Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

The Ace of Pentacles is the divine gift of Earth, the ability to really take what is tangible and make the most of it, helping it fulfil its full potential. There’s a lot of promise in the Ace of Pentacles, it’ll take a lot of work to really see it through and watch it grow in a healthy way, but it offers up the chance to build something really worthwhile.

The Pentacles suit is all about our material world, this includes things like home, finances, family, friends, career, money and anything else that creates the building blocks of our external world. Along with the Wands, it’s very much external and active energy, so try and remember that whenever a pentacles card pops up for you or your clients.

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meanings Possibility
Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meanings
Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meanings Luck

Ace of Pentacles Upright Meanings

In the upright position, the Ace of Pentacles is a card that shows us just how much potential we have available to us in our lives. Some of the key meanings of the Ace of Pentacles are:

  • Gift of Earth

  • Grounding

  • Goals

  • Stability

  • Tangible results

The Ace of Pentacles represents those things we are aiming to achieve that revolve around our material world. These goals could be fitness goals, career or family goals. It is a card that shows us that what we desire most from our day to day lives is well within our reach, as long as we’re willing to put the time and effort in. Also, remember that pentacles are very slow-moving energy due to their earthy nature, so patience is integral to progress with these cards.

Ace of Pentacles Reversed Meanings

In the reversed position, the Ace of Pentacles shows our pessimism about our own skills and abilities to get what we want, there’s often a lot of insecurity and self-doubt with the Ace of Pentacles reversed. Some of the main reversed meanings of the Ace of Pentacles are:

  • Failed goals

  • Lack of stability

  • Lost

  • Greed

  • Insecurity

Often with the Ace of Pentacles reversed there is a level of impatience that is blocking us from really connecting with the card’s energy. We might be expecting overnight results or instant gratification, but there is no fast and easy route with the Ace of Pentacles.

Reading Ace of Pentacles in a Tarot Spread

When the Ace of Pentacles appears in a spread it’s important that we remember that it is just the seed of something new, not the thing itself. It still needs us to decide where and when to plant it, then to tend it carefully and patiently watch it grow and flourish over time.

More than anything, the Ace of Pentacles is a card that brings a lot of comforts, because it shows that things are coming in, we just need to give it time. If you’ve been feeling like all your hard work has been for nothing, for example, this card would be a welcome card to get in your spread.

Ace of Pentacles as An Invitation

If the Ace of Pentacles pops up as an invitation, it could be that you’re being invited to start planting something new, creating new goals for yourself and finding new ways to really improve your material world.

For Ace of Pentacles, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation to find a new way to ground your energy or connect with nature

  • An invitation to set new and bigger goals

  • An invitation to review your previous results and make changes to accommodate this new cycle

  • An invitation to check your patience and make sure you aren’t expecting too much too soon

Ace of Pentacles as Sage Advice

The Ace of Pentacles is a gentle reminder that good things come to those who wait. It helps you to switch your focus and look at the things that need your attention in the present.

Some advice Ace of Pentacles may offer is:

  • Focus on what you can do in the here and now and don’t get lost in daydreaming about what could happen in the future

  • Trust that you have full control of how your life looks and how you react to it

  • Never allow yourself to be discouraged by goals you failed to reach, review where things went wrong and learn from your mistakes so you can pick yourself up and carry on

Ace of Pentacles as a Lesson

If the Ace of Pentacles appears as a lesson it may be appearing to teach you about patience, resilience and diligence. It wants you to learn the hard lessons of life and be able to take care of yourself while you do so.

Some lessons that Ace of Pentacles may offer you are:

  • A lesson in patience and allowing enough time for things to take root before judging the results

  • A lesson in greed and knowing when you’re being ambitious and when you’re expecting too much

  • A lesson in stability and knowing what you need to feel completely grounded in your life

  • A lesson in grounding and knowing the best ways to ground yourself in times of need

Ace of Pentacles as a Redirection

When the Ace of Pentacles shows up as a redirection, it is more often than not a sign to stop panicking and allow things to move forward organically, instead of trying to control all the variables.

