8 Perfect Crystals To Bring More Positivity to Your Bathroom

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Having a few crystals in your bathroom can really add to not only the decor but also to the overall energy of the room. I have a few dotted about on shelves and around the bath and not only do they look great, but they also allow me to create a space that energetically helps me to relax, ground and just submerge myself into how I’m feeling at that moment.

However, the bathroom can be a very humid place, especially if you love taking a bath like me and there’s always a chance you may knock your favourite crystal point or tumblestone into hot water. Some crystals can be toxic or water-soluble, so it’s important to know which crystals are best for the bathroom and which need to steer clear.

Which crystals SHOULD NOT enter the bathroom

Let’s start with which crystals you should avoid taking into your bathroom to begin with. Some may be toxic, some may dissolve in water and some may split or break when placed into hot water. Here are a few I’d highly recommend keeping away from water or humidity.

  • SeleniteWater-soluble

  • LabradoriteWater-soluble

  • Calcite – Water-soluble

  • Fluorite – Toxic and water-soluble

  • Hematite – Can rust in water

  • Lapis Lazuli – Toxic in water and can break

  • Malachite – Can break in hot water

  • Moldavite – Can break in hot water

  • Lepidolite – Will flake apart

  • Opals – Can crack or break in hot water

  • Pyrite –Combined with water produces sulfuric acid

  • Turquoise – Will fade

  • Obsidian – Can break in hot water

  • Rhodonite – Water-soluble

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Perfect crystals for the bathroom

A good rule of thumb is that any crystal within the quartz family is safe to use in and around water and generally anything ending in ‘-ite’ is a no-go, so if you’re really stuck choosing the best crystals for the bathroom, go with a quartz crystal.

However, there are a lot of other awesome crystals you can opt for. I like to aim for crystals that are either grounding or connected with the heart chakra, purely because when I’m chilling in the bath, that’s the type of energy I want to surround myself with!

Rose Quartz

  • Self-love

  • Compassion

  • Forgiveness

  • Healing


  • Joy

  • Happiness

  • Confidence

  • Creativity


  • Calm

  • Intuition

  • Meditation

  • Spirituality

Smokey Quartz

  • Grounding

  • Centring

  • Releasing

  • Stabilising



  • Forgiveness

  • Patience

  • Acceptance

  • Love

Green Aventurine

  • Abundance

  • Gratitude

  • Opportunity

  • Prosperity


  • Empowerment

  • Leadership

  • Motivation

  • Power

How to choose crystals for your bathroom

Choosing the best crystals for your bathroom is pretty much like choosing the right crystals for anything else. Think about what kind of energy you want to feel when you spend time in there? For me, a bath is a place where I can do absolutely nothing. I can escape from the world into my own little space, filled with candles and delicious smelling products. I choose crystals that encompass those relaxing, self-love properties, that help me to feel grounded and truly in the moment.

If you’re still trying to decide, make sure to check out the list of crystals to avoid above and then head over to the shop to browse all the crystals that may be your next bathroom buddy!

5 perfect crystals for positive energy


I think I speak for everyone when I say we could all use a bit more positivity right now and there are so many crystals for positive energy that I want to share with you. I can only focus on a handful in this blog though, so I’ve chosen my absolute favourites out of my personal collection and we’ll be taking a look at just how these crystals help attract more positivity into our lives.



Joy & Happiness

Citrine is one of the very best crystals for positive energy. It’s a stone that is filled with happiness, joy and optimism. It’s a great stone for when you need something to boost your mood and lift you up out of a low moment. You can get heat treated citrine and raw citrine, but both do the job.


Clear Quartz

Clarity & cleansing

Clear Quartz is one of those crystals that can be used for anything and everything. It’s a really supportive stone and it’s great for using during cleansing rituals, to banish negative energy and attract more positive energy. I also use clear quartz to boost the energy of my other crystals, helping me get a bigger bang for my buck.


