Witchness Volume 2: Time to grow

Apr 1, 2021 | Soul Purpose


It’s finally here, Volume 2 of Witchness digital magazine and this time we’re focusing on growth and expanding our knowledge, understanding and perspective. With spring comes a chance to start to focus on personal growth and watch as we blossom alongside the world around us. Witchness helps you to take action and think about things in a new way, so you can blossom into the person you were always meant to be.

In volume 1, we were focusing on starting fresh, especially after the circus that was 2020. We looked at things like business strategy, cleansing old stagnant energy and creating new and more positive habits for 2021. In volume 2, we start to build on those things and look at learning more about esoteric tools and concepts that can help us grow and develop, both as a human and as a business owner.

Witchness Magazine was always made to not only be a source of motivation for spiritual and creative entrepreneurs but to also help give you guys the esoteric and metaphysical tools you need to stay grounded, take care of your spiritual and emotional wellbeing and think about your work and life in a more balanced way. This volume is packed full of articles that start to really dive into concepts that you may have heard about in passing, that you may not have a full understanding of. It aims to help more with your spiritual development, which is increasingly important in a hustle-focused and overworked society.

So, join me on this spring journey of growth and self-development and grab your copy of Witchness Magazine volume 2!

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