Exploring Tarot For Beginners: The online Tarot course for complete beginners

Tarot For Beginners was my very first baby when I started The Self-Care Emporium. I had just completed an advanced Tarot course and I wanted to offer a way for people to learn Tarot in the easiest way possible.

I was a little limited with functionality on the website, but I worked my arse off and launched it back in the summer of 2020. Besides, there wasn’t much else to do that year anyway!

Cut to the summer of 2022 and once again I’ve been showing Tarot For Beginners some love. With new technology and functionality on offer, I could finally make the course exactly what I had always dreamed of.

Starting your journey with the Tarot

Tarot is one of those things where you might have a curiosity about it, dabble with it a little bit and then leave it untouched for a few years until you feel drawn to it again. Even now, as a professional Tarot reader, I have periods where I don’t pick up a deck for my own use for months.

The Tarot is there for me when I need it and I don’t force that relationship. That’s how it is for me now after years of working with the Tarot, but in the beginning, it was a different story.

In the beginning, I was obsessed. I would make sure to practice readings and memorising the cards every single day. I would give myself and friends readings as often as possible and always make time to squeeze in a Tarot lesson or two.

Learning to read Tarot cards isn’t an easy task. I’m not going to pretend to you that it is. You are essentially learning a completely new language that is predominantly visual, like hieroglyphics. You’re learning about symbolism, numerology, astrology, religion and more all at the same time.

However, don’t let that put you off because, with so many different layers, it is hands down one of the most impactful and fascinating journeys I have ever chosen to take.

To get started, all you need is a deck, patience, openness and a really good mentor.

Top 10 tips for learning to read Tarot cards

Before I finally managed to learn Tarot reading, I had dabbled with Tarot cards on and off for years. I had failed to teach myself every single time. It was a combination of lack of consistency and the wrong kind of learning method. I am a visual learner, I like to see things being done, experience demonstrations and practice for myself.

In the past, I’d tried learning from books and ‘how-to’ guides but the information never stuck. It was only by taking a visual video course that everything started to click into place. So, with my years of both success and failure, here are my top 10 tips for learning to read the Tarot.

  1. Learn no more than four cards at any one time

  2. Practice small three-card readings as often as you can

  3. Listen & watch other Tarot readers read and mimic their style for a while to see what feels right

  4. Leave frustration at the door, it doesn’t help anyone and can stop you from retaining information

  5. Practice and learn with different decks with different imagery, I used Mystic Mondays Tarot and the Rider Waite-Smith deck interchangeably

  6. Find an online or in-person course so you have support and guidance from a professional

  7. Keep a Tarot journal where you store everything you’ve learned and your practice readings

  8. Do three card readings on your friends and family as often as possible

  9. Forget about being wrong and focus on interpretation rather than getting meanings correct

  10. Open up to new perspectives outside of your own biased view of the world

Exploring the Tarot for Beginners course

My online course takes you through 12 different modules, with 10 of those teaching you all the meanings of every one of the 78 Tarot cards. We explore no more than four cards in each lesson to help make all the information much more digestible.

We also look at important elements of Tarot reading that don’t revolve around card meanings. These are things like the history of the Tarot and the structure of a Tarot deck. Both subjects that can massively inform your understanding of the cards.

We also look at Tarot spreads, what they are, why we use them and how we can create our own custom spreads for an even deeper Tarot reading.

Finally, for those that are interested, we look at building a Tarot business and everything we need to plan and put in place when launching a Tarot reading business.

All of these modules not only teach you to read the Tarot cards, but they also help you to understand them. The course helps you build a foundational knowledge that will allow you to read intuitively for yourself and others, plus give you the groundwork to go off and explore even more advanced Tarot concepts, should you feel called to.

There’s a private Facebook for all my Tarot students where they can ask questions about the course, get advice and tips from myself and other students and feel supported in their Tarot journey. All students have lifetime access to the course, so they don’t have to rush the learning process.

Learning to read Tarot can be a hugely personal journey and it was very important to me to give people a safe space to really dive in. To be vulnerable and be able to connect to their fullest ability.

If this sounds like a space you’d love to share with us, then click the button below to find out more about the course and how to enrol.