As a teacher of beginner Tarot readers, the question of ‘what’s the best Tarot deck for beginners’ is one I come against a lot. With so many different designs of deck, it can feel overwhelming to know which deck to choose as your beginner Tarot deck. Something I tell...
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Tarot Podcasts That Are Guaranteed to Deepen Your Tarot Knowledge
WORDS: Cat Crawford IMAGE: Juja Han via Unsplash There seems to be a growing number of Tarot podcasts, which is fantastic because the more readers’ voices are added to the mix, the more sources we have to tap into. You may think that as a Tarot podcast host...
Exploring Tarot For Beginners: The online Tarot course for complete beginners
Tarot For Beginners was my very first baby when I started The Self-Care Emporium. I had just completed an advanced Tarot course and I wanted to offer a way for people to learn Tarot in the easiest way possible.
Holistic Tarot: What is it and why is it so important right now?
The most well-known form of Tarot is fortune-telling. We see it in movies on TV. We see it in artwork and read it in books, it’s all we have known for centuries.
Tarot Lessons: The Suites & The Chakras
If you listen to my Self-Care Tarot podcast you’ll know that I often talk about elemental energies in relation to reading the minor arcana, well I wanted to expand on that a little bit more. Today, I want to show how I apply the suites and their energies to the seven main energy points within the body because it’s something that has helped me massively up my Tarot reading game.
The Self-Care Tarot Podcast || 003. Trusting Your Inner Voice With the Two of Swords
This week’s episode is all about making friends with that inner voice and using the energy of the Two of Swords to better connect with our inner world. We are so often at odds with that inner voice, but amazing and magical things can happen if we only took the time to listen and understand.