Learn Tarot

How To Use Tarot Cards

How To Use Tarot Cards Tarot cards are a tool. They can be used to better understand our own psyche, explore our subconscious and be mindful of the conscious. When you pick up a deck of cards - like any tool - you need to know what you plan to use it for and what your...

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How to Cleanse Tarot Cards

WORDS: Cat Crawford IMAGE: Karly Jones, Studio KealaulaKnowing how to cleanse Tarot cards isn’t something that is often taught to Tarot beginners. Most of the time, you have to feel out for yourself. This is because how you cleanse your own Tarot cards is based on...

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The Elements in Tarot Reading Guide

WORDS: Cat Crawford IMAGE: Joanna Kosinska  Working with the four classical elements - air, water, fire and earth - within the Tarot, allows us to create a deeper context and direct our focus into specific areas of life. For example, if there's an abundance of...

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9 Tarot Courses To Help You Level Up Your Tarot

There are many ways you can learn Tarot, but for me, Tarot courses were the saving grace. It was only through a Tarot course that I managed to really master and hone my craft. After completing a beginners course, it wasn’t long before I was doing my advanced Tarot...

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The Ultimate Guide to Learning Tarot Reading

Welcome to the ultimate guide to learning Tarot. Here I’ll be talking you through everything you need to know in order to start learning Tarot. And, giving yourself the very best chance at learning Tarot reading easily. Below, you’ll find handy navigation to quickly...

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