What Happens in a Tarot Reading Session?




So you’ve decided you want to grab yourself a tarot session with me, or even better, become one of my soul coaching clients!

Firstly, this is amazing news and well done to you for taking the first step forward. Secondly, you may be wondering what will happen during your sessions and what outcome you can expect.

I’m here to answer all your questions!

Pre-tarot session

Before we begin, you need to book your time slot by either emailing me at info@theselfcareemporium.com or using my contact form. We can then find a date that is perfect for you and get it all booked into our diaries.

I’ll ask you to tell me a bit about yourself and the situation you are currently facing in a preliminary email. This not only helps me get a better idea of your personality, but it also helps me to understand your predicament a little bit better! For soul coaching clients, we’ll do all this over a call during our first session.

During the reading

We will conduct your reading over Skype video call so I can show you the cards and talk you through them one by one. The reading will last for about an hour, but can overrun depending on what needs to be talked about and how the cards play out!

We’ll start by chatting a little bit about the question you need answering and talk about the background of why you are looking for an answer to this current issue or concern.

I will then shuffle the cards three times and split them into three different piles, getting you to pick the pile that speaks to you the most. Once we’ve got our pile picked, I’ll spread the cards and choose the cards for your reading, laying them out in your chosen spread.

We’ll go through each card one at a time, talking about the meaning of the card in relation to you and your question, and the spread position it has appeared in.

I am not psychic so I will ask you questions around each card so we can fully understand how the card relates to you and how it influences the other cards in the reading. This not only allows you to think out loud, but it also helps me to guide you in the right direction to figuring out the root cause of your question.

Every session will end with some homework, in which I give you tips on how you can make your near and long term future cards a reality! This homework will consist of activities such as crystal meditation, rituals, journaling and thought challenging.

Reading aftercare

Once we’ve hung up and said our goodbyes, I will get to work on your report. This is a HIGHLY detailed PDF that includes images of your spread, each of the cards featured and explanations for each.

It will contain a full summary of your question and answer, as well as the homework we discussed on the call. Depending on the homework given, there may also be some worksheets to go through!

There could be certain tools I recommend such as certain crystals, incense or ritual tools like candles and herbs. If this is the case, I will send you a shopping list and links to all the places you can grab the things you need.

Are Tarot Cards Unlucky?

Are Tarot Cards Unlucky?

There are a lot of myths, legends and misunderstandings when it comes to tarot cards and tarot readings. Whether tarot cards are unlucky is just one of the many questions I get when people enquire about readings.

Tarot cards have been around for a very long time and they were first introduced in a time of heightened superstition. These myths and legends have carried on into more modern times and should now be taken with a pinch of salt.

Of course, there are many tarot readers, to this day that believe certain superstitions when it comes to their tarot decks. Things like you shouldn’t let other people handle your deck or you shouldn’t let your deck touch the floor.

Personally, I feel like this increases the fear around tarot and prevents people who could really benefit from a reading, from reaching out.

With that in mind, let’s debunk this terrible rumour about tarot cards!

The myth of unlucky tarot cards

The myth around tarot cards being unlucky most likely comes from people who have had negative readings or negative experiences right after a reading.

There is nothing supernatural about tarot cards.

It’s not the tarot cards fault, but our senses are always heightened after a reading, so this can cause us to see patterns were there may not be any. This along with the constant mysticism portrayed in popular media, means that many people have a slight mistrust of tarot cards straight out the gate.

When people are expecting some sort of supernatural outcome from their tarot card reading, even if they don’t realise that this is what they are expecting, means that there is always a slight uneasiness when it comes to the message and story of the cards.

But as we have spoken about previously, there is nothing supernatural about tarot cards and so therefore, they do not need to be feared.

Tarot cards do not have control over your future

Your future is not written, you have complete control over the direction your life takes. The only thing that is certain, is the life lessons we all have to learn.

To believe that tarot cards are unlucky, is to believe that they can change the future. Your tarot reading is there to help and guide you, to be unlucky would be to go completely against those principles and we do not entertain such an idea!

Can Tarot Cards Predict The Future?




There are a lot of ‘psychics’ out there that claim to be able to tell you exactly what is going to happen, just by using tarot or oracle cards. Although there are plenty of psychics offering genuine services, tarot is always the target of novelty fortune telling and it can give the art of divination a bad rep.

Many times people come in to a tarot reading session expecting the reader to be able to give them the answers to all of their burning questions, but that’s not always the best way to approach a reading. So, can tarot cards predict the future? Read on to find out…

You hold the answers within yourself

It might surprise you that the tarot simply reflects what you already know subconsciously, back to you. The tarot cards show you what you already know, but in a more narrative and easy-to-understand way.

We all have our own ways in which we find a connection to a particular card and its meaning. This connection that we make is our subconscious putting the pieces together for our conscious brains. We start to see our answer reflected back to us and the realisation starts to dawn about what we need to do, or what lessons we need to learn.

Suggesting what COULD happen

What the tarot can do is suggest possibilities that you can keep in mind moving forward. We all have free will, so nothing can ever be truly predicted, but what the tarot can do is give us warnings or hope for what could happen to us.

For example, if you asked the tarot to help you understand what you need to know about your relationship, and it tells you that in the near future, you should expect a big commitment, it’s really up to you to then take steps to make that happen.

It’s only by following the lessons and advice of the tarot that we can even begin to step foot on the path to that outcome. If you ignore what lessons the tarot has given you, then you may find yourself with a completely different ending to your story.

The lessons of the tarot

Every tarot reading will offer some sort of lesson or point to think about once your reading is complete. Whether it is the major life lessons offered by the major arcana or the smaller lessons offered by the minor arcana.

One of my favourite things about tarot is that it is like having a personal life coach that you can bring out whenever you feel you need it most. You can discover so much about yourself and your options through tarot reading, and it can also offer a lot of comfort and support.

Remember, the next time you have a reading, instead of wondering ‘can tarot cards predict the future?’, go in with an open mind and ready to take on board the truths that the tarot will serve you. It’s not always what we want to hear, but it is definitely what we need to hear, in order to become the best version of ourselves.