7 ways to better track your achievements

Feb 9, 2021 | Soul Purpose


Be honest with me, how much do you track your achievements? I bet you do the bare minimum right? Occasionally look at your bank statement or tax document to see how much you’ve made that year and then move on your merry way? But what if you went deeper? What if you really started to make tracking your achievements a staple of your daily workload?

I’m definitely guilty of half-assing it when it comes to tracking my achievements and business wins, but I’ve been making a conscious effort to spend more time and energy on it these past few weeks. The result? Not only have I managed to smash my financial goals, but I also feel so much more motivated in my work and inspired to try new things and take risks with my business.

I’d always known about the law of attraction and how it works and I was always like ‘yeh I’ll try that’ and then lazy me kicks in and I do nothing. Tracking your achievements helps you to show gratitude and pride in your work, it helps you to feel content with how things are right now and so the universe rewards you with a healthy dollop of progress and forward movement.

So, I’ve used my other business skill, digital marketing, to come up with a few practical ways you can start to better track your achievements. All these techniques are things I’ve used to track client progress and it can be just as easily applied to you and your own business. So here we go, my top 7 ways to better track your achievements.

Monthly goals and deadlines

This is something I do every month for myself and I have two different ways I like to do it. The first is to use my Breathe Magazine 52-week planner to set myself deadlines for big projects I’m working on. The second is to create a goal list on Canva and set myself around 5-6 goals, both business and personal, that I keep above my desk, so I can keep checking in. Having these monthly goals keeps me focused and moving in the right direction. Without it, I would procrastinate so hard nothing would ever get done.

Business journalling

In volume 2 of Witchness magazine, I’m going to be looking at assessing your relationship with your business and this point feeds into that nicely. There’s a lot of emotions that come up when we’re running our own business, so keeping a business journal, where we can focus on our achievements and feelings about our business, is a great way to keep on top of everything. This is also the ideal place to write things like achievement lists, gratitude lists and potential dream goals for the future.

Income tracking

Something that I have neglected for way too long. I have accounting software that helps me keep on top of the really important stuff like tax, but when it comes to actually acknowledging the amount of money coming into my business, I tend to cringe away from it. Mostly because I’m always expecting to have done worse than I think. I don’t know why though, I’ve never done worse than what I’ve initially thought. My fear of money has stopped me from really taking a close look at the money my business was making, I always focused on what my business was spending. Having a simple income tracker has made a huge difference though. I use a really simple Google Sheet and update it daily, it takes like 2 seconds. It tells me the full amount of money that has made its way into both my personal and business accounts. This helps me to see how much I’ve made altogether and I always get a boost of confidence when I see that final total at the end of the month.

Google Analytics

I use Google Analytics a lot for my marketing clients, but I also use it a lot for The Self-Care Emporium. If your website is a key part of how you do business, like mine is, then it is essential you grasp at least the basics of Google Analytics. The main ways I use it for myself are to see how many users have visited my website, which of my marketing channels are working best for me and to compare month by month so I can see how my efforts have helped improve my business. I can also track the revenue of my shop and see how things are going with the e-commerce side of my business.

A glimpse at my analytics for Feb compared to Jan. I can see that I’ve increase my website visits by 34.79%.

A glimpse at my analytics for Feb compared to Jan. I can see that I’ve increase my website visits by 34.79%.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is best if you want to track the SEO of your website, so this is handy if you have an eCommerce website or you’ve been working on getting found in those all-important Google Searches. I tend to use Search Console to help me figure out which of my blog posts are doing the best and also how I’ve been doing in terms of appearing in people’s search results.

Here’s a little look at the growth of my website over the last 12-months. See how there’s a big rise over the last few months? Huzzah!

Here’s a little look at the growth of my website over the last 12-months. See how there’s a big rise over the last few months? Huzzah!

Image boards (with a twist)

I love a vision board for goal setting and manifestation purposes, but you can also flip it on its head (adopt some of that Hanged Man energy from the tarot!). Instead of putting visuals onto your vision board of what you’d like to achieve, why not try putting visuals of what you’ve achieved that month? This can help to keep that firey motivation burning and really raise your vibes when starting a new month.

KPI tracking

This is a tool that I’ve used for clients in the past and it helps to not only chart new goals for the future but also see how much you’ve smashed your previous goals. For example, I use a KPI (key performance indicator) spreadsheet to help me set website visitor goals for the future because more website visitors equals more shop orders, more tarot clients and more growth for my business. I’ve also started using it to track shop orders and set revenue and order goals for the upcoming months.

An example of how I used the KPI tracking spreadsheet to track website traffic when I first launched The Self-Care Emporium.

An example of how I used the KPI tracking spreadsheet to track website traffic when I first launched The Self-Care Emporium.

Tracking is the key to future success

You should make sure that you’re using at least one way to track your progress and your big wins. Without this, it can be easy to let the moments worth celebrating fade away without acknowledgement. It’s not only good for your business, but it’s also good for your mind and spirit. It helps you to feel like you’re actually moving forwards.

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