What oracle cards should I buy?

I love that feeling of getting a brand new oracle deck and leafing through all the cards to find my favourite illustrations and affirmations. Picking a new oracle deck can be a bit overwhelming though, there’s so many to choose from and all of them have different...

How to Use Oracle Cards With Tarot

We’ve already had a look at how oracle and tarot cards are different, but now we’re about to jump into the world of combining the two! Yes, that’s right, you can use oracle cards AND tarot cards at the same time for a detailed and intuitive reading. There are a few...

Three Ways to Use Oracle Cards (for Beginners)

Use your Oralce Cards like a pro with these three easy and beginner friendly Oracle Card spreads. If you've been thinking about diving into the world of Oracle Cards but not sure where to start then this is the blog for you. I'll show you three simple ways to start...

The Difference Between Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards

    You want to get yourself a tarot deck, but you’ve also heard about oracle cards, so which one should you go for? Although the two are very similar, there are some key distinctions between oracle decks and tarot cards that you’ll need to take into...