanings of the Seven of Pentacles are:

  • Limited success

  • Delay

  • Impatience

  • Poor management

Our impatience can often be the one thing that clouds our perspective on a situation. We want the dream life after a year of hard work, but life works in levels, we can’t go from level one to level 10 in 12-months. With this in mind, we need that assessment period in order to see what level we’re at and what we need to do to reach that next stage in our progress, rather than the final stage we’re aiming for overall.

Reading Seven of Pentacles in a Tarot Spread

When the Seven of Pentacles appears in a spread the best place to start is with the theme of patience, what is the card encouraging you to be more patient with? The next thing would be assessment and evaluation, there may be something within the material world that needs to be looked at in more detail and really broken down in order to gain a more realistic perspective.

The Seven of Pentacles is all about really addressing the frustration and self-doubt we may have about material or external matters. This could be work, health, home life or even finances. It may be that you’ve been working overtime but not seeing this reflected in your pay check or performance review, in which case the Seven of Pentacles may pop up to tell you to trust that your hard work will pay off, or that you need to look at the work you’ve done during that time and see whether you could work smarter instead of harder in order to reach your desired outcome.

Seven of Pentacles as An Invitation

The Seven of Pentacles as an invitation looks at inviting us to assess our material world and how it is working. We’re asked to see if there’s anyways we could work differently to make things more efficient or to streamline processes.

For Seven of Pentacles, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation assess all the work you’ve done to get to this point and find a way to be proud of yourself for your hard work

  • An invitation to reflect on the past and see how you’ve grown and developed during that time

  • An invitation to embrace patience and allow things to develop in their own time

  • An invitation to see if you could manage your time and schedule more efficiently

Seven of Pentacles as Sage Advice

If the Seven of Pentacles comes up to offer you some wise words of advice, they may revolve around your perspective and mindset that you’ve developed around your material world.

Some advice Seven of Pentacles may offer is:

  • Don’t let delays derail you completely, a derailment just means things may take a little longer than scheduled, it doesn’t mean that they will never happen

  • If we never stop to admire the results of our hard work, we’ll always be chasing the next achievement in a detached and distant manner

  • If you’ve not seen the outcome you were hoping for, it may be time to look at the road you took to get here and try to identify areas that you could have done things differently

Seven of Pentacles as a Lesson

The Seven of Pentacles contains a lot of lessons about time and the reality of time. Especially these days, we want instant gratification but that’s not how the real world works, the offline world works slower.

Some lessons that Seven of Pentacles may offer you are:

  • A lesson in patience and allowing things to unfold organically

  • A lesson in how to assess yourself and hold yourself accountable

  • A lesson in managing your own expectations

  • A lesson in making decisions based on evaluations you’ve made

Seven of Pentacles as a Redirection

If the Seven of Pentacles appears as a redirection, it may be that you’ve reached a fork in the road and the path you thought you would take doesn’t look like the right way forward anymore.

As a redirection, Seven of Pentacles could symbolise a need to:

  • Assess the pros and cons of what came before and look at different avenues for moving forward that you may not have thought about before

  • Switch your focus to something else for a while and let your hard work unfold for itself, instead of micro-managing it

  • Prepare for the next level of your journey instead of constantly turning over old ground

Pentacles Meanings


The Pentacles are the suit of our material world. This means when they appear in our readings we know to look at areas such as our physical health and well-being, our money and career, our relationships and home life. 

Often the Pentacles are associated with money, this is because Pentacles is also known as coins and resembles coins on most Tarot cards. However, they can refer to anything that exists in your external and physical world. They help us bring our attention into the present and cut through any bias or delusion to see the reality of a situation.


Pentacles Meanings Earth


The Pentacles Tarot suit is the suit of earth, this means the Pentacles inherit the same properties we would associate with the element of earth. These are things like fertility, growth and nurture. 

The element of earth is supportive, stable and provides for us. This can be in the form of shelter or sustenance amongst many other things. When reading the Pentacles we can draw from these earthy elements to help us better understand the type of energy the cards are giving off.  


Seven Tarot Meanings Numerology


Within numerology, the number seven is often seen as a sacred or spiritual number. In the Tarot we interpret that as a focus on our spiritual selves, looking at things like our beliefs, morals, ethics and more. 

Within the Seven of Pentacles, we are looking at our patience and often beliefs around the value we place on ourselves and our efforts. Often the Seven of Pentacles refers to hard work and a lack of pay off or a delay in pay off. How we react to a situation like that can tell us a lot about our belief systems and how we view ourselves. 



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