Tiger’s Eye

Confidence & Support

My love of Tiger’s Eye started when I was very young and looking for a crystal to help with my crippling anxiety. Tiger’s Eye is filled with a confidence that supports you in whatever you’re doing. It’s your cheerleader and your best friend. I still grab a piece of Tiger’s Eye for my crystal cage necklace when I’m having a bad anxiety day.


Snowflake Obsidian

Hope & Optimism

Snowflake Obsidian is an amazing crystal for positive energy because it helps us to find the light in even the darkest of moments. This is another great crystal for anxiety, as the dark obsidian is grounding and stabilising, with the spots of white offering us those glimpses of light and hope for the future. It helps us to see the positivity even when it feels like it’s not there.



Warmth & Positivity

Let’s end on a high note with the glistening solar energy-infused Sunstone. With the beauty and energy of the sun, Sunstone is one of the very best crystals for positive energy. It uplifts your mood, adds an extra bit of sunshine to your day and makes you feel that warm fuzzy feeling you usually only get on a warm summers day. If you want to add some major positivity to your days, then this is the guy for you.

Choosing crystals for positive energy

When it comes to choosing the right crystals for positivity, you need to be aware of what you’re lacking in the present. Positivity is a very general term, so when you say you need more positivity in your life, what is it that’s bringing you negativity? What kind of positivity do you need to attract into your life?

Head on over to the crystal shop to have a look at our full crystal range, as there may be a stone in there that I haven’t mentioned in this article, that can bring you the exact positivity you currently need.

The Best Crystals For Protection




Today we’re looking at the best crystals for protection and what kinds of things crystal energy can help to protect you from. When we talk about protection regarding crystals, we are referring to protection against energies. These could come from internal or external sources, so when choosing a crystal for protection, get really clear about what it is you’re protecting yourself from.

Some of the most common reasons for needing protective crystals are:

  • Self-negativity

  • Negativity from others

  • Self-sabotage

  • Toxic relationships

Sometimes, what we need from a crystal is not necessarily outright protection, but support in which we have the ability to protect ourselves. Again, this will depend on what you are trying to protect yourself from. It might be that someone is bringing you down by bullying you, or manipulating you, but instead of finding a crystal to deal with their negativity, you can find a crystal to help give you the strength and resilience to walk away from that toxicity.

With that in mind, I’ve picked a few different types of crystals for protection below. Each one has its own properties, to either help you help yourself, or support you when dealing with external forces.



Element: Air

Zodiac: Libra & Cancer

Chakra: Third Eye & Crown

Labradorite is a crystal that not only looks beautiful, but it also has an energy that can help you through any situation. This stone is great if you need help protecting you against your own negative self-talk or self-limiting thoughts.



Element: Earth

Zodiac: Aquarius & Leo

Chakra: Root

Hematite is perfect for those looking for protection against negativity during transitional or transformative periods. It grounds you and balances you, so you can do what you need to do.



Element: Water

Zodiac: Taurus & Scorpio

Chakra: Heart

Malachite is a rich green crystal that helps to protect you from intense negativity. This could be negativity from within, or even negativity being radiated by those around you.

Black Onyx


Element: Earth

Zodiac: Gemini & Scorpio

Chakra: Root

Black Onyx helps to support you with strength and self-confidence, so you have the tools you need to protect yourself, no matter what life throws at you. Use it to stabilise you and create solid foundations.

Smokey Quartz


Element: Earth

Zodiac: Capricorn

Chakra: Root

Smokey Quartz is a grounding crystal, allowing you to plant yourself like a tree and weather any storm. It helps you to release anything that is holding you back and protects you from self-sabotage.

Using Your Crystals

When it comes to using your crystals for protection, there are a few ways I’d recommend.

  • Wear them as jewellery – You can buy crystal cage pendants to wear as a necklace, crystal bracelets or rings.

  • Carry them with you – Even if you just pop a crystal in your bag, pocket or wallet, keep it with you as you go about your day.

  • Meditate with it – This works best if you can do it consistently every day, even just 10 minutes will do the trick

  • Create a protection charm – This could be a little charm bag or bottle that contains your crystal and some protective herbs like sage, thyme or rosemary

Beginners Guide to Chakra Crystals




One of the main ways I use my crystal collection, is to balance and unblock the seven chakras. Most crystals have properties that closely associate them with one of the seven chakras and by placing them in the right areas, they can help to improve the flow of energy throughout the body.

