The Chariot Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meanings


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The Chariot tarot meaning is one of trust, willpower and acceptance that we may not be able to do everything by ourselves. When we’re younger, we can’t wait to be an adult so we can take full control over our own lives, but once we reach adulthood, we realise that support from others is crucial.

Even for some seasoned professionals, reaching out for help and knowing when they’ve hit the ceiling, is something that is hard to accept. The Chariot then swoops in to remind you that we can all only get so far on our own and at some point, we will need to reach out and get help in order to reach the next stage in our growth.


In the upright position, The Chariot is a card of ambition and focus. It represents your drive to succeed and achieve your biggest hopes and dreams. However, it is also a lesson in humility and knowing when to celebrate your successes and when to be humble. The main upright meanings of The Chariot are:

  • Success

  • Focus

  • Ambition

  • Goals

  • Willpower

In the upright position, The Chariot is our chance to test our willpower and flex our control over a certain situation. It’s about understanding what drives us and why we do what we do. In life, we will have many different challenges and goals, but it’s only by pushing ourselves that we gain strength, wisdom and power.


In the reversed position, The Chariot can symbolise a lack of control or feeling like you are not in charge of your own life. It can often show that you have a desire to take back the power to your own life or situation, but currently feel unable to do so.

  • Lack of direction

  • Instability

  • Egotistical

  • Lack of willpower

  • Opposition

When thinking about the reversed meaning of the Chariot, think about the upright meanings and their negative counterparts. In the upright position you have ambition, but reversed you have a lack of ambition or even laziness.


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Reading The Chariot in a spread

When The Chariot makes an appearance it shows that you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. You have pushed yourself in order to develop and grow and now you’ve reached a point where you need a leg up to reach that next level in life. Although it all sounds great, this is often a tough card to fully embrace, as a lot of us tend to feel like we shouldn’t need help to get to where we want to be or that we have the skills to do it all ourselves.

Re-framing The Chariot can help to reveal some really deep insight into our current mindset and feelings around our situation. Let’s have a look at some ways we can start to do this.

As an invitation

The Chariot marks the final chapter of the first cycle of life. It’s a great place to pause and take a breather to see how you should progress. This means that if we read it as an invitation, we can be confident that we’re being invited to take that pause, whatever that may mean for you in the context of your situation.

For The Chariot, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation to look at the bigger picture and see what you need to embrace in order to take that next step in your journey

  • An invitation to check in with your ego and make sure that you’re not giving it full control over your current trajectory

  • An invitation to see how external help and support could benefit you

  • An invitation to see if you’re being too overbearing or overpowering in certain areas of your life and where you could loosen your grip a little

As sage advice

As advice, The Chariot can help you take a look at the bigger picture, rather than focusing on the gritty details. Its guidance centres on trust and self-assessment, it asks us to take our ambition and ego out of the equation for a second so that we can gain clarity and decide on the best way to move forward.

Some advice The Chariot may offer is:

  • Assess your decision making progress and decide if you’re trusting your intuition enough in order to make harmonious and balanced choices

  • Accept support when it is offered to you

  • Don’t allow your ego to take control of your direction in life, check yourself when arrogance starts to creep in and taint your hard work

  • Refocus on your priorities and don’t be distracted by temporary whims and desires

As a lesson

At this stage of the Major Arcana, the main lessons we are working through are the ones we need to learn to become a wiser and more focused human. We’ve done a lot of internal work up to this point and now The Chariot is here to carry us to the next level of consciousness. We need to shed the last of our naive childishness and start to step into adulthood fully.

Some lessons that The Chariot may offer you are:

  • To learn to balance our desires and our commitments, so that we can take responsibility for our actions and move in the right direction

  • To trust others and know that support is all around us if we need it

  • To understand that we are not able to move through life on our own steam alone

  • The lesson of willpower and self-control

As a redirection

The Chariot has strong adventurous energy and it is a card of journeys, both internal and external. As a redirection, The Chariot can hint that we’ve been led astray by our vices and it’s time to get back on track. It can be a symbol that we need support in our next venture and that we are trying to do far too much on our own.

