What does it mean to have courage as a business owner?


It’s all well and good me telling you to ‘have courage in your business’ but what does that actually mean? What do you have to do, think and believe in order for you to be able to finally label yourself as courageous?

As spiritual entrepreneurs, we have to be more courageous than most. We’re building a business from the ground up after all and we’re putting our hopes and dreams on the line. There’s a level of vulnerability that comes with building a soul purpose business and with that comes a need to go against our most basic human instincts.

We have to learn to ignore anxiety, gamble with finances, take responsibility for our successes and our failures. We have to put ourselves into positions where heartbreak and disappointment are a possibility and rely only on our own intuition and knowledge when deciding if risks outweigh the rewards. Our courage is an anchor for us and without it, it can be easy to feel lost, alone or without direction.

What does courage mean to you?

The first thing we need to get clear about is what courage means to us as individuals. Having courage can mean something different to everyone, depending on a number of different factors.

The overall definition of courage is:

The ability to do something that frightens one & strength in the face of pain or grief

and what frightens you is completely unique to you. Our fears or sources of grief and pain are our own, so our courage, by association, is completely unique to us also. Have a think about what courage might look like for you based on your own personal fears and experiences. It may be:

  • having the courage to start your own business

  • having the courage to invest more money into your business

  • having the courage to do something unique

  • having the courage to branch away from tradition or what is expected of you

Think about what your current challenges are and start to think about how you can face them head-on and overcome them.

How can you actively be more courageous?

This is where self-awareness becomes very important. It’s only by knowing what our fears and weaknesses are that we can understand how we can be more courageous. Our fears stand in the way of our goals, so one way we can start to understand what our courage should look like in the practical sense is by practising a bit of visualisation.

Imagine yourself on a road with a tall wall in front of you. You know that at the end of this road lies what you’ve been working towards, so getting through this wall is essential.

We need to figure out what this wall is representing for us, what is our fear? What is the obstacle we just can’t seem to overcome? This might be a fear of failure, a fear of being in debt, a fear of a failed business. Allow your subconscious mind to create an image that best represents this fear, by relaxing as much as possible and really focusing in on that fear and how it makes you feel. Once you’ve got your fear or obstacle in front of you, how can you get past it? What does it look like? What is required of you in order to overcome it?

Something that I find when I do this is that the thing in front of me has no actual power over my actions. It’s the fear of the thing that stops me from getting past it, not the thing itself. For example, if my fear was the fear of losing money and I see that fear represented before me as a big pile of money in front of me that I’d have to walk away from, the likelihood that it would physically stop me from moving forward is zero. I can choose to walk past and not look back and deal with whatever comes my way after the fact.

Overcoming obstacles in the way of courage

The root of most of our fears as business owners is the belief that we’re either not good enough or simply not capable of doing what needs to be done. This is never true. Never.

I’ve never done a tarot reading for a client and had the cards tell me that the person is not good enough to succeed, or that they aren’t able to do what they want to do. These are beliefs that live inside your head, not out in the real world. Yes, there may be obstacles, whether material, emotional or mental, but there are always ways to overcome obstacles. Actual physical blocks, things that quite literally prevent you from doing what you feel called to do, are extremely rare.

All of us have the courage we need to tackle anything that comes our way. Tap into the passion and connection you have with your business or project and use that to power the courage you need to get through.

What is Samhain and how can it help you to start fresh?




It’s officially October and that means one thing, Samhain/Halloween is on its way! But what is Samhain and how can you use it for something more productive than lighting your pumpkin and eating your weight in chocolate?

Before Samhain became the commercialised holiday of Halloween (I won’t lie, I love both equally) it was a pagan sabat that was used to celebrate the end of a wheel cycle. Samhain is the very last celebration in the wheel of the year, with a brand new cycle starting on Yule. With this in mind, Samhain was seen as a pagan new year, a time where we look back and reflect on what has been and start planning for what will be.

So how can we use Samhain to help us move forward with purpose, balance and courage?

Celebrating the end of a cycle

If I had to relate Samhain to any of the tarot cards, it would be the Death card. Which also ties into the spooky, death laden aesthetic we’ve come to know and love around Halloween, ironic? I think not!