Each of the seven chakras control a certain type of energy within the body and by keeping them all healthy and flowing in the right direction, we can better balance our body and mind. We start at the very crown of the head and follow a straight line down the body to the tip of the tailbone. When using chakra crystals, we place the corresponding crystals on these chakra areas of the body, to help influence and manipulate the chakras energy flow.

Personally, I like to use chakra crystals during meditation and it’s a lot easier to do when you’re lying down. You can choose to focus on all seven chakras, placing seven corresponding crystals on each of the chakra areas, or focus on a specific chakra that is causing you a bit of trouble.

Below, I’ll take you through each chakra and give you a bit of info on what each chakra controls, and which crystals you can use to do a spot of healing for that chakra. Keep in mind that the crystals I’ve highlighted below are the just a sample of the crystals associated with these chakras. There are hundreds of crystals out there so do a bit of research to discover even more you could use!

Crown Chakra Crystals




The crown chakra sits right on top of your head, at the crown. This chakra helps connect us with a higher conscious. Think about having an epiphany or ideas popping into your mind out of nowhere.

Here are a few signs to look out for, when determining whether you have a balanced or unbalanced crown chakra:

Balanced: Clarity, inner wisdom, acceptance, spiritual connectedness, focus, determination, creative energy, mindfulness and lucid dreams.

Unbalanced: Nightmares, confusion, headaches, frustration, isolation, insomnia and self-destructive behaviour.

Crown Chakra Meditation: Place one of the following crystals on the top of your head where your crown chakra sits and meditate for 10-20 minutes. Imagine a ball of purple light right where the crystal is. If you are trying to balance your crown chakra, imagine the ball of light growing brighter and brighter, with its warmth filling that part of your body. If you’re trying to boost your crown chakra, imagine this ball growing even brighter and even pulsing the energy down through the rest of the body. Use the weight of the crystal to help you focus on that specific area of the head.


Third Eye Chakra Crystals




The third eye chakra is the centre for our intuition and being able to connect with others energetically. It sits in the centre of the forehead and is also the main source of our creative inspiration.

Here are a few signs that you have a balanced or unbalanced third eye chakra:

Balanced: Vision, trust, imagination, intuition, clarity and inner wisdom.

Unbalanced: Lack of creativity, daydreaming, migraines, poor vision and unable to see the bigger picture.

Third Eye Chakra Meditation: The easiest way is to lie flat on the floor or on a bed, place a third eye crystal on the centre of your forehead, right between the eyebrows. Take deep breaths, imagine breathing into the crystal. Imagine a ball of indigo light growing brighter and warmer, or if you’re trying to boost your third eye chakra, imagine this ball starting to pulse or even spin. Feel the warm energy moving away from this chakra and filling your body.


Throat Chakra Crystals




Whenever I do video tarot readings, I always try and keep a few throat chakra crystals nearby, because the throat chakra helps with communication, storytelling and connection with others. It helps us verbalise our inner thoughts and feelings. The throat chakra is located in the centre of the neck, on the throat (surprise!).

Here’s how to know if you have a healthy, balanced throat chakra, or if it is unbalanced and needs some love:

Balanced: Can speak the truth easily, good listening skills, find it easy to communicate with others, speaking without fear and feeling more decisive.

Unbalanced: Can’t express yourself clearly, unable to listen effectively, sore throat, thyroid imbalance and indecisiveness.

Throat Chakra Meditation: Lie down and place one of the throat chakra crystals on your throat. Breathe in through the nose, then constrict the back of the throat and push the air out the mouth. You should make a sound like a dragon or a deep growl. You should also be able to feel a slight vibration in the vocal chords. Repeat for 10-20 minutes focusing on the throat chakra, see a ball of blue light in this area and with every exhale, it gets brighter and starts pulsing or spinning.


