The Best Crystals For Anxiety

    Today we’re looking at the best crystals for anxiety, as anxiety amongst all age groups is now at an all time high. Why is that though? Well, one theory is that technology and the information we consume has evolved so quickly, that our poor squishy...

How to Use a Pendulum + Free Pendulum Board Printout

    Pendulums are one of the most beginner friendly divination tools out there and they can be used with or without a pendulum board for guidance. They can be made from a crystal, a crystal cage or just a simple weighted pendulum. Crystal pendulums are by...

The Best Crystals for Overcoming Self Doubt

    We should never underestimate just how much self doubt can effect us. Not just how we see and talk about ourselves, but what we feel capable of doing, our environment and our situation. It can warp the world around you and stop you from achieving the...

Getting to Know Imbolc and How to do a Simple Imbolc Ritual

    On February 1st we welcome back another Imbolc, the sabbat that tells us the cold harsh winters are nearly over and the sun is once again returning to warm us and the earth below. Imbolc is the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring...

Candle Colours & Their Meanings

    Candles are a big part of rituals, spellwork or even just meditation, but did you know the colour of the candle you choose can influence your intention? Different colours have different vibrations and so we can use those vibrations to influence the...

Beginners Guide to a Full Moon Ritual

    What is the significance of a full moon?As we all know, the moon has many different phases and each one holds its own magic and meaning. The two that are most celebrated are the new moon and full moon.The full moon shines brighter than any other phase,...