The Fool Tarot Card Keywords
Upright Keywords
Beginnings, Freedom, Innocence, Idealism, Spontaneity, Risk Taking, Leap of Faith, Enthusiasm
Reversed Keywords
Naivety, Distraction, Foolishness, Stupidity, Recklessness, Gullible, Stuck in Comfort Zone
The Fool Tarot Meaning
The Fool is the energy that kicks off the cycle and journey we embark on when moving through the 78 Tarot cards. It makes sense then that the meanings represent this fresh start and a new beginning.
When we set off with The Fool, we effectively become one with him. We’re all Fools at some point, multiple points even. Whenever we embark on a new chapter of life we become reacquainted with The Fool and that buzz that comes with facing the unknown.
All of the Major Arcana cards are assigned a number depending on where they come within the cycle. For The Fool, the number is 0. The number itself tells us a lot about what this card can represent. A perfect circle with no end and no beginning, it’s the perfect visual representation of The Fool’s cyclical energy flow.
The Fool Upright Meaning
The Fool is a character who fully embodies what it means to be care free, to not feel tethered to responsibility or expectation, they are free to be whatever they want whenever they want. They’re often accompanied by a small dog as a companion on their travels, a figure that often represents instinctual impulses and desires.
Together, they are the picture of freedom and innocence. Travelling alongside each other, they happily stride forward but only the dog – the instinctual personification of The Fool, can see the danger that lies ahead.
In this situation, The Fool can either turn back and re-walk the ground he has already traversed time and time again, or he can take a risk, a leap of faith, off the stable ground he has become accustomed to and explore the unknown of what lies below.

When the upright Fool makes an appearance in your readings, it might be time to take a leap of faith of your own. Embracing the innocence of The Fool allows you to surrender to possibility in a way that feels exciting. To fight against The Fool’s call to embark on a new adventure means to stay where you are, trapped in your comfort zone and repeating the same cycles you have already moved through.
Journal Prompts for The Fool, Upright
How could I take a step forward in my life right now and what would I leave behind?
What does spontaneity look like for me right now and how may it refresh or change my outlook?
Why might a fresh and new beginning be in my best interest right now?
“It is typical for women to be afraid to let the too-comfortable and too-safe life die. She must be willing to feel anxious sometimes, otherwise she might as well have stayed in the nest.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Fool Upright Meanings | Love, Career & Finances
In a Love reading, The Fool Upright can represent a new relationship. This could be romantic or platonic. It refers to that first buzz of something new, where everything feels more vibrant.
In a career reading, The Fool can refer to a new job or new client/business. It can also symbolise a shift or change at work that makes things feel new and set on a different path.
When it comes to finances, The Fool could symbolise a frivolity with spending. Splashing out and treating yourself to something you haven’t thought much about. It can also represent new financial opportunities and surprise income.
The Fool Reversed Meaning

The Fool reversed turns the free-spirited and carefree energy of The Fool and twists it. The Fool becomes less of a free spirit and more of a naive fool. The firm ground that The Fool once found a footing on now doesn’t hold as much weight, now the road ahead is even more perilous than it was previously.
Now the tables have turned, The Fool’s innocence is no longer in their favour. Now their innocence means they are not wise to the ways of the world and are more of a target for the dangers that lurk in the unknown. This gives The Fool more of a reckless energy, someone who is not weighed down by the restraints of fear or alarm bells of danger, but will happily walk into an obvious trap. One which may be tricky or even painful to break out of.
When you get The Fool reversed in your readings, it’s time to look up and outward, take in the whole picture and look for the things you weren’t paying attention to before. What pitfalls can you now see in front of you? How were you blinded to the dangers that now seem so obvious? The most important question to ask The Fool reversed, is ‘What am I missing?’.
Journal Prompts for The Fool, Reversed
How might I be acting naive to what is really happening right now?
What do I need to be more aware of and what dangers or challenges is it presenting?
Why am I procrastinating from moving forward and into the next chapter of my life?
“Sometimes a woman is afraid to be without security or without certainty, for even a short time. She must just simply dive in and stand not knowing what will happen next. It is the only thing which will retrieve her intuitive nature.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estés
The Fool Reversed Meanings | Love, Career & Finances
In a love reading, The Fool reversed could hint at a less than stable relationship, a temporary feeling that is fleeting and not meant to stay around. There’s no reason you can’t enjoy this short-term feeling if it’s a positive one, but if it isn’t, take steps to leave it in the dust.
In a career reading, The Fool Reversed can mean things like taking on more than you’re ready to handle, feeling unsupported by senior staff or feeling like you’re lacking any career progression.
In a financial reading, The Fool Reversed could symbolise a lack of financial independence or a lack of financial management skills. Perhaps you’re a little too liberal with the credit card, or you find it impossible to save. The Fool might appear in these instances to ask you to review your weaknesses and find support to help you get back on track.
The Fool's Journey
When we move through the Major Arcana, we move through what we call ‘The Fool’s Journey’. This positions The Fool (card 0 in the Tarot) as the ‘hero’ of the story being told within the Major cards. Analysing The Fool’s response to meeting the various archetypes we see in the other cards such as ‘The Mother in The Empress or The Teacher in The Hermit, can tell us a lot about what is happening when a Major Arcana card appears in our readings.
The Fool | Esoteric Correspondences
Astrological Sign

Uranus symbolises change, revolution and the unexpected. It is a planet that values freedom and liberation, just like The Fool.
Elemental Energy

Elemental Air
The Fool corresponds to the element of Air. Air rules the realms of communication, ideas, mentality and thought.

Number 0
The Fool is the very first card in the Major Arcana so has the number 0. A number of infinite potential and cyclical energy.
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