Just like the Death card tells us to do, we have to now accept and welcome the end of this yearly cycle. We have to choose what we want to move into and decide how we want to bid farewell to this chapter in our life. Even if there are things we want to continue into this next wheel cycle, there will be things that are better left in the past and this time of year is when we get to dig those things out and be rid of them for good.

Starting fresh

To get the most from Samhain, we have to figure out what things we have carried with us this year that have held us back, kept us down or stopped us completely. What thought processes have been plaguing you? What self-limiting beliefs have made this year less productive?

The best way to get to the heart of what you need to leave behind is to spend some time with your journal. And to help you dig deep and really think about what you’ve got weighing you down, here are a few journal prompts you can use to ask the important questions.




A Samhain ritual for starting a new chapter

If you didn’t already know, Samhain 2020 is a very special one as it takes place on a blue moon, meaning it falls on the second full moon in one single month. It’s filled with a powerful energy that shines a bright light on the darkest parts of ourselves, so it’s the perfect time to uncover all that negativity that has made a home within your mind.

This Samhain/ Halloween you can do a ritual for yourself, to help you figure out what you need to leave behind in this year cycle and how you can make more positive and productive steps forward into a new chapter.

*Remember, we aren’t repressing these negativities, we are uncovering them so we can work through them and resolve them in a healthy way!


Samhain Ritual For a New Chapter

Let’s start a new chapter with purpose and courage…

What you’ll need:

  • 1x White candle or 1x Samhain ritual candle

  • 1x Snowflake Obsidianfor hope, banishing negativity and attracting positivity

  • 1x Sodalite crystalfor intuition, inner wisdom and spiritual awareness

  • Sandalwood incense or sandalwood fragrance oil

  • Heatproof dish or bowl *water if you can’t burn materials

  • Paper & pen

The ritual

*In this ritual, we will be burning paper, but if you can’t burn things for whatever reason, don’t worry you can still do the ritual, but instead of burning, submerge it in water and then dispose of it.

Step 1: First things first, we need to get into the right mindset so do 10-minutes of meditation, focusing on the breath and allowing all sounds and distractions to melt away. Light your candles and incense/ burn your oil, get comfy and allow your body to let go of all the stress of the day.

Step 2: Next, we’re going to grab those journal prompts and work through them. If you’ve done them in advance, awesome! We’re going to use our answers to figure out what we want to let go of during this ritual.

Step 3: Look at the answers to the questions around what has stopped you from achieving your goals, what bad habits you want to let go of and what you wish you’d done less of. Take those answers and re-word them into statements.

For example, one of mine would be: “I let go of my habit of criticising my work ethic when my energy is low“ or “I let go of my belief that I am not capable of achieving my biggest goals in life“ etc.

I want you to write these on a slip of paper and fold it up.

Step 4: Next we want to counter this negativity with some positive affirmations. Just like we did with our negative statements, we want to do the same for our positive statements, using the answers from the journal prompts around what you wish you’d done more of and what good habits you want to adopt in this new cycle.

For example: “I meditate for 10-minutes every morning“ or “I have a good balance between working hard and taking care of my wellbeing“

Word these affirmations as though you already do them.

Step 5: Now we’ve got our negativities all wrapped up in our paper prisons and our positive affirmations waiting to be affirmed, we then want to light the negativities paper on fire using either a lighter or the flame from your candle and drop it in the bowl or dish. Please be careful when doing this! I don’t want any burned fingers or for you to burn your house down. If you can’t burn the paper, cover it in water and let it sit while you do step 6.

*Quick tip: Printer paper can be a menace to burn, so if you can get your hands on some natural paper or paper made from plant materials, it’ll burn much faster and easier.

Step 6: Whilst you watch your negativities be destroyed and disappear in a puff of smoke, hold your crystals in your left hand and read your affirmations out loud. Repeat all the affirmations three times in total. *the left hand is the hand of receiving and we want to receive the hope and intuition our crystals offer us.

Step 7: Once you’re all done with your affirmations, blow out your candles and take the remnants of your negativity paper and dispose of it. If you want to really go the extra mile, bury the ashes in the garden. You can then put your crystals and your positive affirmations in a small bag and carry it around as a good luck talisman, or sleep with it under your pillow to affirm your desires even further.

Don’t forget, you can grab all my exclusive Samhain products over on my shop!