As a redirection, The Chariot could symbolise a need to:

  • Seek out help from your external world

  • Find a more efficient way of achieving our goals

  • Celebrate how far you’ve come instead of how far you have left to go

  • Think about whether the direction you are currently moving in, is the right one for you and what you’re trying to achieve

In summary…

The Chariot is one that I see a lot with business and career-minded clients. It is often independence gone wild and symbolises that we need to take a moment to think about why we are so determined to do things on our own terms. This can be a great place to pause and delve back into previous cards like The High Priestess and The Hierophant, to see if there’s anything we need to re-align before we continue on our path.

How Does Tarot Reading Work: It’s All Energy Baby




A question I get asked a lot by people that are not in the witchy or spiritual community, is how does tarot actually work? It’s a tricky question to answer because there are multiple different ways tarot can work.

No tarot reader has the exact same experience when reading tarot and that’s hard to explain to those that believe that tarot is just about predicting the future.

Everything is energy

You may have seen a hashtag floating around talking about how energy is everything, but what does that actually mean in the real world? Well, everything in this world is created using energy and emits energy back out into the world.

Areas within quantum physics have looked at the universes varying sources of energy and Einstein was one of the scientists that realised that energy never disappears, it just gets recycled. Your energy, the energy that created you and the energy that you emit, is what we can use to read tarot.

Plus, with the theory of everything emitting energy, it makes sense that objects also emit energy, meaning that the cards themselves carry specific types of energy. We can use that energy output, to decide what the meaning of a spread is, but it’s not just the cards that tell us what’s happening, we have to give our input as well.

Learning a new language

When you decide to learn tarot card reading, you commit to learning a brand new language. I liken it to learning how to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. You are effectively learning how to read and interpret imagery and energy.

Each of the 78 cards has its own meanings and sometimes these cross over due to their similarities. For example, The Empress and the Queen of Pentacles have a lot of corresponding properties. Another pair that cross over are Judgement and the Eight of Cups, with their idea of letting go of what is holding you back.

When we start to learn to read tarot, each of these cards represents a type of energy and a tiny section of a bigger story, which is why the more cards a spread holds, the more detailed the reading will be. We can get a lot from just one card, but we have to be the one that fills in the blanks. It’s up to us to use our role as interpreter and energy reader, to create a narrative from that card. We have to feel out the story it tells by using tools such as empathy, compassion and creativity.

Becoming an interpreter

If you’re reading tarot for other people, you need to be able to get a reading of their energy. Because I do all my readings online, the way I do this is by trying to get a read on the energy behind the question or enquiry. Nobody wakes up one morning when everything is going swimmingly and says ‘I feel like I should get a reading’ there is always a subconscious driver behind the need for a tarot reading, we just have to try and figure out what it is.

I always ask my clients for context around their question, I try and get a feeling of the emotional state they’re in and how they’re reacting to the situation. This is all energy reading. You are using the energy behind their words or if you’re on a video call, by their facial expressions or the inflexions when they talk.

Once you’ve got a grasp of the type of energy your client is emitting, then you move onto the cards. You can then put the meanings of the cards up against the question and compare the meanings to the energy the client is giving off.

I then ask myself some key questions:

  • Is the energy from this card complimenting the energy I’m getting from the client?

  • Is the energy from this card conflicting with the energy I’m getting from the client?

Complimentary energy means that there is clarity to the reading, the answers the cards are presenting are probably things the client already sort of knew or was expecting. If the energy is in conflict with the energy of the client, then it may be that there is some inner work that needs to be done to bring these things to light, or there are things that the client is avoiding or reluctant to admit to themselves.

What if you read the energy wrong?

When you first start tarot reading, I highly recommend asking your clients as many questions as possible, especially throughout the reading. This will help you pick up on any energy shifts and help you read the person a little better.

Of course, we are all only human and we may be off the mark a little sometimes, but if you can open a strong line of communication with your client, then it gives you more room to move things around and really figure things out together.

If the person you’re reading for tells you that you’re completely wrong and gets angry with you (I’ve NEVER had this just FYI) then it could be that the fault lies on their end. They may be really reluctant to accept the truth of their situation, or the cards may have called them out on their own bullshit. Remember, you’re reading their energy, so if that’s the energy they’re giving off, there must be something deeper going on. I find this happens most often in love readings, which is why I’m very careful when agreeing to any tarot reading around love.

