The 6 areas of self-care for spiritual entrepreneurs

    As spiritual entrepreneurs, we need to make sure we take care of ourselves on many different levels. Whether it’s looking after our physical body, our mental wellbeing or our spiritual health, we need to make sure everything gets some love and attention....

A Halloween ritual for new beginnings

    It’s finally here, Halloween or Samhain if you celebrate the pagan holidays. We’ve talked a bit about what Samhain is and how we can use it to give ourselves a fresh start, but now we’re taking action and cracking on with a ritual to help us do just...

7 ways to start fighting against self-limiting beliefs

    By now, you’ve probably heard all about self-limiting beliefs, but if you haven’t, here’s a very brief breakdown of what it means: Self-limiting beliefs are subconscious beliefs that you have created, that stop you from doing what you want or need to do....

What is Samhain and how can it help you to start fresh?

    It’s officially October and that means one thing, Samhain/Halloween is on its way! But what is Samhain and how can you use it for something more productive than lighting your pumpkin and eating your weight in chocolate? Before Samhain became the...