September Full Moon: The Full Corn Moon

    We now enter September, time flies when you’ve been in lockdown I guess! As we start to slowly wind down, I thought we could take a look at September’s full moon, the Corn Moon. We all know how much I love a bit of moon magic and after the last few weeks...

The Best Crystals For Protection

    Today we’re looking at the best crystals for protection and what kinds of things crystal energy can help to protect you from. When we talk about protection regarding crystals, we are referring to protection against energies. These could come from...

A Beginners Guide to the Wheel of the Year

    One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked when showing off my Book of Shadows, is how do you start one and my answer is always the same…With the Wheel of the Year!The Wheel of the Year details the different pagan Sabbats that are linked with...

A Beginners Guide to Witchcraft

    I’ve wanted to write a beginner’s guide to witchcraft for a while now, but there’s so much to include and cover, that I kept procrastinating from doing it. I’ve really stepped up my own learning recently regarding the craft and I finally figured out the...

What Type of Witchcraft Is Best For Me?

    If you’re completely new to witchcraft, a baby witch you may say, then you may not know that there are multiple types of witches and a lot of different types of witchcraft you can practice. Just like in your witchy practices, there will be things that...

May’s Full Moon: The Flower Moon

    We’re coming up to May’s full moon, also known as the Flower Moon and a Full Moon in Scorpio. May’s full moon is known as the flower moon because we tend to see flowers and trees start to blossom at this time of the year. We can see the bright colours of...