Want an easy way to learn tarot reading that allows you to go at your own pace? Check out my online Tarot For Beginners Course!



The Emperor Card Meaning | Tarot Card Meaning


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The Emperor is the card of the divine masculine, it is a symbol of power, strength and authority. Often when The Emperor rears his head in a reading, there is a need to step up and take back control or flex your own authority.

He is also seen as the father figure in the major arcana, the yang to The Empress’ yin, or in Pagan traditions, the sun to The Empress’ moon. He is strict, abides by the laws and rules and can enforce his authority with ease.


When The Emperor appears right side up, he can represent a number of different properties, such as:

  • Leadership

  • Authority

  • Discipline

  • Divine Masculine

  • Control

  • Power

In the upright position, The Emperor is often a sign that there is a need to step into your power, to not be afraid to take or chase what you really want. Depending on the position, The Emperor can also represent someone else taking your power away from you, or blocking you from being able to be more authoritative. This could be a boss or even a controlling parental figure.


In the reversed position, The Emperor can point towards our weaknesses in character or even our ego taking over. All the attributes of The Emperor upright are now flipped on their heads and turned inwards. Some reversed meanings for The Emperor are:

  • Stubbornness

  • Egotistical

  • Controlling

  • Authoritarian

  • Undisciplined

The Emperor is the master, the ruler of everything. I like to think of him as a figure such as Zeus, Henry VIII or Daenerys from Game of Thrones. In fact, she’s a great example of The Emperor moving from the upright to the reversed position over time.

Characters That Represent The Emperor

To help you get a better feel for The Emperor, here are a few characters from history and media that will help you understand the essence of The Emperor card.

  • Henry VIII – King of England

  • Daenerys Stormborn (Khaleesi, breaker of chains… you get the gist) – Game of Thrones

  • Zeus – Greek God

  • Alexander Hamilton – Hamilton

  • Walter White – Breaking Bad

  • Elizabeth I – Queen of England

  • Princess Leia/ General Organa – Star Wars


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Reading The Emperor in a spread

The Emperor is the opposite of The Empress, in that he is the authoritative leader who takes charge and is all about action rather than feeling. The Emperor has the same unmoving energy as a brick house or a large boulder. He does things on his own terms and so he can be quite a confronting energy to get in your tarot spreads. Let’s have a look at different ways we can approach this stoic energy of The Emperor when he makes an appearance in our readings.

As an invitation

When we read The Emperor as an invitation, it can seem like an invite that we are afraid to decline. He’s very forceful in his message and it can feel like more of a command than an invitation, but it’s offered in the vein of tough love, rather than manipulation or control.

For The Emperor, this invitation could be the following:

  • An invitation to explore your own personal strength and power

  • An invitation to see where you can exercise more control and authority

  • An invitation to explore your own capabilities and desires

  • An invitation to explore your divine masculine and see how you can use it more effectively

As sage advice

The Emperor is a big fan of dishing out advice. He can be a bit egotistical so the advice he offers comes from a very self-assured and confident place. When The Emperor offers you advice, it is always for your own good, even if it’s hard to hear. He can also highlight when you’ve taken his energy a bit too far in the other direction, causing you to be unyielding when you don’t have to be.

Some advice The Emperor may offer is:

  • To stop allowing people to manage your affairs, take control of your own stuff

  • Be mindful of when you are being stubborn, rather than simply standing your ground

  • Check in to see if you are making decisions based on your ego or using your intuition

  • Never give up your power to make others happy or soothe somebody else’s ego

As a lesson

The archetype of the father figure, which The Emperor is based off, is someone that relishes dolling out hard lessons. The Emperor wants you to learn the hard way and therefore he can often represent those difficult lessons we are faced with throughout our lives.

