How To do a Tarot Reading On Yourself

Apr 24, 2023 | Learn Tarot

How To Do a Tarot Reading on Yourself

How To do a Tarot Reading On Yourself

One of the hardest things about Tarot reading is knowing how to do a Tarot reading on yourself. You would think it would be easier, but oh no. The more you have invested in the outcome, the harder it is to see the truth. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t do readings on yourself, it just means a different approach is needed. It means that you may have to put some pre-reading work in, to get the clearest and most objective reading possible. 

To help you out, here are a few of my top tips for reading for yourself. 

Tip 1: Check in with your current energy

Tarot effectively reflects your energy back to you visually. Whatever you’re thinking and feeling – whether it be subconsciously or consciously – are illustrated in the cards you pull. 

If you sit down to do a reading and you feel frazzled or burnt out, you’ll find it really hard to read. This is because there’s so much energy buzzing away without direction, even the cards can’t make sense of it. 


Tarot effectively reflects your energy back to you visually.


Similarly, if you feel emotionally delicate then doing a reading could send you spiralling even deeper if you interpret the cards negatively. It’s best to make sure that you are in as neutral a place as possible. This allows you to avoid any bias and see the truth of things without those rose-tinted or doom-tinted glasses.  

Tip 2: Decide what you want to get out of the reading

Sitting down to do a Tarot reading on yourself without a goal in mind, is like trying to read a book with no plot. You have to know where your end point is, and where you want to get to. Only then can the Tarot cards create a journey for you.  


Sitting down to do a Tarot reading on yourself without a goal in mind, is like trying to read a book with no plot.


This is why asking questions of the Tarot cards is so popular. You’re giving the reading a structure, which helps to create a narrative. Without it, all the messages seem jumbled and hard to decipher.  

Tip 3: Think metaphorically instead of literally 

This one took me a very long time to absorb. It doesn’t just apply to readings for the self, it also refers to reading for others. 

The cards are manifestations and sometimes personifications of the energy we find in the universe. When we take them literally, this becomes more prediction than interpretation.


The cards are manifestations and sometimes personifications of the energy we find in the universe.


Thinking of the characters and scenarios pictured on your Tarot cards as metaphorical can be a game changer. Suddenly you start to better understand the guidance and stop looking for the dictation. 

We interpret Tarot cards. We are the ones that take the information they offer us and create something the conscious mind understands. Not the other way around.  

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Tip 4: Pay attention to energetic balances

Our conscious minds are very good manipulators. However, it can’t change the facts of the four elements, which is why it’s so helpful to keep them in mind when reading. 


The elements provide facts that the conscious mind can’t easily dispute.


Integrating the correspondences of the element to the cards can help you better see balance and imbalances. For example, you may think you’re approaching a situation from a very air-based, strategic position. However, the cards say otherwise. The cards show more wand cards, which means you’re actually approaching things from a purely impulsive POV. 

The elements provide facts that the conscious mind can’t easily dispute. I’ve found focusing on these energy balances really helps me to step out of my own biased way of thinking.   

Tip 5: Choose a simple spread and focus on deep dives

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is thinking that the more cards, the better the reading. Choosing a spread that focuses on 2-3 cards in detail is much better than focusing on the surface-level meanings of 10+ cards. 


Choosing a spread that focuses on 2-3 cards in detail is much better than focusing on the surface-level meanings of 10+ cards. 


When we use smaller spreads we give ourselves more room to breathe. We allow for space for each card to have its moment, rather than jumping from one card to the next as quickly as possible, losing meaning in the process. 

Tip 6: Journal your Tarot readings

Off the back of that previous point, make sure to journal alongside your readings. If you struggle to journal when reading Tarot, why not try using my Tarot Journal which you can find in the shop? 


Journaling alongside your Tarot readings allows you time to dive deeper into their meanings.


Journaling alongside your Tarot readings allows you time to dive deeper into their meanings. You can really jot down all the thoughts, feelings, ideas and inspirations the cards offer you. Plus, it gives you a clear record of previous readings to refer back to. 

Tip 7: Take action on the guidance given to you

Finally, the bit everyone misses. Take action on your readings. 

Use the information and guidance the cards have helped you gather. There’s no point doing a reading if you’re only going to ignore everything it offers up to you. 


There’s no point doing a reading if you’re only going to ignore everything it offers up to you. 


This is where the Tarot journal comes in handy. In your journal, you can jot down bullet points of things you want to do or take action on, off the back of the reading. It’s a great way to work on goal setting and achievements. Especially if you have a passion project you’re working on or a soul-led business. 

Knowing how to do a Tarot Reading on Yourself is a Game Changer

Many people will learn to read Tarot for other people and that’s fantastic. But, knowing how to do a Tarot reading on yourself is something that can transform you. It gives you back a sense of personal power that we often struggle to reclaim. 

It can take some getting used to and you might have to find a new groove with your readings. It is possible though and I couldn’t recommend it more.

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