Soul Purpose

Finding work/life balance tarot spread

When it comes to finding balance, it all pivots on priorities. If you’re not prioritising the right things, you start to develop bad habits that can effect your health, your business or your relationships. If we want to make sure we have a healthy balance between work and life, we need to start by breaking down the things we prioritise.

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Tools to help you create a better work/life balance

I love my jobs, I have two in total one of them being The Self-Care Emporium, so I have no problem spending all my time at my laptop tapping away. I can spend hours on Canva working on Witchness magazine or writing endless blogs and emails for you guys. However, I also know that if I allow myself to indulge in this workaholic behaviour, I’ll fall deep down the rabbit hole and plunge into burnout and business fatigue.

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Finding moderation as an entrepreneur

We’ve all been brought up on films and TV shows with characters who fit into either the ‘love for life’ category or the ‘workaholic’ category. We never see a character that loves their job, works super hard but also makes sure to take time off and relax. They’re always on holiday and having to check their phone or being drawn away from their family time by a demanding boss or work emergency. But what if you could love your job and still have healthy boundaries for personal time?

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7 ways to better track your achievements

Be honest with me, how much do you track your achievements? I bet you do the bare minimum right? Occasionally look at your bank statement or tax document to see how much you’ve made that year and then move on your merry way? But what if you went deeper? What if you really started to make tracking your achievements a staple of your daily workload?

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Showing yourself some self-compassion

We talk a lot about self-care, but self-compassion is a little different and one that often gets merged into the role of self-care. From my experience wandering around the internet, many people associate self-care with looking after their physical and mental wellbeing, but self-compassion goes a little deeper than that. I always imagine self-compassion to be more balanced, with an equal focus on the positive and the negative.

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Is your business your life’s purpose?

Yes, I will be the first to admit that this post is very much inspired by the new Disney movie Soul (2020), which seems to follow a new Pixar trend in causing an existential crisis in adults and children alike. However, the themes of Soul was already on my radar and have been for quite some time.

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