Deepen Your Meanings



Your Tarot Reading skill can go from 0-60 by simply exploring different esoteric frameworks, subjects and structures, but how do you know where to start? Once you’ve learned the traditional meanings of the cards and you’ve got at least a seven card Tarot spread down, then there’s plenty of avenues you can take to further expand your understanding of the meanings of the cards. 

In this course, you’ll go from beginner to advanced by learning about key topics that all help you to deepen the meanings you know already. you’ll be challenged to ask more questions, think about everything you think you know from new perspectives and use ideas such as astrology and numerology to glean even more from your cards.  

Temperance Tarot Meanings Healing
Queen of Swords Tarot Meanings

In Energetic Tarot Advanced you’ll learn how to: 


Use other esoteric subjects in your interpretations


These additional esoteric subjects include numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, symbology and Jungian Archetypes. You’ll also be introduced to the concept of ‘The Fool’s Journey’ which will change the way you retrieve meaning from the Major Arcana forever.  


Deepen your understanding of the cards

By understanding different esoteric subjects and how they relate to the Tarot can massively improve the depth of meanings you can get from the cards. You’ll move away from simple keywords for the cards and start to see the more complex stories behind the meanings. This can also drastically boost the fluidity of your readings as a whole.


Increase your Tarot spreads and create fluid narratives

You’ll learn how to read a traditional Celtic Cross spread and start to make your readings smoother and more cohesive. Learning to larger spreads like this will also improve your storytelling skills, helping you craft narratives that connect with yourself and others on a deeper level.  


Here’s what will happen when you sign-up


It’s easy to enrol, just purchase the course from the shop and you’ll be directed on how to get started with the course.


You’ll get an email with a link to create your unique student login. This will give you access to the course portal and all materials.


The course is self-led so you can start whenever and take as long as you need. However, my inbox is always open for student questions!

Course Module Breakdown

Module 1: Refresh of Basic Knowledge

Before we get stuck into more advanced concepts, it’s important to do a fun and quick refresh of the basics. This acts as a warm up and puts all students on the same page, ready to get stuck in to more complex themes. 

Module 2: Jungian Archetypes

A core part of Energetic Tarot is the theory of Archetypes. We’ll take a look at psychologist Carl Jung’s archetypes and how they have been integrated into the Tarot to offer us a stronger connection between the cards and the human psyche. 

Module 3: The Fool's Journey

A framework made popular by author Rachel Pollack, you’ll learn how The Fool’s Journey works and what it tells us about the cards within the Major Arcana. You’ll learn how the archetypes learned in Module 2 impact us as well as the cycles we move through within the Tarot and subsequently in life itself. 

Module 4: Numerology

Moving away from the science, we start to dive more into the spiritual, starting with numerology. Numerology refers to the belief that numbers have unique properties that we can tap into, it is used a lot in Tarot, especially within the Minor Arcana. 

Module 5: Astrology

Astrology is another subject that has been absorbed into the meanings of the Tarot cards. We’ll look at how understanding basic astrology can help us get even more meaning from the cards, especially the Major Arcana cards. 

Module 6: Symbology

You’ll learn to spot all the different elements of symbology, not just in the traditional Rider Waite-Smith cards, but also in the illustrations of other, lesser known decks. Learning key symbols will allow you to better tap into any new decks you might want to use moving away from the Rider deck.  

Module 7: Kabbalah

You will look at the ‘Tree of Life’ as outlined in the mystical Jewish belief of Kabbalah. This is something used frequently in the creation of the Tarot and it can help us to see how the Major Arcana flows in and out of each other, giving you a more accurate representation of the flow of life. 

Module 8: Celtic Cross Spread

The most widely used Tarot reading spread is the Celtic Cross spread. This is a 10-card Tarot spread that many professional Tarot readers will use for their clients and on themselves. You’ll learn how to layout and move through this spread, creating a clear narrative and seamlessly flowing in and out of each card in the spread. 

Cat breaks everything down so beautifully. She is very easy to understand and you can just tell that she has a lot of knowledge to share about tarot. I was a complete beginner, had never even owned a tarot deck before I took her course. The breakdown and thought that she put into this is so greatly appreciated. This is the perfect course to begin your tarot journey! I’m so glad I took the leap 💖✨


I learned a lot from the Tarot fundamentals course. I was worried at first about how many cards I’d have to memorise, but Cat perfectly breaks everything down into manageable chunks. Now I feel a lot more confident reading for both myself and my family and friends!



Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly will I learn in the advanced course?

You will learn additional elements that can be used to deepen the meanings of the Tarot cards. You’ll build on the basics taught in the fundamentals course and start to build a more streamlined and professional reading style. 

The course is broken down into the following modules: 

  1. Refresh of the basics and knowledge test
  2. The Jungian Archetypes 
  3. The Fool’s Journey
  4. Numerology
  5. Astrology
  6. Symbolism
  7. Kabbalah
  8. Celtic Cross Spread


How long will I have access to the course?

You have lifetime* access to the course and your student login. This means there’s no rush to complete the course and you can learn at your own pace.  

What if I get stuck or confused about something?

If you get confused about anything or need something to be broken down further, feel free to drop me an email at cat@energetictarot.co.uk at any point throughout the course. I’m always happy to answer any questions that might pop up that the lessons might not cover. 

How long does the course take to complete?

As this is a self-led course, how long it takes is completely down to you and how fast or slow you learn. I always recommend taking the course as slow as possible as that is the best way to learn. Trying to cram too much information into your brain in a short space of time will hinder your learning and cause a great deal of frustration! 

On average, each lesson takes around 45-60 minutes to complete and there are a total of 14 lessons housed within 8 modules.  


What do I get when I purchase the advanced course?

When you purchase the course you get access to all 8 course modules as well as the lesson workbooks. The course is housed in an online learning portal, allowing you to track your progress through the course and make it easy to work at your own pace. 

Will I be able to go on to read for clients after this course?

Absolutely. By the end of this course you will have all the knowledge and understanding you need to offer deeply nourishing and rich Tarot readings to others. Although Energetic Tarot is aimed at using Tarot as a tool for personal development, all the skills you learn will be easily transferrable when reading for clients. 

*Lifetime access refers to the life span of the course itself. Any courses that are discontinued will be packaged up and sent to existing students as a Zip so it can be continued on your local device.



Ready To Get Started?