The Chariot Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meanings

    The Chariot tarot meaning is one of trust, willpower and acceptance that we may not be able to do everything by ourselves. When we’re younger, we can’t wait to be an adult so we can take full control over our own lives, but once we reach adulthood, we...

How Does Tarot Reading Work: It’s All Energy Baby

    A question I get asked a lot by people that are not in the witchy or spiritual community, is how does tarot actually work? It’s a tricky question to answer because there are multiple different ways tarot can work. No tarot reader has the exact same...

Reading Reverse Tarot Cards

    Reading reverse tarot cards is something that many newbie tarot readers find daunting. Not only do you have to set out to learn all the meanings of the cards upright, but now you have to learn 78 brand new meanings for the same cards upside down. That’s...

Star Signs Within the Tarot

    If you’re going to be joining me for the Tarot For Beginners course starting the 1st of September, knowing the associations between the star signs and the tarot will help you level up just that little bit more, as you go through the course. Associating...

The Emperor Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meaning

    The Emperor is the card of the divine masculine, it is a symbol of power, strength and authority. Often when The Emperor rears his head in a reading, there is a need to step up and take back control or flex your own authority. He is also seen as the...