The Hermit Tarot Meanings

The Hermit Tarot Meanings

MAJOR ARCANA The Hermit Tarot MeaningsWhen it comes to some of the wisest and most philosophical people in history, they all share a common thread and that is that they prioritised time where they could just sit and think. It’s something we very rarely do these days,...

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Strength Tarot Meanings

Strength Tarot Meanings

MAJOR ARCANA Strength Tarot MeaningsThe Strength tarot card is one of the major arcana cards that does exactly as it says on the tin. Strength, when it appears in a tarot reading, represents our own strength. This could be physical strength or more commonly it refers...

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The Chariot Tarot Meanings

The Chariot Tarot Meanings

MAJOR ARCANA The Chariot Tarot MeaningsThe Chariot tarot meaning is one of trust, willpower, and acceptance that we may not be able to do everything by ourselves. When we’re younger, we can’t wait to be an adult so we can take full control over our own lives, but once...

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The Lovers Tarot Meanings

The Lovers Tarot Meanings

MAJOR ARCANA The Lovers Tarot MeaningsThe Lovers Tarot card is most coveted by those looking for positive news for their romantic lives. However, as the card of Gemini, The Lovers is more about the relationship with the self than your relationships with others. The...

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The Hierophant Tarot Meanings

The Hierophant Tarot Meanings

MAJOR ARCANA The Hierophant Tarot MeaningsThe Hierophant Tarot meaning is one that dates back to when religion was the main powerhouse of society. Hierophant is an old word that can also mean pope, cardinal, bishop, or any other form of a religious leader. It is a...

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The Emperor Tarot Meanings

The Emperor Tarot Meanings

MAJOR ARCANA The Emperor Tarot MeaningsThe Emperor is the card of the divine masculine, it is a symbol of power, strength, and authority. Often when The Emperor rears his head in a reading, there is a need to step up and take back control or flex your own authority....

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