Some lessons that The Emperor may offer you are:

  • To not let anyone else take your power away from you

  • To be a leader but not a dictator, find a balance between authority and compassion

  • To identify the areas of your life where The Emperor energy is needed and where it can be put to one side in favour of more nurturing energy

  • Not everything will be done for you, at some point you’ll need to step up and take control of your own destiny

As a redirection

The Emperor as a redirection is a call to action. If you’ve been planning, strategising or just thinking about how to solve your problem or overcome your challenges, The Emperor appears to tell you it’s time to put in the work. He is an anti-procrastination card because he has no time for those that dilly-dally.

As a redirection, The Emperor could symbolise a need to:

  • Step up and take control of the situation

  • Check your ego and pride to see if they are standing in your way

  • Release your hold on situations you’ve been gripping tightly – this is especially important in the realm of relationships

  • Take on more responsibility for your own actions

In summary…

The Emperor may seem like a harsh card, but remember that his energy is always in service of you. The Emperor, like any of the tarot cards, wants you to succeed and thrive, he’s just a bit more direct in his approach. When you are faced with The Emperor card, it helps to also think about The Empress and consider how each card would view the problem or question you are asking about.

What Tarot Cards Should I buy?




When you’re completely new to the world of tarot, it can be a bit daunting choosing what tarot cards to buy for the first time. There is some mythology that you should only be gifted your first tarot deck, but many of us have gone against this tradition, taking our first tarot decks into our own hands.

What do you need to think about when choosing a tarot deck?

When it comes to choosing your new tarot deck, there are a couple of things you will want to think about. A lot of the decisions you will make when it comes to deciding on the types of cards you want, will depend on your understanding of and experience with tarot reading.

You will also want to think about whether you want to use your cards for personal use or for clients. If you want to use your tarot cards for your own personal readings, then you can pretty much choose any deck you like the look of, just as long as it comes with a guidebook to help you understand the meanings of each card.

If you are looking for a tarot deck to use for client readings, then it is important that you can read the cards intuitively and easily. This means you need to be able to really connect with the imagery of the cards and be able to pull together a story, that also makes sense and connects with your clients.

Connecting with the imagery

The imagery is, for me, one of the most important aspects of a tarot deck, if I don’t connect with the pictures on the cards, I find it very difficult to interpret their meanings. I have to be excited by the cards I’m reading, which is why I always choose cards that look beautiful and inspire creativity in me.

If you are just starting out with tarot and you’ve never even come across a tarot deck before, I highly recommend getting yourself the Rider Waite tarot deck. This is the OG deck and the imagery is something many of us will have seen throughout popular culture. The images on the Rider Waite deck are immensely detailed and they hold a lot of hidden clues and meanings that can be used to give very detailed readings.

Luckily for us modern tarot readers, we have our pick of beautifully designed tarot cards and many of them are based off the Rider Waite meanings, allowing us to transition seamlessly from the original Rider Waite tarot deck, to more contemporary cards, such as the Mystic Monday’s Deck or the Elemental Power Deck.

The images in these more modern decks are very closely based on the Rider Waite images, meaning that if you are familiar with the more traditional illustrations, you won’t have too much trouble interpreting these custom designs.

The most important thing to think about when choosing a more modern tarot deck, is that you NEED to be able to connect with the imagery on a spiritual level. Just because a deck looks beautiful, doesn’t always mean that it will be a good deck for you. Listen to your gut, does the imagery excite and inspire you?

Meanings and interpretations

There are hundreds of books out there that aim to help you understand the different meanings of the cards, but remember that many of these focus on the Rider Waite meanings and only apply to tarot decks that follow the same meanings.

All of the tarot decks in our store follow the Rider Waite meanings, so it doesn’t matter which deck you want to transition to, you’ll have no problem applying everything you’ve already learned.

Keep in mind that not all tarot decks follow the same meanings, so if you’ve learned the meanings of one deck, that knowledge may not always apply to a new deck. Make sure to check before buying whether you’ll have to start from scratch with your new tarot cards.

Quality of the cards

Good quality tarot cards should be thick, easy to shuffle and not too slippy if they’re laminated. All of the decks we have in our store have been tested by myself to determine their quality and they are all excellent!

We have beginner decks that are laminated and a medium thickness, such as the Rider Waite, Mystic Mondays and the matte Elemental Power Tarot.

