Choose Your Online Tarot Reading Package
I have three distinct Tarot reading packages to choose from. Each one is an online, email Tarot reading service which focuses on a specific problem or situation. Choose which reading package is best for you or take the quick and easy quiz at the bottom of this page to find out which is the best fit.

Soul Craft: Creative Entrepreneurship
This reading is designed for those who are looking to manifest their dream soul-led or creative business.
In your reading I’ll pull a eight card Tarot spread that looks at the following energies currently at play:
- How aligned your passion is with your current professional path – taking a look at your energy and that of the actions you have been taking so far, to identify any misalignments and how these could be brought together to encourage greater success.
- How aligned your creative/dream vision is with your authentic self – reviewing the energy you are currently embodying, your needs, wants, actions and perspectives on your business and how aligned the person you are now is with the image you have of your dream business.
- What entrepreneurial blocks are currently getting in the way of success – we’ll identify the blocks that are stopping you from being the business owner and badass entrepreneur you need to be, in order to manifest this dream business.
Inner Alchemy: Personal Transformation Readings
This reading is designed for those who want to do deep inner work, focusing on your emotional and spiritual growth.
In your reading I’ll pull an eight-card Tarot spread that looks at the following:
- Your five key areas of well-being – Based on the classical elements of air, fire, water and earth and the fifth element of spirit, we’ll assess any imbalances within your 5 key areas of wellness and see what needs more attention or balance.
- Your limiting beliefs and unconscious blockages – Doing inner work is always tricky because your mind will constantly put up blockages to help keep itself safe. however, this can mean that things that are actually causing problems on the surface are hidden in the depths of the psyche.
- Mapping out your path to transformation – By assessing the areas that need work, what’s keeping you stuck or on repeat and bringing areas of the self to your attention that you would never have had access to on your own, we’ll be able to map out a clear map of transformation, taking you from the person you are right now into a next-level you.

Inspired Becoming: Purpose & Potential Readings
This reading is designed for those who want to find their purpose and align their inner and outer worlds more effectively.
In your reading I’ll pull a eight card Tarot spread that looks at the following energies currently at play:
- What is currently blocking you from self-actualisation – Self-actualisation is all about creating a process that helps you realise your full potential and take action to make that a reality.
- What your authentic life purpose might look like – We’ll explore what your authentic purpose might look like at this point in your life and assess the path you’re on with the path you need to be on, in order to make that purpose a reality.
- How we can better empower you to become a more confident, powerful and motivated version of yourself – Using the reading, we’ll create an action plan to help you see what areas of your life need attention, to help support you in becoming the very best version of yourself.