September Full Moon: The Full Corn Moon

Sep 1, 2020 | Blog


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We now enter September, time flies when you’ve been in lockdown I guess! As we start to slowly wind down, I thought we could take a look at September’s full moon, the Corn Moon.

We all know how much I love a bit of moon magic and after the last few weeks of trying to get Tarot For Beginners up and running, I’m in need of a serious full moon ritual to boost my energy.

What is the Corn Moon?

I tend to follow the Native American names of the moons, as they’re the most well known here in the Northern Hemisphere and the Corn Moon reflects the period of time where indigenous people would start to collect their first full harvest.

We’re coming up to Mabon which is the autumn equinox, so this full moon marks the point where the earth is getting ready to sleep for a few months and humans need to stock up on essentials ready for the winter. It’s also the perfect time to give thanks to the earth for all it’s provided up to now, and that it has provided enough to get us through the harsher months.

With all this in mind, the Corn Moon is a great time to feel grateful for all that you have and everything that you feel blessed to have in your life. This doesn’t just have to be food, it can be friends, family or even a particular mindset you now have.

How to celebrate the Corn Moon?

Gratitude, that’s the main theme of the Corn Moon. When planning your full moon ritual this month, make gratitude the pivot point of all that you choose to do.

It may be that you write down all you feel grateful for or things that make you feel blessed in life. You can also be grateful for how you’ve turned up for yourself or others. Remember, that when we do any sort of full moon ritual, everything we do during the ritual needs to be done with intention. Make your intention this full moon to be grateful for every little thing, especially the things you overlook day to day.

The Corn Moon is best for…

Like I mentioned above, the Full Corn Moon is for gratitude, so gratitude lists and anything that helps you to feel grateful is an ideal way to celebrate the energy of this full moon. Some activities you could do are:

  • Gratitude lists

  • Gratitude mood boards – Creating a collage of your favourite pictures from this year

  • Gratitude bath – Listing all the things you’re grateful for when it comes to your bath. These will be things like warm water, bubble bath or bath salts etc. Really think about all the things that go into your bath and be grateful that you have them

  • Cook a harvest meal – Using corn, beans, wheat or bread, squashes, basically anything that you can harvest at this time of the year

  • Banishing negativity – We’re entering a new stage in the wheel of the year, so now is a great time to shed any unwanted, or stagnant energy before moving into the next few months.



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