Pricier than some of our other tarot decks but 100% worth every penny. These cards are sure to last a lifetime, as they are very thick, matte and have a beautiful finish to them. The illustrations on these are for those that are a little more accustomed to tarot reading, as they’re fairly abstract.

The quality of your cards are very important, especially if you want to invest in a good quality deck that will last you forever. If you read tarot for clients, the Threads of Fate tarot is highly recommended.

How do you know it is time to buy a new tarot deck?

If you’ve been thinking about getting yourself a new tarot deck, then that is your sign! If you are completely new to tarot, I highly recommend jumping into the deep end, grabbing yourself a deck and get started doing simple 3-card tarot readings for yourself in order to learn the cards.

If you already have a deck and you’re looking for something a little more impressive or indulgent, then investing in thicker, higher quality cards like the Threads of Fate tarot is highly advised.

How to use tarot cards to plan business growth & manage your day-to-day




I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I LOVE tarot cards. Not just for my personal life, but I use them everyday to help me find focus and direction with my business.

When you work alone, it can be tricky to have 100% confidence in the decisions you make. You can find yourself second guessing new ideas or new directions you want to take. The tarot cards (for me anyway) are a tool to help me find confidence within myself, ensure I’m prioritising the right things and being mindful of the process of owning my own business.

Now, I want to help other solopreneurs to find the same comfort and support from tarot cards that I do. So, here are five ways you can use tarot cards to plan business growth and manage your day-to-day business tasks.

Finding focus for your day

One of the main ways I use tarot cards for my business, is through daily three card readings. I like to use the cards to find a singular focus for my day, help me realise what I need to pay attention to and be mindful of the obstacles that could pop up throughout the day.

This really helps me to tackle tasks head on and allows me to create a more positive mindset, with which to tackle my mountain of work. This simple three card spread is ideal for keeping you mindful all day and allowing you to spot issues before they can arise.

Setting business intentions

Using tarot cards, I can also set an overall intention for my business. I can ask the cards to help me better understand my target audience and ask them how I can ensure I keep my wellbeing a priority, as I set out on this journey.

When you’re so involved in your own business, it can be easy to lose track of the big picture. Using tarot as a business tool means that I can always check in and make sure I’m focusing my energy in the most effective areas.

Using the Celtic Cross spread for yearly reviews

I did this at the beginning of 2020, to get a better idea of what I can hope to achieve during the year and what things may get in the way of me achieving my goals.

The beauty of the Celtic Cross spread is that it provides a huge amount of detail. It encourages you to see how all aspects of your being, your conscious mind, subconscious, thoughts and emotions, all work together. When it comes to business, it’s not just about the hustle or good luck, it’s also about balance, wellbeing and knowing when to put yourself before the work.

The Celtic Cross spread really helped me to see what was realistically possible in my business, given where I am in my life, my mindset and my outlook on the future.

Balancing work and life

Working for yourself is amazing, but it can also be exhausting and time consuming. Too many solopreneurs forget to spend some time on their wellbeing and actually living a life outside of their business. Using tarot readings, either once or twice a month, forces you to sit down and really spend some time looking inwards and listening to what your body and mind needs.

Inner work is so important when you are working solo, because you only have yourself to rely on, which means you need to make sure you are in peak condition. Work/life balance becomes extremely important and so using tools like the tarot, crystals or oracle decks allows you to carve out important you time.

Prioritising tasks

The tarot cards can also be used to prioritise your tasks for the day, no matter if it is business or personal tasks.

By asking the cards to help you find a focus or intention for the day, you’ll be able to understand what tasks are the most important for the day ahead.

For example, if I was to ask my cards what I needed to focus on that day, and they said that I had to remember to take time out, I would make sure I didn’t create a task list that takes up my whole day.

Another example would be if you asked your cards what things need to take priority today and they told you that communication is the most important thing to focus on. I’ll then put emails or social management on the top of my task list.

I use tarot cards for my own business and I’ve seen how much it can help me get my chaotic thoughts and feelings in order. By adding these tools into my routine, I’ve been able to ensure I can always re-find my balance whenever I get off track and my business has reaped the benefits.