Psychic Tarot Readings vs Guidance Readings

Apr 14, 2020 | Learn Tarot, Soul Purpose




When I get approached for tarot readings, the first thing I like to do is make it clear that I do not do psychic tarot readings. A lot of people don’t realise that there are different types of readings, with the psychic and guidance readings being the two most commonly used.

When I read tarot for my clients, I like to use a question to give the reading context. It helps me get really focused on a specific area of the clients life and means that they walk away feeling like a weight has been lifted and like they finally know how to move through whatever it is they are facing.

What is the difference between psychic and guidance readings?

When it comes to psychic tarot or fortune telling, I find the outcome is a lot more general and the reading as a whole is a focused on wowing you with facts about yourself that a stranger wouldn’t be able to know. Psychic readers usually provide a potential outcome to your life, for example they may tell you you’re going to meet a tall handsome stranger in your future.

Psychic tarot readers are most often represented in mainstream media, usually in horror films or supernatural stories. Most often they are shown as being Romani, hidden in a room with a lot of curtains, a crystal ball and a few other spooky trinkets. Due to this idea of tarot readers, I do get a lot of people looking for love readings, or people looking for me to tell them exactly what they need to do, but that’s just not the type of reading I do for my clients.

Guidance tarot reading helps clients to fully understand their situation and what they need to do to move forward. A lot of my clients come to me because they are facing an obstacle, or they’re feeling like they are stuck with no way out. I use the tarot cards to help give them guidance and help them uncover things that they may not have been able to admit to themselves.

One of the most popular pieces of feedback I get from clients is:

It’s something I already knew, but I feel like I needed it confirming. Now I feel more confident in what I know I need to do.



What kinds of questions should you be asking a guidance tarot reader?

When getting a tarot reading for guidance on a particular problem or question, it’s best to try and give the reader as much background as possible. We need to fully understand what has happened in the past to bring you to this point, in order to help you figure out your conscious and subconscious thoughts about it.

The aim of any guidance tarot session is to help you better understand how your past has influenced your present and how it could influence your future. We look into your conscious and subconscious mind, to identify and highlight blockages or challenges you need to overcome, again, seeing how events in your past may have influenced these. Finally we pull everything together to see what path lies ahead and what possibilities are open to you, based on all the information given to us by the other cards in the spread.

The types of questions or problems I get the most are things like:

  • Am I on the right path to achieve my goals?

  • Am I focusing my energies into the right areas of my life?

  • Is there something else I should be doing, other than what I’m currently focusing on?

  • Am I making the right decision with my career?

  • Should I think about taking a new path right now?

If you were going to a psychic reader, they will very rarely ask your for a question to focus on. They will use their intuition and psychic abilities to tell your fortune, so they are a much better choice if you are looking for answers to things like:

  • When will I meet a new partner?

  • Will I ever have my dream career?

  • Will I marry my current partner?

  • Will I be successful in the next 12-months?

Booking your tarot reading with me

If you’re looking for a career or business tarot reading, then I’m your girl. All you have to do is head on over to my booking page, click one of the many buttons and fill out the booking form. My email readings are £15 and my video readings are £20!

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