Heart Chakra Crystals




The heart chakra is one that many of us struggle with, as this is the centre or love, not just romantic, but also platonic and self-love. It is the base for all feeling and emotion, so it can take a battering with the challenges of life.

If you want to know whether you have a balanced or unbalanced heart chakra, take a look at the characteristics of both below:

Balanced: Healthy blood pressure and circulation, self-acceptance, forgiveness, compassionate, empathetic, inner peace and inner happiness.

Unbalanced: Circulatory issues, lack of self-love, negative self-image, jealousy, hate, manipulative, judgemental and depression.

Heart Chakra Meditation: Place a heart chakra crystal over your heart on your upper chest. Imagine a ball of soft green light, breathe deeply and imagine that ball of light growing bigger and brighter. Imagine the light building until it moves out of your body and starts to cover your limbs and soon lies over your whole body. Visualise the warmth this light brings and how comforting it is, you may start to smile or just feel a lot more relaxed.


Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals




Our solar plexus chakra sits on the upper abdominals a few inches above the belly button. This chakra is in charge of our sense of self and our identity. It is where we keep our free will and our sense of responsibility. Ever had some bad news or done something you’ve regretted? You’ve probably felt this in your solar plexus, as it can feel like a heavy or sinking feeling.

A few properties associated with a balanced and unbalanced solar plexus chakra are:

Balanced: Empowerment, confidence, self-love, motivation, excellent digestion, easy decision making, easily follow your gut and have a healthy immune system.

Unbalanced: Low confidence, a lack of purpose, anxiety, anger, sadness, fatigue, poor digestion, unmotivated, insecurity and poor metabolism.

Solar Plexus Meditation: Lie flat on your back and breathe into the belly, place the solar plexus crystal on the solar plexus chakra and watch as it rises and falls with the breath. Close your eyes and keep your focus on the weight to the crystal as you breathe. Imagine your stomach filling with air and creating space for the small ball of yellow light to expand. It gets brighter and warmer with every breath until it fills your stomach, making you feel warm and satisfied.


Sacral Chakra Crystals




The sacral chakra is a deeper feeling of creativity, emotion and sexuality. Where our upper chakras handle the ideas and thoughts, this chakra deals with how we feel about what we’re doing and is the root of our passion and drive. The sacral chakra is located a few centimetres below the belly button in the lower abdominals.

A few signs to look out for as to whether you have a balanced or unbalanced sacral chakra are:

Balanced: Energetic, passionate, creative, fertile, sensual, open and honest, compassionate and gentle.

Unbalanced: Withdrawn, emotionally sensitive, controlling, tense, guilty, resentful, low libido and insecure.

Sacral Chakra Meditation: To balance or boost your sacral chakra, place a sacral chakra crystal on your lower abdominals and try and breathe into that space. Try and really push the breath out of the body by contracting the stomach and pulling the belly button towards the spine. Imagine a ball of orange light in your sacral chakra and feel as it gets warmer with each breath. Visualise this ball of light getting brighter and brighter until it has illuminated the lower abs completely.


Root Chakra Crystals




The root chakra can be the cause of a lot of mental instability or a lack of focus and grounding. It is located at the very base of the spine, at the tip of the tailbone and is the centre for our natural instincts and our survival mode. This is why it is closely linked with anxiety, as anxiety plays on our irrational thoughts and feelings and the root chakra helps ground them in facts and realism.

Some signs that you have a balanced or unbalanced root chakra are:

Balanced: Good physical fitness, grounded, stable, positive, energetic, rational thoughts and feeling safe and secure.

Unbalanced: Anxious, depressed, erratic, panicked, lazy, unmotivated, fearful, lack of willpower and weak immune system.

Root Chakra Meditation: Start by sitting cross-legged on the floor or a cushion, or upright on a chair. Either sit on the root chakra crystal or place it on your lap, close your eyes and focus on the feeling of the crystal. Breathe into the root chakra and visualise a ball of red light in that area. Focus on this ball of light as it gets warmer and brighter with each breath, it may even expand and contract as your breath in and out. Keep going until you feel heavy and as if you’re sinking into the ground.


