The Energetic Tarot Blog Archive

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How To Celebrate World Tarot Day & My Story

How To Celebrate World Tarot Day & My Story World Tarot Day is close at hand; if you’re unaware, I’m here to introduce it to you. Get ready to learn about what this day represents, how you can celebrate it and I’ll let you in on my Tarot journey so...

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Why is Tarot Trending Again?

Why is Tarot Trending Again?  Why is Tarot trending again? Over the last few years, we’ve seen a Tarot renaissance. More decks than ever are being produced and we can now find decks on the shelves of mainstream shops such as Urban Outfitters and...

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The Swords Tarot Cheat Sheet

The Swords Tarot Cheat Sheet One of the things I love most about the Tarot is how much there is to learn. However, it can be overwhelming. That’s why I thought I’d put together some cheat sheets for the Tarot cards. Today we start with the Swords Tarot cheat...

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How To do a Tarot Reading On Yourself

How To Do a Tarot Reading on Yourself One of the hardest things about Tarot reading is knowing how to do a Tarot reading on yourself. You would think it would be easier, but oh no. The more you have invested in the outcome, the harder it is to see the truth. This...

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What Are the Minor Arcana Cards in a Tarot Deck?

What Are the Minor Arcana Cards in a Tarot Deck? What are the minor arcana cards in a Tarot Deck? Well, they are the cards that make up the other 56 cards in a standard 78-card Tarot deck. These minor arcana cards are split into four groups or suits. Each suit has its...

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How to Use Tarot For Self-Reflection

How to Use Tarot For Self-Reflection Knowing how to use Tarot for self-reflection can blow personal development wide open. We are so disconnected from the self in these modern times, Tarot allows us to come back home to who we are at our core. It illustrates the soul....

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How To Use Tarot Cards

How To Use Tarot Cards Tarot cards are a tool. They can be used to better understand our own psyche, explore our subconscious and be mindful of the conscious. When you pick up a deck of cards - like any tool - you need to know what you plan to use it for and what your...

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How to Cleanse Tarot Cards

WORDS: Cat Crawford IMAGE: Karly Jones, Studio KealaulaKnowing how to cleanse Tarot cards isn’t something that is often taught to Tarot beginners. Most of the time, you have to feel out for yourself. This is because how you cleanse your own Tarot cards is based on...

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Where to start your spiritual journey?

I remember back in the day when I was just starting my own spiritual journey I thought ‘how do you know where to start your spiritual journey?’. I took one look at how many different avenues I could go down, got scared and retreated. From then on I was living in a...

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How To Start Your Spiritual Journey

As a spiritual coach, I am often approached by women who are looking to take a step into spirituality. They may want to take better care of their well-being or find a way to disconnect from being the ambitious business owners they are. But, the majority of them are...

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