Finding moderation as an entrepreneur

We’ve all been brought up on films and TV shows with characters who fit into either the ‘love for life’ category or the ‘workaholic’ category. We never see a character that loves their job, works super hard but also makes sure to take time off and relax. They’re...

Showing yourself some self-compassion

We talk a lot about self-care, but self-compassion is a little different and one that often gets merged into the role of self-care. From my experience wandering around the internet, many people associate self-care with looking after their physical and mental...

10 journal prompts to prove can do anything

Journalling has become a pretty big part of the wellness and spiritual community of late, but that’s for a very good reason. Journaling or keeping a diary has been proven to help you sort through difficult emotions, unlock the subconscious and learn a whole lot more...