Knowing which chakra crystals to use

A good rule of thumb is to go by the colour of the crystals when it comes to deciding what chakra to use them with. It’s not a hard and fast rule, but it is accurate most of the time.

  • Crown Chakra – Clear or purple crystals

  • Third Eye Chakra – Purple, transparent or white crystals

  • Throat Chakra – Blue or blue/green crystals

  • Heart Chakra – Green or pink crystals

  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow or orange crystals

  • Sacral Chakra – Orange or bronze crystals

  • Root Chakra – Red or black crystals

The Best Crystals For Anxiety




Today we’re looking at the best crystals for anxiety, as anxiety amongst all age groups is now at an all time high. Why is that though? Well, one theory is that technology and the information we consume has evolved so quickly, that our poor squishy brains haven’t adapted to the amount of noise they create and it leaves us feeling overwhelmed.

The world is noisier today then it has ever been, and it is difficult to separate the crap from the information we really need to know. We find it hard to focus, we become subjected to the opinions of others whether we agree or not. We are being bullied and trolled by anonymous users behind the safety of keyboards, we are fed meaningless drivel by click bait news and media outlets, everything is just very chaotic right now.

Enter the anxiety soothing crystals that are here to support and comfort us in our time of need. These powerful little tools can be used in a myriad of ways, to help calm and sedate your fight or flight brain. Use them by holding them tight in your palm during meditation, in potent charm bags, as home based energy fields or even just to carry around when anxiety gets a bit too much.

Tiger’s Eye

To help instil confidence and courage within


Tiger’s Eye is a powerful tool for filling you with confidence, courage and strength. It’s one of my favourite crystals to wear in my crystal cage necklace, to give me a supportive confident energy and help me find the strength to tackle any thoughts or feelings of anxiety.

A lot of anxiety comes from a feeling of insecurity or fear. Social anxiety for example, often comes from the fear that we aren’t worthy to be in a group of people, or like we have nothing to contribute to a social gathering. With Tiger’s Eye, you’ll feel a little more worthy, a little more sure of yourself and confident in your value, helping to dissolve any feelings of anxiety.


To build self-esteem and boost intuition


Sodalite is a great crystal for not only speaking your truth and living authentically, but it is also amazing for boosting and trusting your intuition. There is little room to doubt yourself, your capabilities or your worth, when you’ve got a lovely bit of Sodalite on your side.

Sodalite creates a feeling of harmony, which makes it very easy to feel at peace with yourself. When you feel truly comfortable in your own skin, anxiety has very little room to wiggle around and make you feel insecure.

Snowflake Obsidian

Helping you see positivity in the dark times


Snowflake Obsidian is a great crystal if your anxiety also comes hand in hand with a nice dollop of depression (I know mine does). This crystal combines the grounding energy of Obsidian with hints of optimism and positivity. A shining light in the darkness, helping to guide you towards a better time.

If you’ve been struggling particularly badly recently, then Snowflake Obsidian may be a great stone to carry around with you in a charm pouch or inside a crystal cage necklace. Keep it with you and use it as a tool of support until the darkness starts to lift.


Protecting you from being blinded by anxiety and fear


Labradorite is a strong stone of protection. Its properties mirror its beautiful physicality’s, with its dull grey/green colour transforming into a rainbow of iridescent colours as you twist and turn it towards the light. Labradorite helps you see the truth in everything, it helps you to tap into your intuition and do what is right by your gut.

This stone protects you from the negative vibrations of anxiety and supports you with healing, positive and transformative energy, to turn any bad thought or feeling on its head.


Healing, peaceful energy to help you tackle and overcome anxiety


Amethyst is one of the best crystals for psychic protection and taking care of your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. With its stabilising and balancing properties, Amethyst is great at banishing irrational thoughts caused by anxiety. It can help you sort through chaotic emotions, to find a calmness that helps banish anxiety.

Amethyst is also great for cleansing negativity, so any anxiety that is threatening your high vibes will be tackled by tapping into the energy of Amethyst.