10 Things Fuelling your Limiting Beliefs Around Money

Money makes the world go round. That’s a fact and there’s not much we can do about it. Limiting beliefs around money can cause stress, stop you from taking risks or leaping towards your biggest and most exciting goals. There might be something you would absolutely...

Where do our self-limiting beliefs come from?

When working with my clients and with myself, the one thing we always end up tackling is our self-limiting beliefs. They seem to always be lurking below the surface ready to pounce whenever we get excited about doing something new and radical. They’re quick to tell us...

7 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way

    The more tarot readings I do, the more I understand how we are all our own worst enemy. On more times than I can count, the answer to why someone is finding it hard to progress forward, is that there is something internally that is keeping them anchored...