The Self-Care Tarot Podcast || 001. Leaving Behind a False Sense of Security With The Fool

Jan 14, 2022 | Learn Tarot

Welcome to the very first episode of The Self-Care Tarot podcast! We’re kicking off season 1 with the powerful energy of The Fool, so grab a cuppa, your deck and a journal and let’s get stuck in.

Welcome to The Self-Care Tarot podcast with me Cat Crawford. A podcast that uses Tarot to delve a little deeper into self-exploration, enhance your journaling and aid with spiritual development.

In this episode we start our journey with The Fool, leaping off our safe and secure foundations to try and reach that next level. We work with The Fool to help us identify our own false sense of security and explore how we can take risks, jump into the unknown and achieve the impossible.

Journal prompts for this episode:

  • If you said yes to this new opportunity, what is the worst that could happen and what are the best things that could happen?

  • If you took this risk, what dangers would you come up against and how could you navigate them? What solutions could come up with in advance?

  • When have you taken a risk that has not panned out the way you thought and what happened after? Did you realise anything? Did you learn anything? Did it set you on a whole new path you would’ve never even considered before?

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