A Tarot Spread For a Mid-Year Review

A Tarot Spread for a Mid-Year Review Image via Unsplash by Anne Mygård We all love to set big goals at the beginning of the year, but as it goes on they get left behind in the past. How often do you check in mid-year to make sure you’re on the right track to meet...

Your Guide to Tarot and Numerology

Numerology can be a key to unlocking an even deeper level of meaning for your cards. Explore how the mystical world of numerology could help you expand your Tarot reading practice. Add more meaning and depth to your readings and get more out of the cards than you ever...

How To Celebrate World Tarot Day & My Story

How To Celebrate World Tarot Day & My Story World Tarot Day is close at hand; if you’re unaware, I’m here to introduce it to you. Get ready to learn about what this day represents, how you can celebrate it and I’ll let you in on my Tarot journey so...

Why is Tarot Trending Again?

Why is Tarot Trending Again?  Why is Tarot trending again? Over the last few years, we’ve seen a Tarot renaissance. More decks than ever are being produced and we can now find decks on the shelves of mainstream shops such as Urban Outfitters and...