How to Use Oracle Cards With Tarot

We’ve already had a look at how oracle and tarot cards are different, but now we’re about to jump into the world of combining the two! Yes, that’s right, you can use oracle cards AND tarot cards at the same time for a detailed and intuitive reading. There are a few...

Can Oracle & Tarot Readings be Wrong?

    I frequently get asked by newbie tarot readers if I’ve ever had someone tell me their reading was completely incorrect. The answer is no, nobody has ever said that their reading was wrong and here’s why. For my personal readings, tarot is a guidance...

Psychic Tarot Readings vs Guidance Readings

    When I get approached for tarot readings, the first thing I like to do is make it clear that I do not do psychic tarot readings. A lot of people don’t realise that there are different types of readings, with the psychic and guidance readings being the...

What Tarot Cards Should I buy?

    When you’re completely new to the world of tarot, it can be a bit daunting choosing what tarot cards to buy for the first time. There is some mythology that you should only be gifted your first tarot deck, but many of us have gone against this tradition,...