Tarot Journaling: Where to start with your Tarot Journaling journey

Oct 21, 2021 | Journaling, Learn Tarot

Tarot Journaling

Tarot journaling is on the rise and I’m not mad about it. It’s one of the few things in my life that I feel completely passionate about. Tarot is like a game of pass the parcel, every time I come back to it there’s a new layer to peel back and so much more depth and meaning to uncover.

You will probably start reading Tarot for yourself at the beginning of your journey, in order to get some practice in, but many people simply use this time as a means to an end. They want to hurry through and learn enough so they can read for others, but that means they miss the true nourishment of the Tarot.

Why use Tarot journaling?

I use Tarot journaling at least once a week, I could just give myself a reading and let that be it, but combining Tarot with journaling means that I spend more time actually thinking about the messages I’m receiving and breaking down my thoughts and feelings about what I’m reading on the cards.

If I just lay out the 10 cards in my Celtic Cross spread and worked through the reading verbally, talking to myself as if I was my own client, I will 100% forget everything as soon as I walk away. In order for things to sink in I have to write them down, so that’s how it all began for me, because of my terrible memory.


Tarot Journaling Tools


Not only does Tarot journaling help your reading to sink in a little deeper, but it also gives you space to really delve into the thoughts and feelings that come up for you. If I look at a card and feel resistance to the messages it’s giving me, I can use my journal to delve into those feelings more. Look at where those feelings may be coming from, why they may be arising when I look at that particular card. Doing this also allows me more flexibility to understand my own reactions and how those reactions are reflected in other cards in the spread. If I feel that resistance and figure out that it’s coming from a deeply rooted belief, is that belief reflected in the subconscious card? How can that subconscious card help me unpack this understanding further?

How to structure your Tarot journal

You don’t have to get fancy with it, you could use a cheap spiral notebook you got in a sale, or you can splash out and grab yourself something a bit more extravagant. I use my Magic of i Vegan Leather journal purely because I feel like choosing a journal I absolutely love applies a bit more magic to the practice.

When it comes to making notes about the reading, I like to keep things pretty straightforward. Once I’ve picked my 10 cards for my reading and I’ve set an intention for it, I make a note of what cards are in which positions.


Tarot Journaling - Magic of i journal

Magic of i Vegan Leather Journal – Black

Tarot Journaling Structure

My personal Tarot journal structure


From there I have two different approaches depending on how I feel. The first is to create headings for each card saying what position it is in and what the card is. Then I breakdown the messages I got from it and explore the things that come up underneath each heading.

Or, a more free flowing approach is sometimes necessary, especially when I want to just get everything down on the page with no limitations. For this, I first look at the reading as a whole and write a paragraph of my first initial thoughts. Then I go through card by card, always keeping in mind the cards around the one I’m focusing on, to make sure I use all the information that is being offered to me. I keep going card by card and then at the end I like to sum up and set myself some actionable tasks and goals based on everything I’ve uncovered.

How often should you do some Tarot journaling?

I try and do this every Sunday to help set me up for the week, but I don’t always do a full 10-card reading, I try and tap into my intuition to see how many cards I need for that week. I try and stick with 7-10 just so that I’ve got enough information to really get stuck in.

It’s worth noting though that there will be periods where I don’t feel like I need to do this for a few weeks. I never force myself to journal, I do it when I feel like it needs to be done or when I’m feeling like I need a bit more direction from the universe. Tarot journaling, like any kind of wellbeing and self-care ritual, should never become a chore. If you don’t feel like doing it, don’t do it! Nobody is judging you for skipping a session, you’re not losing out or missing any messages. Listen to your gut and trust that it will tell you when it needs some Tarot journaling time.

If you’re looking to get started with the world of Tarot and want an in-depth way to learn the basic meanings of the cards so you can get started, make sure to check out my self-led Tarot For Beginners online course. I take you through all 78 cards so that you can build a strong foundational knowledge on which to grow and develop your Tarot skills.

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