As a redirection, Ace of Pentacles could symbolise a need to:

  • Change the goalposts, especially if you’ve been needlessly making things harder for yourself with unrealistic expectations

  • Rethink what you’re using as your indication of success as you may be looking at the wrong areas when trying to see the results of your hard work

  • Take some time away from your problems and find ways to reconnect with the self and with the world around you, this can also help you find more clarity around things you’ve been heavily engrossed in

Pentacles Meanings


The Pentacles are the material and physical world represented in the Tarot. In the Pentacles we look towards the areas of our life that concern home, finances, health, the physical body and our ability to nurture and grow.

Pentacles can also be known as coins depending on the Tarot deck being used. However, both names are interchangeable and the meanings tend to remain the same. 


Pentacles Meanings Earth


The four Tarot suits each correspond with one of the four elements – earth, fire, water and air – and the Pentacles are the element of earth. This means that the Pentacles cards have the properties of elemental earth as an undercurrent throughout the suit. 

The element of earth offers a deeply grounding, stable and level-headed approach to the challenges and questions we come up against throughout the Pentacles suit. By applying the element of earth to Pentacles cards, we know instinctively that there is an level of grounding that needs to/is taking place. 


The Magician Tarot Meanings One

Ace = 1

The Aces in the Tarot are the four suits number ‘one’ card. This is a reflection of when the Tarot served as a playing card deck used for parlour games. 

Because the Aces are the number ‘One’ cards, we apply the numerological properties of the number one to the Aces. With this we get a card that represents the very first spark of new life or a new cycle. It is the initial energy that sets of the chain reaction that is the rest of the cards in the suit. 


King of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

King of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Page of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Page of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Ten of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Six Of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Six Of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Five of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Five of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Four of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Four of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Three of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Three of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Two of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Two of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Meanings

King of Wands Tarot Meanings

King of Wands Tarot Meanings

Queen of Wands Tarot Meanings

Queen of Wands Tarot Meanings

Knight of Wands Tarot Meanings

Knight of Wands Tarot Meanings

Page of Wands Tarot Meanings

Page of Wands Tarot Meanings

Ten of Wands Tarot Meanings

Ten of Wands Tarot Meanings

Nine of Wands Tarot Meanings

Nine of Wands Tarot Meanings

Eight of Wands Tarot Meanings

Eight of Wands Tarot Meanings

Seven of Wands Tarot Meanings

Seven of Wands Tarot Meanings

Six of Wands Tarot Meanings

Six of Wands Tarot Meanings

Five of Wands Tarot Meanings

Five of Wands Tarot Meanings

Four of Wands Tarot Meanings

Four of Wands Tarot Meanings

Three of Wands Tarot Meanings

Three of Wands Tarot Meanings

Two of Wands Tarot Meanings

Two of Wands Tarot Meanings

Ace of Wands Tarot Meanings

Ace of Wands Tarot Meanings

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Knight of Cups Tarot Meanings

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Page of Cups Tarot Meanings

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Ten of Cups Tarot Meanings

Nine of Cups Tarot Meanings

Nine of Cups Tarot Meanings

Eight of Cups Tarot Meanings

Eight of Cups Tarot Meanings

Seven of Cups Tarot Meanings

Seven of Cups Tarot Meanings

Six of Cups Tarot Meanings

Six of Cups Tarot Meanings

Five of Cups Tarot Meanings

Five of Cups Tarot Meanings

Four of Cups Tarot Meanings

Four of Cups Tarot Meanings

Three of Cups Tarot Meanings

Three of Cups Tarot Meanings

Two of Cups Tarot Meanings

Two of Cups Tarot Meanings

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Queen of Swords Tarot Meanings

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Knight of Swords Tarot Meanings

Page of Swords Tarot Meanings

Page of Swords Tarot Meanings

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Ten of Swords Tarot Meanings

Nine of Swords Tarot Meanings

Nine of Swords Tarot Meanings

Eight of Swords Tarot Meanings

Eight of Swords Tarot Meanings

Seven of Swords Tarot Meanings

Seven of Swords Tarot Meanings

Six of Swords Tarot Meanings

Six of Swords Tarot Meanings

Five of Swords Tarot Meanings

Five of Swords Tarot Meanings

Four of Swords Tarot Meanings

Four of Swords Tarot Meanings

Three of Swords Tarot Meanings

Three of Swords Tarot Meanings

Two of Swords Tarot Meanings

Two of Swords Tarot Meanings

Ace of Swords Tarot Meanings

Ace of Swords Tarot Meanings

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The Moon Tarot Meanings

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The Magician Tarot Meanings

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The Fool Tarot Meanings