Welcome to another Mercury retrograde, the famous astrological time that people dread, even when they don’t know why they’re supposed to dread it. So many things get blamed on Mercury retrograde, memes come flying out the woodwork and every inconvenience is pinned on it, but do you actually know what Mercury retrograde means?
Soul Purpose
Beginners Guide to Chakra Crystals
One of the main ways I use my crystal collection, is to balance and unblock the seven chakras. Most crystals have properties that closely associate them with one of the seven chakras and by placing them in the right areas, they can help to improve the flow of energy throughout the body.
7 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way
The more tarot readings I do, the more I understand how we are all our own worst enemy. On more times than I can count, the answer to why someone is finding it hard to progress forward, is that there is something internally that is keeping them anchored to that spot.
Psychic Tarot Readings vs Guidance Readings
When I get approached for tarot readings, the first thing I like to do is make it clear that I do not do psychic tarot readings. A lot of people don’t realise that there are different types of readings, with the psychic and guidance readings being the two most commonly used.
7 tarot cards that show you’re a victim of self sabotage
As business owners, we are often our own worst enemy, we have to rely on ourselves to get shit done, to hit deadlines, to file our self assessment and pay our taxes. With all of this to think about, our minds can become a chaotic place to be and it becomes a breeding ground for self doubt and negative beliefs.
How Powerful is the Subconscious Mind?
As humans, we have two different minds, the conscious and the subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is the little voice that speaks to us throughout the day, it is the thing that can also tell us we’re not good enough or that we are failing at something. It’s not always kind!