Episode 2 is here and this week we’re exploring how the energy of the Seven of Cups can help us figure out what it is we really want and how we can better focus our energies into the right places.
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The Self-Care Tarot Podcast || 001. Leaving Behind a False Sense of Security With The Fool
Welcome to the very first episode of The Self-Care Tarot podcast! We’re kicking off season 1 with the powerful energy of The Fool, so grab a cuppa, your deck and a journal and let’s get stuck in.
Leaving what no longer serves you with the Eight of Cups
We can often collect emotional anchors that weigh us down and carry them when we no longer have any use for them. When we start to feel heavy, that’s when the Eight of Cups can come in and help us sort through everything and free ourselves from it all.
Breaking the need for control with The Emperor
I’m only 31 years old at the time of writing this blog and even I remember a time before our lives were ruled by technology and information was not available to us at the click of a button.
It’s only in the last 20 years, which is a fairly short amount of time, that technology has completely altered our way of life and the lens through which we see the world. Everything is instant now. Next day delivery, instant answers to our questions through Google and an expectation of instant responses from those we contact.
Exploring Saturn Return With The Tower Card
Saturn Return is something I have a very personal connection with, it’s one of the main reasons you’re even reading this blog! To help break down this pivotal time in our lives we’ll be using The Tower card to break down what this time might mean and how we can navigate the challenges it throws our way.
Tarot Journaling: Where to start with your Tarot Journaling journey
Tarot journaling is on the rise and I’m not mad about it. It’s one of the few things in my life that I feel completely passionate about. Tarot is like a game of pass the parcel, every time I come back to it there’s a new layer to peel back and so much more depth and meaning to uncover.